I'm gonna try that as well as wall of the top sort of so you can't really look down from everywhere. That may help out a bit.
aye, 'twill. its really too bad bungie cant add new forgeable objects to the old maps.. the possibilities would be crazy!
Im not sure yet. I need to get a date, a time and then possibly post in the testing forum. Its hard because I live in Australia and our times are very different.
yea i live in UK and the time differences for that with America is bad enough so i can only guess how u feel.
ouch and im on PST, and G043R is on EST lol... anyways, yeah i would crypto. could you put it on your fileshare and send it to me? if you have me added on xbl EDIT: actually upload it and post the link here, il download it
the pit is where the cars go to fix up during a race (ok its called the pits but close enough). I dont mind, if you have another suggestion thats cool.
ooooh i understand... i was thinking of the pit as more of something like... a battle pit/rumble pit for the name
People over at this thread have been really helpful in finding different names for Grandstand, so I'm going setup a vote. I have chosen a few names that could work and I want to see which name you guys like the most. 1. Grandstand 2. Prix (or The Prix) 3. Podium (or The Podium) 4. Pitfall Just mention which name in your post aswell as continuing with the main discussion of this thread. Thanks in advance. p.s: Its getting rather close to christmas so testing before now and then probably wont happen. The other problem is that I will be getting a new game for christmas so I'm gonna be spending my time playing that game. On top of that my xbox live gold runs out soon next year. To the point, when are we gonna test this map and other maps?
I personally feel like the word 'Pit' should be in there somewhere. Something simple, and immediately understandable. I personally liked Knight's Pitted, but that's just me. Something like Pity, Pittance, Pitfall.
i like pitfall and podium. as for testing, im free any time.. if anyone has any limitations lemme know.. oh and i cant play at night for me so around... 8:00 PST which would be 11:00 EST
I've made a Construct map and a Standoff map that I could show you if you're interested. I also plan on working on a few other Pre-DLC maps in the future and I fully support this idea.
The Standoff one has some blocked sightlines and an added center bridge structure that houses the Laser. There is also a Sniper at each base and a Grav Hammer in replace of Camo. All the spawns are generally the same. The Construct one has a Sentinel Beam in place of the Flamethrower (fits the Forerunner theme better.) It also has Sword spawn on the platform below the original Sword spawn. Sniper is the same. Laser spawns at the top of Gold Lift. Camo spawns at Sword. I also added two power cores inside the purple lift rooms to help combat camping a little bit. EDIT: Link to the Standoff map. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=102878986