The place where the researches studying this place have died... but what from? Guardian, a mysterious floating..... ?temple? (not sure what it is) that lies in the trees... a perfect setting for the judgement gametype. The areas open for you entertainment are: The enterance to the gold lift (spawn area, pictured below) The gold lift output area The camo spawn (as seen in the first pic) The shot gun spawn area (shotgun hallway to the stairs leading up to the doorway to the man cannon) I know there will be a lot of questions. Please note that i will not be answering many for this is just a teaser I will be testing the map this comming saturday hopefully. Then if the tests go well i will post the link to the map. I have made sure to make it so the humans CAN NOT get out of the areas listed above, it was hard, but i did it (note you must have 200 gravity to have the barricades work) (also zombies can get in some of them) Also, if you would like to see more pics (like the zombie spawn and some of the "doors") you can look up "FryTheSly" on
So you were the one making the map on Guardian. I heard someone was making the map, but I didn't know it was you. I guess I can't see much of the map, since it is just a teaser. But it does look good from what I see.
nice map. I always love seeing something created on maps other than Foundry or Sandbox. If you manage to pull this off that would be a great achievement as there are no immovable objects on Guardian. Keep up the good work.
Im pretty sure that i never told anyone expect for "dude this is gonna work" to myself over and over again in the 10 hours i spent on this haha. So in that note i never knew anyone else was making one, i just thought to myself that it would be cool to start making judgement maps on all the "forsaken forge maps" like guardian, assembly, avalanche, sand trap, last resort and various others. However i saw your post awhile ago about some of the maps people have made for judgement already so i decided to not do any of those. Finally, i plan on making two versions of the guardian based judgement maps, just because i like a good challenge and i think guardian gives that. I was thinking of making it on the opposite side (sniper spawn) with a different style with more "waiting for the "doors" to open" If you read all that, then you know whats goin on in my mind hahah P.s. Feedback on if your thoughts this map and if you thought it was a good idea would be great
Master, I told you about my friend who was making a Guardian Judgment map, this isn't the one. The other one is imtheratman's map that's in the blue room.
Testing will be on tuesday everyone! be sure to be on or sign up please for more information check this thread