Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    ok, so this seems to have turned into a bash prosper fest, and i would hate to miss out. this is explusivelly about the first paragraph in his second point :

    2. Do we need a logical reason to believe in God? We're not retards, or insane (Rabid). We chose to believe in something that made sense to us. Is that so bad? Why are we pursued by atheists to not believe? I understand coming here, I can't accuse anyone of that, but it still happens. I honestly just see it as existence.

    The first question, do we need a logical reason to believe in god seems rhetorical, but i'm going to answer it anyway: yes. you need a logical reason to believe in everything. if what you believe is based on nothing, then your mind is not based in reality. if you believe something while forsaking logic, then you could make the same argument that green is blue as you could god existing.(which fits well with the second sentence. if you base belief without logic, you might as well be insane)

    but really, it's the line Why are we pursued by atheists to not believe? that gets to me. this, like the term militant atheist blows my mind every time i see it. Truly, when was the last time you opened your door, and there was a door to door atheist there to convert you? when was the last time Christians weren't allowed to be viable witnesses in court because they believed in god(blue laws, look them up. currently in 9/50 states, i cannot be held as a viable witness because i don't believe in your imaginary friend) the idea that atheists force there ideas onto people is quite pathetic. the worst you can say is that "we" have made an effort to keep church and state separate, and that has nothing to do with your personal beliefs.

    the second paragraph revolves around atomic theory which i find amazingly interesting, but currently don't know enough about to make a viable argument for.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    You are so above these "humans" now aren't you.

    okay so you believe that Jesus existed. It's plausible i guess... I just want to know what lead you to believe this considering the only place he's written about is in the bible. You choosing to believe something without any proof other than the bible sounds familiar, say, believers of christianity? On top of that, you invented an entire life story and personality based on absolutely nothing, which is something a lot of believers don't even do. You talk down and patronize with things like the last sentence above, the things you believe aren't that far off from those around you here so it's uncalled for.

    and i quote "you'd be surprised"

    It's cool if you're going to voice your beliefs, but this post didn't quite ring as merely voicing beliefs.
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    ...My school's history books have many things on Jesus, about how he was a Jewish carpenter before he started preaching, and his life, etc.
  4. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You're applying logic to an all-powerful, all-knowing God beyond comprehension. Where's the logic in that?
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    10 Your school's history book isn't much in the way of proof. If you check their sources, you won't find much....actually, he was at one point rated lower than Zeus at the "possibility of existence" scale, though that was all based off his actions, and some of those are a little...unbelievable (IMO). ANYWAY!

    None of these arguments really have any merit whatsoever, and are just a bunch of people saying "I don't believe this because I say so" or "I have this whole thing to write with absolutely no backing whatsoever" or "it's electrochemical signals, duhhhh" (I could call it nuclear power and get away with the same exact thing, even if it's not true...I want to know how it works, not some vague statement about chemicals. Do your research), "How could this not be true?!", "We can't explain it" (that's great if you believe that, but it's a waste of a post). Nitrous is about the only guy that has any idea what they're doing, and he's even been getting offtopic with the crazy discussions.

    Aaaaaas such, I'm going to give this about 24 hours (probably a little more considering I don't generally wake up this early on Wednesdays...or maybe just whenever I go to sleep), and then will most likely delete the section.

  6. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Good, this has gone on way too long.

    And besides, Its just a way for those who do not believe to pile their crap on those who do.
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I only felt like correcting him on a whim, because saying "this is not how my brain works, this is not my consciousness" annoyed me. It's stupid to believe in a soul which supposedly makes decisions, when there is the human brain which is all too evidently in control of our body. It's like believing that your computer is a complex machine that processes electric signals, BUT, there's also this magic force that makes it do everything it does.
  8. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Some people like to call it reality but to each his own.
  9. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    God and Politics

    If anyone wants to take a detour into the Political side of God with me, I found this story:


    The story is about Cecil Bothwell, a recently elected councilman in North Carolina. His legitimacy as councilman is being questioned because he is an atheist. You may dismiss the movement to have him removed from office as laughable based on what you think you know about religious freedom in America, but his opponents unfortunately have some backing in the form of their state constitution.

    North Carolina's state constitution reads as follows in regards to requirements for elected officials in that state in article 6, section 8(six other states have similar language: Arkansas, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas):

    “The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.”

    That is in their 2009!

    The United States constitution reads in Article VI: “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

    Thankfully, the United States constitution trumps any state provision when there is a conflict between the two, but that doesn't protect people like Bothwell from having to spend years in court defending themselves and affecting their ability to properly serve the office they've been elected to. Avowed atheist Herb Silverman won an eight-year court battle in 1997 when South Carolina's highest court granted him the right to be appointed as a notary despite the state's law.

    What does it say about our country that there are still states with these types of religious requirements and that atheists can be brought to court to have to defend their right to serve as public officials in these states?

    Lawsuit threatened over atheist councilman in NC - U.S. news-
    #3529 makisupa007, Dec 15, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  10. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    In one way we all have God in our lives. Maybe not as the savior or Christian God but a person we look up to or believe in.
  11. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    Hmm, a baseless claim, backed without a shred of evidence, but still said with resolve, and stated simply to make others like yourself feel better.

    why does this sound familiar? oh right, that pretty much sums up all of religion. honestly, crap like that is akin to walking in and saying "god exists" and leaving. just a wast of time.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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