CnC this one. I made it for a friend. Another for a friend: And two more. ^Way to plain, I don't wanna hear it. Thank you for your time.
The first is my fav, I remember that stock from a while ago. Though the C4ds on the right side are kinda wierd, I like the smudging. Text is kinda meh, I would take it out, Im only going to CnC that one because IMO thats the only decent one.
1st: The text im not a fan of and the random c4d there kinda distracts me abit. The lighting work good however 2nd: Way to jumbled for me. When I first looked at it, I had no idea of what it was. Thats not what you want people saying when they first see a sig. 3rd: I like the text alot on this one, however the random crystal(?) coming from is back is kinda weird and doesn't go well with the smudging behind it. 4th: Personally your best out of the bunch. the text is again not working well, however the lighting/shadowing and smudging go nice with it.