I really like the blue mist enveloping the spartan. It gives off a nice mood to the pic and definitely gives it some unique aspects. And of course, the way the spartan is lunging forward with the flag is always awesome
Well there are two things you should know: -Someone else is already wearing it (i made it for them) -Regardless of who uses it, i still maintain full rights to the image while you maintain none besides those which i grant you (i.e. the right to use it as a signature on this site) but yeah if you're cool with that, go ahead.
Beautiful signature, yet I greatly think the text 'FLAGGED' doesn't suit the image very well. It's a very inspiring image that looks as if it holds a deeper meaning, and you pulled that off excellently.
I think its one of the coolest sigs i've seen around the site lately. I like the text behind the spartan. Very nice.
Do you mean the actual words? or do you mean the font/placement/etc? That spartan is actually on red team but he has a forced color of blue. Thanks so much everyone your appreciation means alot to me.
The lighting in this sig is really really well done. The blue really pops, but it is darker, and gives the piece a very interesting feeling. The mist/smudging is very nice, and I like those two bright lines that run through the sig. Text is very well placed, though it seems like it should say something else, possibly something a little more serious in nature/tone. Overall, great sig!
it does seem a little anticlimactic, doesnt it.....any suggestions as to a better name for it? I'm at a loss....