So this is what is RUINING the play lists. I swear to god if I could wipe everyone off the face of the earth that does this **** I would.
Not all people who happen to play these glitched matches are purposely trying to play these matches. It happens in almost every play list and people who have no clue what the glitch is wind up in the game.
Oh so this is what happened to me, im always joining these matches, and im like wtf wut is this. lol although i stayed in one and it never got started does the host start it himself or does the game start by itself, sorry if yo stated this in the thread i kind of just skimmed over it.
i have had quite a few 4 hour games with this... got me from 25 to 45 in two days It's really reaalllly fun too...
Wow. I agree. I tried playing today, you know, an ACTUAL game rather than a large boosting party. I was unsuccessful, every game was either: - No reload games - Endless FFA boosting games The Javelin glitch was bothering, but didn't occur as much as this did. And you are able to avoid actually getting killed by the glitch ie: high ground, long range kills, use of cover. But this is just much worse becaue you really can only hope that you get in a legit game.
The easiest way to avoid it is by going into regular team deathmatch from what I've noticed. I played all day today (I finally got my xbox back from RR) and I didn't run into any glitch games when I was in regular deathmatch.. I'm not sure if you play hardcore or not though. The most frequent are 3rd person and objective gametypes.
I have never encountered this in hardcore, but I will remember to find a no reload game to get danger close pro with an at4hs.
It's different on HC. In HC, there's a glitch that allows oyu to have unlimited ammo and no need to reload. It usually causes a constant body of smoke and explosion around the map from noob tubes, rpgs, javelins and such. Very fun throwing knife matches tho. ^_^
I've never came across it. If I did, than I would of wished I had the AT4 on my act class. Which hardcore playlist?
no, the unlimited game glitch needs no mods... trust me, It happens when you do a certain little series of events that confuses the **** out of the game.... I've hosted three and I don't hack/mod/edit anything.
so this is what keeps getting me to play 18 player ffa on rust i hate this because everyone is behind the spawns so i cant do any thing i hope that this gets patched right away
Yep this needs patched. It's not that bad of a glitch in itself, bit when the others players force spawn you into a couple spawn points that are constantly being watched, they are exploiting something not intended to be in the game for boosting purposes. Which isn't acceptable and should be patched.