Future Forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rorak Kuroda, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Forge today is limited. It is very, very limited. Despite this limitation, people have still created incredible, unique things, that seperate their maps from the norm.

    But with the coming of Halo: Reach, forgers look to the future of forge! New ways to shape maps, new tools to merge, and new ways to design.

    Now, I post this thread for people to imagine how forge could be. How it would work, what tools will be used, and how to use them. Post your ideas here, and we shall compile them into a list of epic forgeness!

    The List

    Each object on the list must be well-detailed and thought through before it will be added. I myself will expand on some of the ideas, and it'd be nice if others could help with that :). Listed below is the first object I've expanded upon. Feel free to help make these topics, and I will personally spell check them and give you an honorable mention in the list (how sweet of me).

    New Forge Objects

    Automatic Doors
    Doors have always been a personal issue throughout the game. Take High-Ground for an example. It has a massive set of rooms and areas, but every door is swung wide open. In fact, the only doors found in any multiplayer maps require you to pull a switch.

    Now, think about the halo campaign. How often have automatic doors not only been useful for cover, but aesthetically pleasing as well? Wouldn't it be great if you could implement this into a map of your own?​

    How It Would Work

    The idea for an automatic door is relatively simple. We'll use a door from the campaign as an example. Upon stepping near the door or driving near it with a vehicle, it will open. Simple.​

    Types of Doors

    Of course, there can't be only one type of automatic door. There need to be many, to fit the needs of different maps. ​

    1) Basic door. A small, fast-opening door that allows players to traverse a map with ease.​

    2) Swinging door. When resting, the door is in a closed position. Players have to hit these doors open, and the door never closes unless it if affected by a grenade or other force.​

    3) Any more ideas?

    Water has always been an interesting subject in the world of halo. People try time and again to create that water aesthetic touch by making a river of shield doors, mancannons, and blue lights, but it never really does the trick.

    Imagine if you could create your own water... perhaps a scene such as on Last Resort, where a great and beautiful beach marks the land. Perhaps a Valhalla situation, a great river running through your map, shaping the landscape. And a waterfall! Isn't it every forger's dream to make a waterfall?

    How It Would Work

    Water is a liquid, which means it is free-flowing and will always take the easiest path of travel. There are also 2 forms of water found in halo. These forms are simple:

    1) Direct Source. The waterfall on Valhalla is a perfect example of this. The water itself never stops flowing, and it flows at a constant rate. This water then travels down the natural canyon and into the ocean on the other side.

    Imagine it like this: In forge, you spawn a water source item. It wouldn't have an appearance, it would simply start spewing water. You would also be able to edit the flow of the water. Now, by placing the object high up on a cliff, and increasing the flow, it would make a waterfall!

    2) Sitting Water. Sitting water is pretty self explanatory. It just sits. Like the water off of Longshore, or perhaps just a small puddle. Placing the object is not quite as simple though.

    In order to place sitting water, first you would spawn a Water Generator. To work the water generator, you must first place it in the area of the map you want it to be placed. Then, you can start editing the amount of water, in a method similar to changing the size of a Hill Marker or a Respawn Area. This amount can be very small, or massive, to practically create an ocean beneath your map.

    Types Of Water

    1) Sitting Water. Water that sits in an area like a puddle.

    2) Direct Source. Water that flows from a specific source and flows until it escapes the map.

    3) Any other ideas?

    In todays forge, we have vision filters. These filters, however, are largely useless, because the effects are either minor or undiserable. Not only that, but Sandbox is a plain, dull map. All it is, is Sand! But what if we could change that?

    How it would work

    There are two main things that forgers want: Changes in scenery, and weather. Current-day filters don't change either, they only change the mood of the map. I'll go over the first type of filter, scenery:

    1) These new filters would be very similar to the current day ones, but with different, more dramatic effects. For example, let's say you're in a game of forge on Sandbox, and spawn a Valley Scenic Filter. This would immediatly change the look of the map. Instead of it being torn-up dunes, it would become a grassy valley.

    2) Along with this nice new scenery change, your objects will have new looks too. Your large blocks will have moss and vines all over them, and your obelisks have become strange trees!

    3) The filter would not affect your structures in any way except for their appearance. They would still play the same.

    Now, the other type of filter, Weather, would be combined with the scenery filter to create incredible effects.

    1) First of all, lets say you spawn a Rainy filter. It suddenly turns into a light drizzle, and the sky is filled with dark clouds. The map is also darker than it was before.

    2) Lets say you combine this with a scenery filter like Forerunner Scenic. Without the Rainy filter, your forerunner structure is bright and exhuberant. But with the Rainy filter, your ancient metal buliding suddenly becomes darker, and small bits of it are starting to rust.

    Types of Filters

    1) Weather. These filters affect time of day and the weather on your map.

    a) Rainy. Creates a light drizzle effect.
    b) Heat wave. Creates a bright sun and multiple reflections off of metal and such
    c) Bog. Creates a thin fog and dark sky.
    d) Suggestions for this one?
    e) Or this one?

    2) Scenery. This affect changes the appearance of the landscape and forged items.

    a) Valley. Similar to Valhalla or the top of Isolation.
    b) Forerunner. Creates a Metal, forerunner environment for the map.
    c) Warehouse. Almost identical to foundry.
    d) Desert. Almost identical to Sandbox
    e) Any ideas here?

    New Forge Techniques/Tools

    Liquify Merging
    Ghost Merging has revolutionized the forging world. And yet despite the incredibleness of this glitch, it has its flaws.

    1) It can be very time consuming.

