I've dedicated myself to making boat maps now, I present to you, the people of Forge Hub my latest boat map. Boats on Water V.2 Boats on Water V.2 is, as I've said my latest boat map. After the dissapointment that was 'Pirates on the High Seas' I decided to return tot he origional formula and added all suggestions to the origonal map. Gametype Players are invincible. Players CAN be killed on the hill. Players must race their boat to the island to win the game. Players WILL enjoy themselves :3 Anyways, enough dwelling in the past, this is now, and now is below. ^Red base ^Blue base ^The Island (note fusion coils and custom, to be covered later) The island, for those of you who didn't play V.1 is a new feature, infact, the whole structure is a new feature. This is what the old map looked like: V.1 picture V.1 picture So now, the teams fight for control of the island, instead of a patch of sea. Some people might like this, others mabye not. The custom powerup. The custom powerup spawns once every two minutes. It makes the player who grabs it invincible for ten seconds, it also, lowers their gravity, making the fusion coils deadly. Proper use of the Custom can turn a game around. Action shots: This was tested with 8 (I think) people, however my Xbox messed up and the film deleted itself, and i haven't been able to test it since. So, these pictures are from a 1 v 1 So, thats the map. All feedback, both positive and negative appreciated. Download below: Map:Water V.2 Gametype:Boats
This looks fun. You take a boat to the hill and stay there. Hmmm, but can't they just grenade jump! I would like to more maps just like this. the only thing I would change is where the Island is. I would move it futher away from the spawn area. Spawn Killing isn't Fun. 8= =D But Good Job!
The island is as close to the invisible wall as possible, in fact there's a very small part of the island that you can't step on because of the wall, it was preety annoying. Also you can't be spawn killed because you're invincible
I really like this map. One of the better casual maps I've seen come through forgehub. I knew the boats on Longshore had potential and look what turned out. The forging looks neat and tidy although it is a very small map. Great work.
first off, why the *****??? and second i was wondering if this is like multi team or just team slayer( 2v2v2v2 or 4v4)? but good idea on the whole island instead of water
Thanks guys! I really didn't think this would be such a hit @Whiizzle i would probs say 4v4 but it works fine with 2v2. This is because each team only has two boats. But it works with any amount of players P.S has anyone Downloaded? My download count says 0 :'(
hmm, using shields is generally distracting, and you just set shields to normal, and set the players to invincible?
Um.. what? I think you mean if oversheilds are on? No, they aren't. Oversheilds are off and invincibility is on. The picture with oversheilds is from V.1. Normal sheils are on for a fair fight on the island.
Hm... I like the attempt, but could you by any chance make a V 1.5? This would have the same design as the #1 of the map, but blocking off the left team's side boat-to-escape, which is taking the boat past the mancannon, and then jumping to land. Also, a small harbor at the back. V2.0 is a good idea, but letting the boat sink fairly deep allows direct access to the opponent's side. Jump just as it sinks near the "*****." said whiizle. I agree.
I don't really understand you simonstwin, could you please expand on that? And I may make a V.1.5, but, I'm already working on a V.3, so expect delays
Liked The Concept I liked the concept, but I think it would be cooler to control a patch of sea still. Anyway, thats just my opinion. Everything else is pretty good, so I guess It'll earn you 4.5 stars in my review.
So, mabye a structure minus the island. I'll think about that and I might move V.3 under the pier, because theres more space.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea, because then it would be like a boat battle instead of a land battle. It would be more tactical too, because you have to manage moving the boat, shoot enemies, and stopping it from doing under water.
Great, I loved V1, but you really did strive to do better, and you suceded. This is one of my favorite games on Halo3, keep it up!
Thanks Grim, I've begun on V.3! It's nothing much ATM just a couple of floating boxes under the pier, but I'm hoping that it'll become something much, much better =) It'll probabaly be done by January, but you'll probs have to wait a bit longer because i have a tendancy to wait a long time before I post a map, but I will deliver
I always liked the rafts on longshore me and my friends used to hop on them and go as far as we could but we always sank.
Could you please talk about the map rather than your own related experiances. Did you like the map? Did you think anything could be improved? e.t.c Also, take that link out of your post, at least put it in your sig. On V.3 I've made some objects floating in the water kind of like pillars
Sadly, you can still get out of the map, like verson one, with the grav lift. Try to fix this and it will make it alot better!
Could you please tell me how you escaped the map? I thought it was fool proof but, IDK how anyone managed to escape.