Alright, so the original teaser idea of mine kind of failed. (My fault, I stand by the idea, just lacked the time to make it work) So, on with a more traditional map preview. Expect a release soon. If you liked epivolc, prepare for a even more epic one flag game on epitel. . . . . . . . . . And for you Asset lovers, Rifte Gifle has kindly prepared an Asset ready version of Epitel. (hopefully to be released alongside of the main version) Thanks for your support with epivolc, and I hope you download this map when it's released.
let me guess, its on Foundry. Nah, just joking... not really much to say at this point except looking forward to a less blurry photo.
I coouuuuullllldddd take a bunch of overview shots and post them here... but I won't. I must say that the changes you have made are incredibly sexy. Invite me whenever you're testing.
You know after you released v1, i thought. You could make a killer kick ass asset map out of this. Now idk if v2 is asset, but if it is that would be epic. Oh btw please inform me (like you did for v1) when v2 is out or if you want me to help test. You completely blew my mind with v1 (i shall never doubt you again) Edit: the pic looks like, new sword spawn facing the old lift tower? thats all i can really tell
I approve of this. I was there since the beginning. I can guarantee that this will be worth getting if you were a fan of the original. Also, go with Epitel, Nox. It sounds totally gnarly bro. Yeah, that's right. I said gnarly.
I'll definetely inform you, and also, Rifte and myself are working on an Asset-ready version of this map. Donka. You did say gnarly didn't you? Oh, and a new picture is up.
This. All of this. I've followed this map since day 1 and it's only gotten better and betterer. Can't wait to play it, Nox.
Ill be starting on it as soon ass winter break starts. Ill have to juggle around with this and urban myths asset map as well.
I HATE it when people use random words for the names of their maps because they sound cool. It should relate to your map...naming your map "epithet" is naming it "a nickname expressing a quality of" The names of your maps should essentially be epithets, but don't literally name it "epithet" Making up a name, such as using the word "epitel" would be fine though btw, not sure if epitel is a word or not, assuming since internet dictionaries concur my idea.
I have to agree with sarge, although I think I have a different meaning of epithet. (Wer'e learning about greeak epithets in English; they're a way to describe something by adding a prefix to it. Like the the wine-dark sea, or Athena the grey-eyed goddess, or Sarge the noob-raping Pwner. See how it works?) So I would definantly go with epitel. Sarge Edit: That's what I'm talking about, I think it fits "a nickname expressing a quality of" and it isn't just adding a prefix, as you get further into the Illiad or the Odyssey (not sure which one you're studying at the moment but I'm sure you're looking at one of them for the study) you'll see entities referred to only by their epithet rather than their actual name. It's a descriptive nickname that can be added to regular names or stand-alone.
I'll most likely be going with Epitel guys, so don't worry. Oh, there is a film in fileshare dubbed "Epiteaser" You guys should check it out. Maybe get some more information about the map. Link Also, new image will be up soon.
That is completely irrelevant to the map. Nox, I had a blast testing this, we had some pretty intense 1 flag games on here, I will definetly DL when it gets realeased or the next time we test, which ever comes first.
That is Dez Moines, part of our map pack. The map draws inspiration from both Epivolc and Miami Nights and has geometry that resembles Epivolc. Besides, those screens are from the very first version. The map looks nothing like that now.
First image looks photoshopped, i'm not gona lie. The others are ok, kind of makes me feel like alice in wonderland. Definately some cocaine induced nightmare. Not my kinda map.
If youre talking about the picture Recon Speller posted, it has nothing to do with Epitel. It's an entirely different map.
You should of just put all of the pictures of you're map up at once, I aren't getting excited about the release of you're map. Also I think both names are awful.