Fantastic film. The unparalleled CG was complemented with an airtight storyline that oozed the same Cameron magic as Titanic. It starts a little rocky, but ends up being hugely engrossing. The 3D is utterly daunting, especially during scenes atop cliffs, where the panning camera gives you a real sense of vertigo. Oh, and the actors are top-notch.
The most badass part of this movie was when... Spoiler Jake, Trudy, Doc Augustine, and that other guy were escaping from the human base and Colonel Quaritch saw them on the monitor and he took a gun and kicked open the door and just started shooting them without an oxygen mask. SO ****ING BADASS. He was such a BAMF.
Other BA moments included: Spoiler When Tsu'tey boarded the shuttle and shot a marine with a bow and arrow in mid-air and then proceeded to throw two dudes out Or Spoiler When Jake faced off with the rhino and won Or Spoiler When Jake captured Turok and made him his ***** But I agree Whisper that part was badass
James Cameron + Camera Angles in 3D that supposedly make some people feel sick + 3D therefore making look like your actually there = Final Verdict: This is gonna be good...
The story line is pretty similar to how alot of the movies are today. Main character goes in with just his point of view, learns the other peoples ways (falls in love with the clans daughter duh) changes his mind and fights for what is right. Just your regular action love story, but dude i want to be a Nabi that would be so badass. To fly one of those deals, i bet you could tame a rhino thing too it has the same connectors on it.
Kids and their corny action flicks. You wanna see a real movie? Check out Brothers. Parts of that movie feel so realistic it's insane, and it wasn't a rediculously high-budget film. I suggest NOT watching the trailer. It shows parts of the movie that leave a whole lot 'expecting' when in the theater.
Dude, that's because Brothers IS REAL. It's not animated like Avatar is. Learn before posting please.
Also did you even see the movie? It wasn't corny at all, it was a masterpiece of design, i mean for christ sake the director of titanic haha um i think the world would expect excellence from the man and he did deliver.
I thought it was a really well done movie, it was kind of a futuristic space western. It took what, 12 years to make? So much of it was CGI but it looked amazing in 3D. It was worth the $13 in my opinion.
Rotten Tomatoes doesn't compile reviews written by 'kids' last time i checked. Brothers: Brothers Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes Overall: 57% Top Critics: 20% Avatar: Avatar Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes Overall: 82% Top Critics: 87% kthxgtfo (to help prove that rotten tomatoes knows good movies from bad, New Moon got a 28%)
It's quite apparent that when I said 'real' I was referring to the genre of the movie, hence my jokingly said statement beforehand. No need to defend Avatar's cinematography, as that has hardly any effect on the greatness of a movie. And yes, I did see Avatar. It was good, but followed several clichés that left me underwhelmed. While the effects were amazing, I walked out thinking I had seen just another high budget action film. Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm shocked at the amount of offense people take when someone says they didn't find it particularly special... Personally, I haven't seen it yet, seeing as I am behind on several movies that are currently showing that I want to see. Regardless, I was never highly excited nor interested in this flick. Undeniably it would action-packed, with the highest end effects, but to me the story seemed as cliche as it could get. I've always been a sucker for movies that create alternate universes to display the ridiculousness of modern issues (discrimination, war, etc.), but lately I've come to notice that more and more films seem to be taking this "political" message route, shown through gratuitous action. Now, I have a friend who saw it and confirmed my suspicions that this film's characters were your typical archetypes; a protagonist who starts his journey with one purpose, and changes face in support of the people who originally opposed; a headstrong princess; the bad ass of the bad ass warriors who doesn't accept the protagonist until the end; etc. I'm sure my adrenaline will get its money's worth, but I don't think it will really appeal to me story-wise. But who knows, maybe my opinion was spoiled ever since James Cameron wasted 2 hours of my E3 presentation... Oh, and to whoever said that this took "12 years to make", that clock starts at the time the idea is "conceived". Quintin Tarantino, for example, had been preparing for Inglourious Basterds since Pulp-Fiction, and started writing it before Kill Bill.
"Kids and their corny action flicks." =/= "i didnt find this particularly special" and regardless, all avatar fanboys are here. i'm shocked that you're shocked people took offense. everything else you said i agree with because i'm also in the category of people who haven't seen avatar but plan to. I could care less about the movie on its own, but i'm a sucker for Imax awesome and this beast is in 3-D. Yeah, the gimmick got me...