Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Evidence? Backup? Logic? Proof? Nothing. This is an opinion.

    Evidence? Backup? Logic? Proof? Nothing.

    I never said that. That wasn't my counter argument. In order for me to have a counter argument, you'd first have to come up with an argument.

    That was your own argument.

    No it isn't. Following something blindly is trusting something beyond a doubt without any reason to believe it. That doesn't apply to Christianity.

    Ok, so now thinking logically is lazy? I'd rather know something than deny it and search desperately and hopelessly for something else because I don't like what I found first.

    Dude, I believed that bs for twelve years, I ain't going back there.

    I'm not a narcissist, being happy isn't my purpose in life, mine is much better and much less likely to cause depression.


    Here we go again, ignorantly insulting religion...

    Once again, you hypocrytically call me blind, how arrogant can you get? If you would at leats provide me with some explanation for you believing this bs BEFORE you start insulting the other option, I'd listen and it might almost increase my respect for you, but I doubt it, you've yourself a place in the negatives on my scale.

    You were the one who failed an attack argument, I'm kind of waiting for one. I'm not responsible for coming up with a counter until you make an original. I'm on defense.


    You have to be the most arrogant hypocrite to enter this forum. This quote wins you the trophy, buddy, maybe your mom will put the ribbon on your fridge.
  2. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You are the dumbest person I know , hands down lol. My argument is [show me god show me divine power.] You haven't

    I say "well then theres no God"

    you call me "ignorant" for not believing in something you can't show me ,awesome. I can show you hes not real simple by saying

    "ok where is he?" and you stare at me

    and say "hes invisible".

    I say ok "can we communicate with him?"

    You get on your" knees and start talking to yorself and asking questions"

    Whos really the crazy one here honestly?

    "That doesn't apply to Christianity." HAHAHAHAHA ok so have you met Jesus in person did you watch the bible being written did you see the miracles described in the bible? Since you haven't then you are blindly following because you are believing in things you are taking as the truth with out anyone showing you that its real by examples.

    Its lazy because instead of working hard to look for answers you are willing to put god as an answer i wish I could do that on a math test just put god as any answer and get an A lol. To get the real answers you work for them and when you find a solution you can show others and do it more than once like an experiment.

    So it took you 12 years to turn become ignorant cool.

    Whats your purpose then go ahead share it with me im eager to hear it. lol

    Im easily more intelligent than you all you do is believe in imaginary beings. Your like a child that has an imaginary buddy but its sad cause your not a child lol.

    You say hypocrite but i guess I can live with that knowing im not mentally retarded.
    #3482 Eyeless Sid, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  3. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Do you realise how paranoid saying "your parents raised you to hate religion" makes you seem?

    Also, we're debating the existence of god, not the existence of your girlfriend.

    That's hardly an argument, and the rest of your post, especially, is a little too close to arguing from personal experience, and a lot less arguing than bickering. What's to stop Prosper from saying that Atheism is easier to believe in, and why would that make a difference?
  4. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    Paranoid? That was my opinion of HIM specifically, not you, or any other atheist (if you are one).

    It was a side note.

    Thank you.

    At Eyeless Sid: I can't prove a negative, and I won't respond to your posts anymore until you come up with a debate point, instead of insults. Simplification of the conversation we had:

    You: "No, I'm right, you're stupid!"

    Me: "Stop acting like a four year old."

    You: "Religion was created by cavemen to control people, you're a retard!"

    Me: "Prove it."

    You: "You're the stupidest person I know, hands down."

    Me: (This)


    Just to clarify, before I use it in a debate point:

    if you add something (like time) to infinity, it's still infinity, because infinity isn't "constantly expanding," it's already expanded to infinite limit incomprehensible to finite mind.

    If anyone disagrees with that say so.
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Ok Prospy, but if we weren't designed to be flawed, why make Commandments? Obviously we're not perfect. We were kind of meant to do wrong. You can try not to sin. That's good. But it happens, and you really shouldn't expect the worst to come out of it.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I say im right because i have eyes and can see a mind control trick when I see one. Your little weak mind at some time was in a stae where you probably had something bad happen to you as do we all and had questions you couldn't answer and you got sucked into religion. As do many people a good example is cults and how they function the get into peoples minds and win people over with false promises and lies. You liked the message Christianity put out and look your one of them now and what ever guess thats your choice even if its not shared by me.Back onto religions and cults all mainstream religions including Christianity were cults and or are in ways. The cult brings a group together under a leader {Jesus/god/priest ect] and that leader is seen as diving and untouchable and this mystic is also their source of power with out the followers there would be no cult/religion/gods. God and religion do not exist with out us kind of like Freddy Crugar if you don't fear him then he gos away same concept with god. He will not harm you /punish you if you don't believe in him. So whats all this mean well its simply this religion was made for order ,education, and power. remember knowledge is power and the man with the answers is the guy running the show and some smart man made god and he had the answers to everything making him all powerful. Religion is a mind game which has been used for as long as groups existed and that shared beliefs. How do I prove it easy look at every world power ever to exist and how the leaders of those groups gained power and kept their people as blind folowers willing to die for their ideals. Its all a mind game.
    #3486 Eyeless Sid, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  7. The God of Grunge


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    This thread is only arguing opinion. All we've proven is that EyelessSid is a numb nuts.

