Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This thread is for people to explain the stories or experiences behind the making of their gamertag.

    Mine is rusty eagle. Unfortunately someone already used rusty eagle, so I use a capital I in L's place.

    I worked at a summer camp and was trained as a lifeguard. While there we learned three different lifeguard entires. The purpose of these entries was to keep your head above water so that you can keep an eye on your victim. Well the most painful of these entries was the rusty eagle. It was a kind of bellyflop with a mix of waving your arms like a bird, hilarious to watch. They called me the eagle because my arms are longer in wingspan than I am tall.

    P.S. look up the meaning of rusty eagle on urban dictionary (It has nothing to do with my gamertag).

    Well that's the meaning of my gamertag, what's yours?
    #1 rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
    Bottlecap and MealonX like this.
  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    When I started playing online shooters, I played under 'shock' surrounded by << >> , the symbols being the 'shockwave' around it. I think I started back with Doom 2, then on Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Halo CE amongst others. When it came to Halo 2 I couldn't have the GT 'Shock' because it was taken, so I opted for Shock Theta because I had a few profiles on Halo 2 with different colours and Shock Theta had the same colour I used in Halo CE.

    And I've played as Shock Theta ever since!
  3. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Dragon + Coals = Epic win

    Oh, and rusty, sorry for setting you on fire yesterdays ^.^
  4. Esponeo

    Esponeo Ancient
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    I started out using the name ShmidleyWitz for most things, such as AIM, email, game accounts. This soon shortened to Shmidley for game accounts. I used to use Shmidley for my original Xbox Live account but I canceled that, and thus unfortunately could no longer use that name when I wanted to make a new account with my 360, so I used the name Esponeo.

    As for the names themselves... ShmidleyWitz was some gibberish uttered while under the influence of Mountain Dew when I was very young. Esponeo is a character name I use for RPGs. I've never been one for D&D or any of that.. but the character Esponeo still has quite a back story.
  5. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I couldnt quite think of a username for yahoo, So i used its help function and it asked me my favorite color (Orange) my favorite pets name (Remi) and my favorite place to be (Home) and when I searched, It came up with: HomeRemi, RemiOrange, OrangeHome, and OrangeRemi. I picked the last one because it seemed pretty cool, and I stuck with it from there on out..
  6. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Well, to tell the truth, my gamertag is original. :)
    It's nothing you would see twice( i think ).
    Fitzy- Which was my nick-name from school.
    Fitzpatrick- is my real last name,
    so therefore, I put them both together.
    413- is my area code (Represent 8) )

    Thats how my GT was created - Fitzypatrick413
  7. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Well my old gamertag was really stupid, let's not get into that.

    But on Gears, I was really intimidated by people with the number names. So I really made it to trick people into thinking I'm good. And as AZN knows, I can be a bit of a loner.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  8. EliteSniper177

    EliteSniper177 Ancient
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    My gamertag is EliteSniper177 ( :surprise: original i know) dont really remember how i came up with the name though, i played online before a few times, maybe i saw it there, but it hit me on the bus on my way home, originally it was suppose to be EliteSniper117, but that one was taken already, as was Elite Sniper, so i went with 177. Works for me :)
  9. Reap3r 13

    Reap3r 13 Ancient
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    My squad mates called me the Grimm Reaper on Chromehounds because of my Ub3r 1337 Sn1p3s so I changed my name to Reap3r 13 and that's that.
  10. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    My gamertag is SPOC XLI

    The SPOC came from a nickname I had growing up. They called me "spock" because my ears kinda stick out and are sorta pointy like caption spock from star trek. Plus I used to wear a COPS (like the t.v. show) tshirt and if you spell COPS backwards you get SPOC (bad boys, whatcha gonna do?)

    The XLI part is simple, my favorite team is the Superbowl XLI champions.
  11. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Dunno it's my stepdads.

    My future one, Embarassing You. Well, thats self explanitory.
  12. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    OK, so a few years ago me and a bunch of my friends played Magic: the Gathering. I had one card that I always used: The Fires of Yavimaya. The adjective is Yavimayan, so my nickname became Yavi. The Yavimayan became my GT on TDF's original XBOX. Then when I got my 360 I could not use that name, so I switched to TheYavimayan. Now that I did a google search apparently there is a Yavimayan on WoW...I was the first! Ummm I think I might be missing something in between but yes that is it :p.
    Bottlecap likes this.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    looked up random word in dictionary...when i got into bigger games i had to use numbers so ichoose my birthdya, 5/1...then when i messed up on a couple accounts, i changed it to 54 cuz their next to each other on the keyboard
  14. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    'Wet Beavers' was my created team name back in the day in Madden...  There was a beaver logo you could use, so it worked well.  So the first year they took it to xbox live, I signed up and used WetBeaver.  FFW to today and about 80% of the games I play, someone in the lobby says something about my name...  it's hilarious.

    EDIT: After many years of service, I finally won the forced-gamertag-change sweepstakes! My new tag is AqueousBeaver. Origin: first synonym of wet in the thesaurus.
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Nothing sexual about it eh? I think there is and there is more to the story you are not telling us.
  16. xxxmasterofuxxx

    xxxmasterofuxxx Ancient

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    well, there isnt a story to it. xxx was taken, teh master of u was taken, so I put tehm together. it also is to confuse people

    xxx master o fuxxx or xxx master of u xxx or xxxmastero fuxxx
  17. d3v0nst8r

    d3v0nst8r Ancient
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    Simple. My first name, and Devastator mixed together. ::)
  18. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    For a while I used 'Doctor Pillsbury' as my name, but that's pretty long. So I just made up the word Poztar. No deeper meanings, sorry.
  19. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    .... :D
    #19 Titmar, Dec 29, 2007
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  20. Trickmyster

    Trickmyster Ancient
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    An old buddy in elementary school once called me trickmyster as a nickname because my last name was trick, I loved the sound of it and it has stuck with me ever scense, however it appears other people like it to because they are starting to steal it and they don't even have trick in their names I am like WTF?!

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