Hey guys, well me and a friend were messing around in forge conversing over ideas how to make pre-dlc maps better, when we thought of an idea to use teleporters as cover since pre-dlc doesnt have immovables, well that lead us to the idea of using teleporters to make an actual bubble shield. So i went to sandbox and forged this map, which works almost exactly like a bubble shield, except it lasts forever, and you cant see through it, this is more of a concept which we plan to possibly put into a map, however im posting this here for others to look at, and critique. --- DL Link:IronBubble --- --- DL Link:IronBubble And id like to give thanks to go43r for helping me out with the idea, and giving me advice in game.
It's sort of more like a deployable cover since it only covers 180 degrees. Otherwise, very bright and creative idea, man. I wish you luck on constructing a proper map for this. May I ask, what is the purpose of the object in the middle of the Iron Bubble?
I believe the object in the middle is just the bottom half of the two-way nodes used to make the wall. As for the map, that's really quite cool. I cannot think of a use for such a barrier at this moment, but the cover you have created does look incredibly cool. It might be interesting to build a building around the structure, and have it serve as a door. Just a thought.
This really reminds me of a greek phalanx......im just throwing this out there, but what if u made a sort of 300 based game. it would be a gametype that a lot of people have probably been waiting for.
When we thought of the idea we were looking at ways to improve re-dlc maps, i believe there is a thread somewhere about them, anyway we choose the bubble shield, because with a deployable you can shoot through it, and with enough beating, it gives way, and pops back up.
Hmm. This is a nice idea, but it looks like you can only have one on each map. It seems incredibly spendy too. Of course there's limited visability, but it's protection forever. Vehicles and Players can still run through like usual.
I just DL'd and this is actually really cool. I would definitely make a gametype/map around it because this is obviously incredibly unique. Take it further and you'll have yourself a nice twist to map making here at FH.
If incorporated correctly this would work amazing with Asset, kinda like cover for front doors of bases, or maybe just a good cover for the asset, hell idk i just think it can be used some how.
This could actually work in a map. every type of cover must have a drawback, or it's nooby. Deployable cover destroys easily and the bubble shield can be penetrated. Hiding behind this, you think you're safe, but then a vehicle hurdles through the wall and splats you! lolz
Yeah, this is actually a great idea. It's original and it could have so much potential. One thing I see with it though that could hold it back is that people often depend on teleporters to brace items to make them immovable objects. But the way I see it, it could have some potential on maps with immovable objects and pre-DLC maps where you don't use teleporters to brace objects. Nice job on finding this.
I tried this in a map, was way too laggy. =/ (Or does it work differently on Sandbox? I tried it in a local game on Isolation.)
This may work as slight cover because of the small cracks in which greanades or some shots can pass through. Great idea though and it may work in a PRe Dlc map.
no grenades or shots pass through, and when we tested it out, there was no lag, however if you did a different design, with larger spaces, your results may vary
it seems pretty hilarious. seems like a funny minigame, a wall of these, not bubble though so it might be bigger, and launch mongooses through it. i think i will try this.
This is an extremely small "map" if it's even called that, this belongs in Forge Discussion. The idea is kind of cool but nowadays everyone uses teleporters in their maps as they are good for transportation and gameplay, I doubt anyone would waste them making half of a bubble shield (except for the fact that it's permanent).
Ok, first i know your new here, so ill give you some slack, but this is obviously not a "map", this is map idea, that someone might use. And if you had read the thread, and not just glanced at the pictures, then you would have known the intent, this is geared toward pre-dlc. Next up this map is designed to be implemented into a map to make it better, and dont say "nowadays", because not all maps depend on teleporters. Also you say no one would waste time making half a bubble shield, I'm offended personally that i put my time into making this just to be trashed by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. Sorry if that sounded harsh, but you need to widen your horizons a little bit is what im trying to say i guess.
Just because I'm new here doesn't mean I automatically suck at forging, it's obvious that a stereotype like you wouldn't understand that. It's weird how you say that "this is obviously not a 'map', this is map idea" because you posted in "Aesthetic Maps". Obviously you haven't thought through your post, I'm not the one who needs to be cut slack. Like I said, this isn't useful because of all the resources it takes up when you can just use normal items like everyone (For example, a Scaffolding on its side?). So next time, please think before posting.