well, here is my sketch, of myself sketching from a first person perspective. nothing special about it, just want some CnC also, inspired by whisper's self drawing of a drawing. -note* i do infact have my left arm at an incredible angle like that when i sketch.
Your hand, sir, is an optical illusion! Unless, perhaps, it is deformed and your pinky and thumb are connected... In which case, good sketch.
yeah, i ef'ed up alot on that hand, and i think i forgot to mention its a WiP.*edited into the title* thanks for the CnC so far.
The second i saw that i thought the same thing. Its like one of those triangles that connect on all three sides, it makes me mad haha.
i see what you mean now, lol. that little piece of cufustication has been shaded and will be included in the update.