Mythic DLC Asset:Escallation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by FryTheSly, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright so, this is my first map post :D haha.
    Some of you might be saying "wow hes demon how the hell did you get so high up without even posting a map". Well simply because I wanted to figure out what people liked about maps and what people didnt like.

    what I found is that people like:
    -Good Gameplay
    -Good aesthetics

    so without further ado i preseant to you a map that i beleive fits those three things perfectly; Escallation!


    A picture of my team (im in the far back on the right)

    Map Description:

    This is a holdout style map, with a base on the middle level of sandbox. I have tried to incorporate a working elevator. This part of the map took me the longest. Just a warning: It does not work unless you put the grav lift in the right spot. It is hard to do but with practice you will get it 100% of the time.

    If you the elevator doesnt work for you simply just holdout wherever you like to prevent the opposing team from getting any points.

    I have also put in drop ships. There are three reasons for them:
    -To give the attackers a place to "spawn"
    -To give the attackers additional protection with plasma turrets
    -To give the attackers a easy way to get to the vehicle spawns.

    Weapons/Vehicles on the Map:

    -3 Br's
    -2 SMG's
    -4 AR's
    -1 Shotgun
    -1 Rocket launcher
    -1 Sniper
    -1 Spartan laser
    -1 trip mine
    (*These are all the weapons that are placed around the base)

    -1 Ghost
    -1 Chopper
    -1 Wriath



    The brute has the most variety of the classes. Best if used in a swarm.

    Weapons to choose from:


    Equipment to choose from:

    -Radar jammer
    -Bubble shield
    -Spike grenade

    Brute Cheiften:


    The brute cheiften is special. They get a custom power up that speeds him up,powers him up and increases his defense. A good brute cheiften will be able to takeout the asset

    Weapons to choose from:

    -Anything in the brute spawn area, they also get a gravity hammer with the custom powerup

    Equipment to choose from:

    -Anything in the brute spawn area

    Brute Stalker:


    The stalker is pretty much the "assassin" of the attacking team. A skilled stalker will be able to kill the asset somewhat easily, by using his equipment properly to sneak up and assassinate the asset.

    Weapons to choose from:

    -Two maulers
    *Please not that the stalker DOES NOT HAVE A Carbine*

    Equipment to choose from:

    -Active Camo
    -Radar Jammer



    The grunt is the "healer" of the group, because he gets a regenerator This piece of equipment can be very helpful to you and your team mates. A good grunt will be able to pick off ODST's even if they are with the asset.

    Weapons to choose from:

    -Fuel rod cannon

    Equipment to choose from:

    -Spike Grenade



    The jackal is quite obviously the "sniper" of the attacking team. When spawning as a jackal your teleporter will transport you to a spot behind the base in the dunes. Use this sneaky spot to your advantage to pick off stray ODST's with a simple headshot and to severly hurt the asset. Be careful though you only have 10 shots, use them well.

    Weapons to choose from:

    -All the jackal gets is a beamrifle. I figured if i gave them anything else then they would be too powerful.

    Map Pictures:


    Overview 1^


    Overview 2^


    The base you will be holding out in^


    The place you will be trying to get to after 3mins have passed^

    Action Picutres:


    Its funny cuz his name is "pwned you"^


    This is what happens when the asset strats off^




    Choppers really do work on this map. I promise!


    A big thank you to all of the testers that i someone got together :O


    An epic picture of yours truly, FryTheSly (me)

    If anyone would like to get a game going on this tonight i will be on for awhile. Please just send me a message or party invite.

    Download Me


    #1 FryTheSly, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  2. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow i like the base geomerged into the sand, tht tops anything i have geomerged. i cant really tell much about the map from ur pictures (call me blind) but they do look epic. Personally, i think u should make an immovable warthog in "the base you will be holding out in" only for the turret on the back, but thts just me. Ill give it a try and com back with better feedback.
    #2 Bl4ckhawk, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  3. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Congratulations on inovation. I like the grunt idea, and I like the Jackal. However, most Asset map give snipes already, and chieftains sometimes have fuel rods.
    Would you like a video?
  4. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    naw you dont have to.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's pretty nice, a few things are a little off key, but you said this was your first map post? Still very nice, i don't think i have seen any type of Asset map built like this.
  6. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha yeah it is my first map post EVER. lol

    what is exactly "off key" id love to know so i can fix :D

    and yeah i was trying to go for a new style of asset map.
  7. Asset 4 Life

    Asset 4 Life Ancient

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    i like it :) , but i am gunna suggest one more thing .
    you maps looks and style will improve so much by haveing more ghost merging bases into the sand hills , 4/5 :)
  8. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    alright. ill take that into consideration when i make another asset map :D
  9. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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    What do you mean too powerful?
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If i gave a jackal anything besides a beam rifle they would have more of a chance to survive. The goal with them was to make a class that would have to use some skill to pick off ODST's so they themselves didnt get killed.

    -If they had a regen: They could easily get the health back from ODST's attacking them and could stand in a very easy spot and just kill, not what i want

    -If they had bubble shield: Once they were almost dead they could deploy to recover their shields making them a lot harder to kill, not what i want

    -If they had a flare: It would pretty much be useless. They wouldnt be able to throw it far enough to effect the ODST's, but it would help if they ran out of beam rifle ammo and had to come in.

    -If they had a radar jammer: See "If they had a flare"

    -If they had a power drain: See "If they had a flare"

    -If they had a trip mine: See "If they had a flare"

    Hope that helps ya
  11. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This isn't really the best forging, crooked walls, uneven floors, and some of the forging is overall sloppy, it's a good change that you have different classes and it gives a good change of gameplay.
  12. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i know. yeah i know, there are a few problem spots but when me and my testers played it over for awhile no one really had problems with it gameplay wise, i mean thats what its mainly about right? i know aesthetics are a part but im sure someone would rather play on a map that played amazingly instead of just had the looks.

    thanks for your feedback though ill be sure to take extra time in the future to go over those things and make sure everything is even/not crooked

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