Mmmk, my first map will be posted in the "Halo Forge Maps" section soon, but I thought I'd share some screenshots with you guys before its released. I still need to add some aesthetics and stuff to prevent map breaking, but that won't be too hard. The game is similar to duck hunt, in the sense that the zombies are in an enclosed space, and the humans are flying around trying not to get shot. I know that a map like this has already been made on standoff; I'm not trying to steal the makers glory or anything like that. If someone were to be inspired by a map that I made, then I would appreciate it. Okay, on to the screenies! Map Overview #1 Map Overview #2 Human Spawn (This is going to be improved) Zombie Spawn (This is also going to be improved. ) Human Landing Area Constructive criticism, please.
this looks pretty cool. At first I thought it looked camp-able (like another orphan) but then I saw where the zombie spawn actually was. I reckon this could be a pretty fun mini game.
Thanks for the feedback. I hope to have this finished within the next week, so keep your eyes peeled for a new map in the Mini-Game forum. :happy:
If the zombie continued to look at the landing platform or the beginning platform, wouldn't it be easy to kill?
Yeah, i'm going to place shield doors in strategic positions, making it so that the zombie can't aim at the platforms. However, to prevent camping, I need to design something that forces the humans off of the platforms...I'll probably just make the humans spawn on an incline, then they'll just slide down into the mancannon(s).
Could you go into a bit more detail about the game variant. It appears there are a number of places humans could hide, without being shot, and there is no objective the humans are moving towards. This is all conjecture since I cannot really understand the gameplay from the description and pictures.
Its an infection gametype, and there's a time limit. The infected try to shoot the humans as they fly across the sky. As I've already stated (I think maybe 3 or 4 times now, lol), I'm fixing it up a little bit so that there can't be any camping.