If you have a myspace and would like to get to know each other more then just through the game of halo please post the following information below Myspace URL: Last name (if necissary): Name: Thanks and here we go for me http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=198687337 Frio and, Marcus
banner add and glitter filled wastlands where fat whores take angular picture of themselves so that dickheads can jerk to them. thanks myspace.
i dont use myspace anymore cuz none of my friends do http://www.facebook.com/people/Will_Blakeman/766764680 DONT MAKE FUN OF THE FISHIE IN THE PIC PLEEZE!!! >.< nah but that was like my first time fishin
I would like to know what makes the both of you so stupid? edit: I guess I came about on this post a bit strong. It's just kind of stupid, because all the kids say the exact same thing. I know many people who have had a myspace only to switch to facebook, and it's really all the same except it doesn't make sense to trade a dollar for a dollar, if you get what i'm saying. Whatever though, the discussion ends here.
I don't think you really get that you've lost and you're really stupid for trying to continue this argument. Just quit.
Mikey noone knows your last name or atleast i hope we dont *creepers* and please take the flaming away this is just for myspace users so it must not concern you lol
Please dont forget to post your last name if your profile is private or your name will be added to the noob list Noobiezzz: Mike N Ace Emo Asian girl