But that isn't my question. Its more of a question of logic. How can a game that came out in 1999 (medal of honor) be a spin off of a game that came out in I think 2002 maybe 2003 I forget (call of duty). It doesn't matter who made what. And not everyone who made medal of honor left to form infinity ward. Infinity ward makes gamese for money as well. If they didn't, then they would sell them for free. And I am sure EA enjoys making games or people wouldn't be doing that as their jobs.
brink is a meh, it looks interesting for single player, but the live may just be weird. idk, ill give it a shot.
1. Rock Band Network 2. Halo: Reach 3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 4. Green Day: Rock Band That's pretty much it.
The funny thing is, the single player and multiplayer can essentially be considered the same thing. You can play through the entire campaign against and with other humans, if you so choose.
I'm personaly really excited for Splinter Cell. Thats probably the only early 2010 game I'll buy. I'm also looking forward to Max Payne 3 and I might consider buying based on reviews but I'm not going to preorder it or anything. Obviously I'm pretty excited for Reach, but that's not coming out for a while. I'll probably get FF XIII by the end of the year if the price ever drops.