    The fact of the matter is, God or not, there's no proof either way. This argument is kinda sad.
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You couldn't argue your way out of a box if you honestly want to take a shot at me make it worth my time reading spell my user name in the right way with a space its not one word"numb nuts" and actualy bring up some value. You just came into here to give your two cents opinion with out backing it up great way to get an infraction kid. Read debate rules before posting two bit worthless crap you think of in a second. Make an argument and stick by it, choose a side or get out if you can't pick one its that easy. Made me sad that I had to respond to this, have a good day.
    #3488 Eyeless Sid, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    All hail the Cycle! The Cycle never fails!
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Eyeless Sid, the reasons you are ignorant is because you seem to have no specific knowledge of the subject at hand and because you are attacking Prosper for his beliefs. All of your responses and "proof" are extremely vague and unexplained. Start replying in precise and understandable ways.

    Now, you can try to convince everyone all you want that you are simply having a debate here (if you can even call this a debate), but from your responses it's clear that you are personally attacking and insulting Prosper based on nothing more than preconceived notions of Christians and their beliefs.
  11. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I have given specific knowledge on the subject but this board moves pretty fast and my older point are well, old and I just jumped back into the debate when I saw Prospers post which were not backed up with anything but faith and what crap he pulled out of his thick skull. Funny thing I was raised Christian and attended Sunday school for a while until confirmation the I booked it out of that phyc-ward they called a church. Im being just as vague as his responses to show how crappy his arguments are, I reference certain events and or things that I can argue on that hasn't already been beaten to death enough. I just brought up connections to mainstream religions and cults. Also the only reason im focusing on Christianity is because theres not a big variety of religious members on this website in this debate besides Christians. Christians have an issue when people question their god and I just like bring that into the open. If you want me to focus on other religions I guess I can but most other religions I don't mind because they are generally passive[not saying all of them] when you argue about their beliefs on this site. I have to be vague when I talk about all religion because for one not all of them are the same and im not familiar with everyone of the different beliefs but I can argue about the ones I am. My issue with religion is its just an easy way to discriminate and fight over nonsense and or make up false claims. I hate when people claim things as "acts of god " when thats as far from the truth as it can be. If you don't like my opinion then try and change it by giving me a reason too.
    #3491 Eyeless Sid, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The point isn't that you are attacking Christians, really; it's that you're directly attacking Prosper by calling him a moron. Stop that, and maybe people will take you a little more seriously.
  13. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    So, Prosper.... Still waiting on a response to that post from several pages ago. The same one you refused to respond to the first time I posted it, also.
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I'll see how he reacts then act accordingly thats always been how I work. If I see him acting out of biased bull I will shove it right back down his throat. I also hate it when he skips points made simply because he can't answer it and then asks us a similar question and gets mad when we respond in a way he doesn't like. I think his concepts of that of a moron and how he conceives then he might be a normal guy but I can only take him as I read his posts. His posts give me the wrong impressions maybe. I sound like an ass when I type I need to add more emotion faces so people dont think im raging lol
    #3494 Eyeless Sid, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  15. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    1. I never made an argument.

    2. You never made a point.

    3. Just because you say something doesn't mean it's true. All you've done is say things without and backup. You said (off memory) "Religion is a bunch of bs" and "religious people are ignorant" or "Prosper you're a moron" yet that's all you do, you say things and call them a "point" and when I respond saying "all you did was insult me" you insult me again and we repeat the process.

    4. You are raging. "lol" after a opponent's claim, without providing any reason for it to be wrong, is called rude. (Given the original claim had some logic or backup for itself)

    5. Stop arguing, start debating.

    6. Rabid my response was (I think) two pages back.
  16. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I still can't find your response.
    In looking, I found this. It's talking about a similar subject so I'll respond, but I still want a response to the direct question I asked earlier. You have said before that you have rational reasons for believing in god: what are they?

    Live with it. This isn't a matter of racism or prejudice; we have every right to base our opinions of you on things you willingly choose to believe in.

    Essentially what you are saying is: "Because your arguments don't make sense to me, you are obviously wrong and ignorant." It's that kind of self-centered bastardization of logic that I hate more than anything.

    You have absolutely no understanding of what Nitrous is attempting to do. He is attempting to show you logical fallacies surrounding the Christian god that which make his existence impossible.

    Religion is the only form of insanity that is fully accepted by our population.
    That quote follows the same line of thinking that leads to almost all of the problems we face in society. Think about things that seem wholly illogical to you - suicide bombers, racism, antisemitism, slavery, etc. Each one of those is driven not by rational thinking but by "I believe it, so it is true" thinking. The same sort that you are using.

    I believe in slavery because I know it's just, and it just doesn't compute with my brain not to (anymore). Once you believe in slavery you see things differently. Maybe your abolitionist friends understand your comparisons, but to the majority of people, you're making fools out of yourselves.

    Is this a good argument for slavery? No. It is the same one you are using for god.
    #3496 RabidZergling, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    What? How does that make sense, at all? What you do does not define who you are. Sorry, Batman, the quote sounded nice in the movie but is probably the worst way to look at people.

