They're in the Vents: They're in the Vents is a zombie survival game. The main idea of the game is to have very fast, deadly zombies which die very quickly. Because of the low amount of health they will have to follow vents or face an endless stream of deaths. The map will essentially be lots of rooms filled with nice aesthetics connected by corridors. These corridors will be lined with the vents that go all around the map, there will also be zombie 'drop-down' points placed strategically in the rooms and corridors so that the zombies can get kills on the unsuspecting humans below. The map will mostly be very dark because of my use of the 'Gloomy' effect, this will make the atmosphere much creepier and make zombies harder to spot. I will be using the blue/red lights in certain rooms and corridors to add effect and make zombie spotting a bit easier. Anti-Camping Techniques You may be thinking that the zombies can just camp at these 'drop-down' points and just kill humans as they pass, but I am planning to take several measures to stop this: > Firstly, the Humans will have an enhanced motion tracker. To stop this being overpowered I will make the range quite short. (Either 25m or 10m) > Secondly, the vents will be lined with holes (Created using Wall Slits) which will allow the humans to spot the camping zombies and quickly kill them whilst they are unaware. The quick movement speed of the zombies will mean that zombies quickly passing over Wall Slits will be very difficult kills but will give a warning of an upcoming attack. It will also make the game seem more spooky as you will be constantly catching glimpses of zombies passing overhead. To stop the humans from just camping in the rooms, 'drop-down' points will be placed in several areas (The corners and around the centre) so that they can just come down on top of the camping humans. Player Traits: Currently it is set up so that the zombies have 50% health and no shield, which is about 2 shots with a magnum or 2 BR bursts. Headshots will also be instant kills. They have their run speed set at 200% and gravity at 75%, this means that they don't go impossibly fast and they also have the ability to 'pounce' with the lower gravity. The humans have 10/25m motion trackers and have waypoints which are visible to everyone. This means zombies can see the humans wherever they are and the humans will only be able to see them when they are just above or beside them. Weapons: The zombies are set up with swords which do 1 hit kills and have the lunge ability. Currently I plan to have the humans start with magnums but have varying weapon pick-ups placed around the map. At the moment I am planning to have Battle Rifles, Shotguns (With low ammo and high risk) and possibly a more spray based weapon. I am uncertain whether grenades will be implemented to the game. Pictures: Please note that none of the parts in these pictures will actually be in the final map, they are simply there to show you what I meant by using the Wall Slits for the vents and how it might look. My very basic idea for a corridor (I plan for them to be much less tall, about the size of a large block in height and width). Note the Wall Slits lining the side of the roof. This picture shows how the zombies look when running across vents. Note how the 'Gloomy' effect makes them quite hard to spot. Want to Help?: At the moment I'm an alright forger, I know how to do all the tricks but I'm not particularly amazing at implementing them. So, if you like the idea of my map and want to see it become as good as it could be then I'd be very interested in your help and ideas. GT: Big Maxy 117
To be honest I think your making assumptions without proven evidence. For example, you say it would be hard to shoot zombies through the wall slits. I and many other people could easily hold of a horde from afar by shooting through the splits. Also you mention camping zombies at one point. Is that a typo. I've never heard of that before.
From the few tests I've done its been fairly difficult. The combination of spacing out the slits (more than in my pictures) and the speed that the zombie travels at (Also have to consider how dark it is) makes it much harder than you'd think. But, if I find later on its too easy to kill the zombies then I can always just bring up their health and/or give them shield. If there was an area which was completely blocked from site, bar a hole which you had to pass under, then the zombies could just stay there to get cheap kills as it would be impossible to tell that they were there.
From what I gather, the wall slits will be few and far inbetween, but will be placed at strategic locations so that human players can see when and where the zombies are attacking (and maybe even get a few kills in). As for the "camping zombies" no, it's not a typo. He is refering to the zombies who will just wait by the opening of a vent for some poor human to walk by, and then drop down for an easy kill. I would like to say that this map is a very original idea, and one that I would love to see built. Unfortunately, I have very bad forging skills, and won't be able to help you with making the map. I will, however, give you some tips: 1) make zombie health never regenerate. This creates a faster style of play, as the zombie has no need too stay in a vent waiting for health/shields to recharge. It also makes it so that if you shoot a zombie through the vent-holes, it'll actually help you out in the long run. 2) make human waypoinyts visible to zombies, but give the zombies no radar. This way, the zombies can always find the humans, but the humens can still be able to sneek up on an unwary zombie.