What the heeel. Every one knows I'm not a big fan of anime, yet, here I am making an anime signature. SO, before mace gets all proxy ninja on my ass, This is my first anime/C4D combo signature. Thoughts?
this might be because it's midnight, but the right side seems way to bright. the fact that it's rather empty doesn't help. i would put...something there(C4D/background/color/anything). really, your sig, your choice, but having nothing but white is painful to my sleep deprived eyes. XD To counter that, the black C4D on the bottom left side of the render seems to take up too much attention, and kind of hurt "flow". I would change the opacity or move em around a bit or change there color so they don't match the render or something, but that's just me. again, your sig, your choice. and I'm by no means an expert at this, this is just my opinion. Other then that, looks good. Strangely, i find anime sigs are way harder to make then others, so nice job.
I am sorry but her breast are not big enough and she needs to have an unnecessarily short skirt. The maid uniform is a plus though. Her eyes are not XBOX HUEG enough and her mouth is too visible. Consider changing the text to Hunter-San
I think yakuza would be more fitting here. Imagenskins ggogogoogogogo Lighting is good, c4d use is yummy, but the text is meh. Ohh, and good blending.
lol. but yeah sure sigs are are guy. as far as the sig goes. i likes. reminds me of a tutorial i saw using afro samurai those arrows on the bottom left are weird aswell... maybe just put lines there instead of arrows