    ...aaaand this IMHO is way out of line in the context. Sure, go ahead and make an argument to agree or disagree with something, bring proof if you will. Generalizing all of religion and stating it is the "only form of insanity" is IMO a huge insult. I read this pretty often, usually don't stick my head in because of the general idiocy of most of the people who 'debate' here, including you, and because I know stating my beliefs doesn't help anywhere towards the question at hand, which is, just in case you forgot, "GOD", not "Religion: Good or Bad?". 99% of this is "nu uh" "uh huh", and then the argument that follows which is pure flaming each other. I'm looking at you, Eyeless Sid, particularly.

    To be honest, I don't know why I'm still keeping this here, it's totally pointless and only serves as a good meeting place for atheists to bash religious people's beliefs, and vice versa. Honestly, will consider removing this if nobody can prove to me this is worthwhile. The only person who actually knows what they're doing is Nitrous, who IMO should give up on this sorry excuse for a debate forum and move to a real one.
  18. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    Yes, I would just love to drink myself to kidney failure, get herpes from a hooker, kill everybody, od on heroine, hold up a convenience store, join a gang, get convicted of perjury, and go into depression because everyone has better things than me.

    Man, My happiness is so restricted.

    Those two conditions aren't exclusive of each other, and I'll bet you $100 that prosper considers himself happy.

    IF God didn't exist, and we were just talking to nothing, it would be just that. We wouldn't be talking to ourselves we would just be rambling on. It would be like having half a conversation on a telephone. Are you really talking to yourself in that scenario? No, you're just saying random words.

    Do you realize how prejudiced you sound when you say, "You just believe because your parents taught you when you were young"?


    righhttt... or maybe you're just covering your ass so you don't look as stupid as you have in your previous posts.
    Because I say so. I'm guessing that this happened to you without any proof. Generalization. Extrapolation on the generalization.

    You have no real argument.

    I don't think you're gonna get that. So here you go.

    You've already been given the answer many times before, and that is that there is no real logical reasoning, it's called faith. But, I know you probably don't like that answer, so I'll give you a purpose. It's done so much good in the world that I can't see a real reason to object to it as vehemently as some people(in this thread even) do. Yeah it's been used to kill people and do other bad things, but there is a schoolhouse down in Honduras that wouldn't be there without my church, and there are people who are living in real houses instead of the little shacks made out of scrap, and there are people who can see thanks to donated glasses, and there is a refurbished clinic in the Bahamas, and so much more. That's all happened in our lifetime, then you all come and bring up **** that isn't relevant, like the crusades or the Spanish inquisition. That stuff doesn't matter any more. Yeah it happened and yeah that's bad, but religion(I only speak for Christianity here) in our time has made giving the central aspect of its purpose. Now that part has always been around, but it seems to me that it has become even more prominent, so why don't you put the past down and focus on what is possible. It's kind of like water. You say we should get rid of religion because it has been used to kill people. Well, you know water kills people, 800,000 people die each year from drowning. I guess we should get rid of water. No? Then, drop the crap and work with Christians to make the world better. Who cares if their generosity is from fear, faith, or a natural goodness in their heart, as long as it gets done, that's the important part.

    So because you are willingly an atheist, that means I can call you a dirty, heathen who just goes around raping women and making babies cry. oh that's an incorrect assumption of your personality? My bad, did you ever think that your assumptions are wrong? no? well there's our problem.

    (that was to make a point don't take it personally)

    When they say that they are telling you that to them God is are real a magic pony, and that to get them to believe you are going to have to provide some difference between the two, or else you are just making stuff up.

    Here's one. flibba flabba gibba gabba. If that didn't convince you, I can assure you that the rest won't get much better.
  19. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    He chooses to believe in God and follow all (or most) of the rules that go along with that. That belief actively changes the way he behaves in situations, and thus plays a somewhat important role in how people perceive him.
    Also, how does what you do not define who you are? It's the only thing that does. Sure, thoughts are nice, but the only parts of you that anybody else will perceive are your actions.

    Here's the context:
    Prosper posts "but to the majority of people, you're making fools out of yourselves."
    I responded with that line for a reason. I'm not bashing him because I don't like him; I have reason to post that. Embellishment aside, my point is to say that a majority of the population sees our [atheists'] arguments as foolish because they all carry the same delusion. A delusion that I point out in the next few lines as being in the same line of thought as things like racism.
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    What you do is massively affected by peer pressure and a number of other things, many of which aren't who you are. Would you like to go outside and pick a girl of your choosing and rape her? If you had the option, with no repercussions, would you? Now, what you actually do is something totally different and is affected by society. In the same vein, I value my tradition and uphold all the stuff in orthodox Judaism, even though I know most of it is outdated and useless, I value tradition. "What I am" doesn't mean I necessarily am what I do. It means I value a moral, which is something completely different.

    And I never said he was right about it. I did say "vice versa" because it's ridiculous flaming from both sides of the coin. Being overly self-richeous isn't helping, either. I can see all the 350 pages, and all deletes and edits and such as well.
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