    2) The object being merged can only merge through 50% of the objects around it.

    Now what if we eliminated these flaws? That, my friends, is liquify merging.

    How It Would Work

    Imagine yourself back as a forge moniter. Normally, when you press x on an object, it brings up a few different options. Now there is another option, called liquify. By liquifying an object, it immediatly becomes locked in it's position, and is completely permeable when moved around. And when you let go of the object, it stays in it's position. Just like ghost merging, mirite? Now, if you press x on the object again, that liquify option will now say solidify. If you solidify an object, and pick it up again, it's like dealing with classic forge. The object will be completely solid, and will be affected by gravity again.

    Honorable Mentions.
    meltyourtv: Idea for automatic doors.
    boomerdude: Idea for swinging doors.
    Many other Members: For helping to bring the Filters item to life.​
    #1 Rorak Kuroda, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2009
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    stealin' your idea but;
    --auto-align to grid
    --optional merging
    -- more gametype freedom
    im aware the last one isnt forge related, but it applies to forged maps nontheless.
    #2 pinohkio, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  3. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    little ends on boxes like foundry doors so everything interlocks just a wee bit for more smoothness
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Automatic Doors
    -Weather Filters (Rain, Fog, Snow)
    -Button/wire/etc. switches
    -EXACT respawn time (0-240 or higher)
    -Plants, possibly that grow as the game progresses
  5. cheesenipsaregood

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    doors you can only go through 1 way
    an object that only vehicles can go through
    more colored lights
  6. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would like to see some COD iteams incorporated into Reach Forge like:

    -Windows you can break

    And I would also like:

    -Water (as previously stated)
    -Easier merging options
    -Different flooring than just concrete, sand, and grass.
  7. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Auto align grid could also cause problems so maybe
    just like optional merging optional auto align.
  8. cheesenipsaregood

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    a mound like object that forms a short circular hill
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so basically like a surface paint tool?
  10. cheesenipsaregood

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    maybe you could decide the dimensions of a box
  11. Arazra

    Arazra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the ability to forge into the grounds like tunnels using a special type of tube so you have usable tunnels
  12. cheesenipsaregood

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    you could make auto turrets to defend a base but make them weak or something
  13. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I always thought it would be cool to be able the pick the skins of a map. A forge map much like Sandbox, but you can choose the theme. All the items would be the same, but you could change the graphic to a different theme. Like, Covenant, Flood, UNSC, Forerunner, etc. You could even change the background to something different. Like a jungle setting, or a desert, or a tropical island.
  14. cheesenipsaregood

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    a button to instantly clear the map
  15. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1 - Spotlights that follow you, like on Cold Storage.
    2 - Guardian Emitter, pretty much just a light you can place on something, and has a corresponding Guardian Hill, which if you leave, it will shoot at you. Guardian Hills and Emitters have channels like Teleporters.
    3 - Map skins - Flood, UNSC, Forerunner, Covenant. Obvious sub-sections such as Arctic, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Swamp, Metroplis, and Urban.
    4 - Weather Filters - Snowing, Foggy, Raining, Sunny, Sandstorm. Intensities can be changed, such as Heavy, Medium, Light. [Heavy rain, light snow, medium fog, etc.]
    5 - Kill-Thing - Box, Cylinder, Sphere, or Ring, with KOTH-style editing, such as radius, height, and also color.
    6 - Time of Day filters - Dawn, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Dusk, Midnight.
    7 - Fire tool - places fires like KOTH markers, height, radius, intensity, and color, like plasma fires, normal fires, and gas fires.
    8 - Explosion mark tool - places explosive marks, editable radius, intensity, etc.
  16. brakessk8

    brakessk8 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Paint tool
    Plain flat map for forging
    Customizable items
    ( Slightly forging ) Unlimited file share
    no budget without glitch
    no certain amount of space
    NPC's ( such as fight-able brutes, allies , hunters ETC.)
    edit campaign levels
    Real life objects ( Computers, TVs, walls [Not industrial or ancient ] Stoves, Fridges, Blah blah blah. )
    Choose-able backgrounds.
    Plants, Animals.
    Make-a-power-up ( like custom power up but better! )
    Physics ( including nukes )
    Forging ranks
    More gamtypes
    customizable forge ball armor
    everything you saw in all halo series games in campaign
    remakes of all maps from every halo game out yet including firefight that are built for forging.
    ( I could go on forever, so I will :] )
    bullet altering ( rocket launcher shoot magnum bullets lolz!1!!!1! )
    change in map geometry ( like on isolation, it starts to flood.
    Instead of percents in game types you can type what you want. ( 999999999999999999999999999 % Gravity " Hey look superman" " But brakessk8's flying higher!" )
    Regular vehicles ( trucks vans cars )
    Editable city or makable city ( like editing new mambassa or making it! )
    Makable campaign ( custom campaign )
    Taco's ( XD )
    -Well I'm running out-
    In matchmaking there should be a playlist called random that randomly picks a map and gametype someone made and play it with the maximum amount of players set to.
    Submit to bungie button.
    Link gamtypes to maps ( force players to play certain gamtypes when they play the map )
    Exact replica of the world ( Probably wont happen. )
    top forger list ( shows ranks in order from best forger to worst forger and keeps track of your forges constantly.
    I'll come up with some more later.
  17. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    size option
    better vector point saving
    openable doors
  18. cheesenipsaregood

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    making things like opening the gate on last resort
  19. Arazra

    Arazra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    canvas maps that aren't so dark and depressing, something to the mentality of valhalla would be nice
  20. cheesenipsaregood

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