Can someone here do me a favor? I need a Longshore map with access to one of the rooms. Near the base opposite of ocean-side base, where the ghost spawns, there are at least one or two metal grates on the floor. I know there is a way to get underneath these and into a small room, but my attempts to get in have failed. Can someone give a map that gives me access to that room, please? (I think it's sometimes referred to as the "water room"). Thanks.
i dont have one but if you want one all you need to do is have a friend in the game with you and have the non-host place a teleporter on the gate then hit the a button rapidly until it goes under.
Does it matter if that friend is a guest? Or shares the same xbox? (probably not on the latter, but whatever).
Alright, thanks guys, this helped a lot. I'm planning on using these rooms to make a potential map. Thanks again. If someone can lock this, then that would be great.