Remixing the pre-DLC halo 3 weaponsets

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Knight Kninja, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    thanks for those maps, im downloading them now.

    anyways, the first thought that came to mind for a name was Desolation.
    Isolation is a word that gives a sense of loneliness and separation. Desolation gives a feeling of war as well as those.

    My suggestion to name it... Desolation.

    As for construct, i've tried putting a Banshee on it as requested by so many, but when i got into the banshee and flew around i found way too many places for the banshee to retreat to when low on shields, as well as all the closed corridors being a target for people to just do stupid stuff. i think it would ruin the game.

    You think that Construct has an overpowering top ring though? i guess i can agree, as most of the fighting takes place there... but i think thats how it is meant to be. but i guess i do see your point. Any ideas for construct anyone? im thinking.. mebbe a teleporter as located on the map preview picture that links to another at sword spawn instead of sword.

    And does anyone have any comments on my maps? any suggestions?
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    That teleport was removed because people would drop from the top into it and use the trampoline effect to leap across the map.
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    oh. good point.. alright well there goes that idea lol
  4. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Desolation is a great name, I'm surprised I didn't think of it -.-

    As for Construct, I just don't like the way it plays. It's too easy to hold the top. The Sniper spawns on the top, and so does the Sword. Not to mention they're in pretty close proximity as well. Most games I play end up with one team sitting in one of the rooms on the ring with the Sword while the rest of my team just goes up the lifts to their death. I had thought about a Banshee, but like you said there's too much cover for it. Maybe if the Spartan Laser was more accessible? Personally I think it needs a bit of a weapon overhaul.

    A couple versions that may work...

    - Sword removed
    - Flamethrower moved to Sword Spawn
    - Missile Pod removed
    - Spartan Laser removed
    - Overshield spawns in the middle of the bottom room
    - Powerdrain removed from bottom level
    - Needler put by the Gold Lift on the bottom level
    - Sniper removed
    - Rockets (0 Spare Clips) at Sniper spawn

    All of the above the except
    - Spartan Laser at Sniper spawn (instead of Rockets)
    - Camo on bottom level (instead of OS)
    - A few Plasma Pistols spread around the map
    - Detached Machine Gun Turret at Sword spawn (instead of Flamethrower)
    You can turn a Machine Gun upside down and drop a fusion coil on it so it's automatically detached.

    Those are just the ideas I came up with off the top of my head, I'm sure they could be better with a little brainstorming.
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i actually do have a construct variant with OS in the center of the bottom room. i think this works well, but for the initial rush at the beginning of the game, it really doesnt work simply because whatever team gets the OS would get invulnerability for about 3 seconds, plus basically 2 shields worth of damage. all that would almost automatically give that team the win for the fight at the beginning of the game. we could do one of those weapon swapping things though! (i really like that weapon swap idea lol)

    sure we could remove sword, missile pod, sniper, and splaser, replacing it with a single rockets with 0 clips.. but this removes basically all power weapons from the game. we have to remember that we aren't designing this for MLG, its for slayer, where people LIKE having power weapons because they are fun to play with and mix the game up.

    A needler would be a great addition to the map though
  6. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I suppose we could do the swapping thing. As for the power weapons, the Spartan Laser is never really used and the Missile Pod isn't used that much either. They're both anti-vehicle weapons on a vehicle-less map. I guess is would be good to find a place for another power weapon, but the Sniper seems to cover too much area since most of Construct is so open. While the Sword makes the rooms at the top really campy. You have to find the right weapon, and the right place for it.

    As for your maps however...
    Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what you did here because I hardly know any call outs for Guardian.

    I like the changes. The Warthog should be an interesting addition. I'm not sure about the Plasma Cannon though, the Machine Gun seems like a better anti-vehicle weapon.

    I saw the blog you made for this, and I gotta say, I think it might come out well. I would lower the OS to 150, but that's just me. I think dual Spikers worked better. Maybe change the Mauler in the base to Plasma Pistols. Because there's two other Maulers by the Sword room, I always thought four was a bit of an overkill.

    I think it would be better to have the Ghost at the Banshee spawn, with the Bruteshot moved to somewhere else on the base. I'm not so sure about the Chopper though, it might be a little too much for the map.
    #66 Krazy Kumquat, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    hmm your right.. and there isnt exactly a mid-ranged power weapon for the most part.. rockets do work well, but if that is done, i suggest on such a large map that it have 1 extra clip.

    Yeah sorry.. il get pictures up some time.

    Hmm now i think of it, the Machine gun does seem to do better vehicle damage. i put the plasma cannon there because it can quickly take down shields... e.g. the shields of the warthog driver.. i think i might change it back (the machine gun fits the scenery better anyways)

    Thanks! yeah i will lower the OS to 150...

    and as for the dual spikers + change of mauler to PP.. thats smart. that way you dont get any goofy looking pairs sitting there. i think i will do that.

    mmk, taken into consideration. i guess it makes sense to have the ghost closer, as the warthog is probably prefereable, so the ghost should be closer.
  8. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Highground.... I can see the machine gun in a different spot. Back by drainer... I'll get a screen shot of what i had in mind later.

    Isolation seems like your on the right track

    Pit... I'm agreeing with toning down the maulers for plasma pistol

    Construct... strike out the banshee, and use the hornet. I mean I can see it being Over powering but move cover to make the hornet have to move and avoid fire from Plasma pistols and sticky from the top level as well the bottom levels.

    Guardian is a hard map to touch. I'm going to wait to say anything on what you have changed till I play a match on the variation you have created.

    Lets play as well PM the creators of Snowbound/Last-resort and Epitaph. No point in restarting or working on a finish map if it works. After that point we can ask for there permission to bundle up the idea.

    If not we can look to see if they will change improve from what they did... pick up the errors they also made in changing the default. Start back on square one.

    ....Starting to seem quite awesome...
  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    @Krazy Kumquat

    Keeping with the Isolation theme what about Desolation?

    Also I have started on a heavy-like variant of the The Pit.
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    crypto thats what i suggested too lol.. thats what he chose i think..

    oh guys did you see this? it was like.. awesome! just posted on the original design behind construct and why the banshee didn't work! : Deconstructing Construct : 12/10/2009 4:12 PM PST

    now as for a hornet, it said in that article that it was better, but still too much? i dont remember.

    Downloaded zanzibar, contacted TSB and Lights about the maps.. lights said he didnt think he even had insulation, we might have to redo that.

    shoot i forgot to change up the machine gun on Ground Hog... but other than that, i did what you requested on the pit, changed around the ghost/brute shot spawn on Valkyrie, and started to look at what construct had to offer.. so far im up to where Krazy has... they are great ideas BTW, the only thing i did different was the rocket with 1 extra clip.

    also, i did one of those switch-ups.. at the beginning of the construct game a sniper with 8 spare shots (2 clips) will be waiting at the bottom.. that might be overpowering so maybe i will lower it to 1 clip.
  11. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    hey i've gone pretty far on Grandstand. At the moment I have:
    - Switched rockets to lazer at 180 spawn
    - Ghost under central bridge at 150 spawn and only appearing on Symetrical games
    - Upper base areas are now where you start and where the flag, bomb spawn points are (drop points are still down below). The upper areas are accessible by a crate staircase infront and teleporter system from below.
    - Switched sword to OS and vice-versa (kept respawn times on those).
    - Move/changed various flag/bomb/territory points.
    - Added a goose to either side plus a ghost (spawn asymetrical) on defenders side
    - Barriers added on ground floor leading to the back of the map (for vehicle evasion)
    - Reduced sniper clip to 1 on each side

    Any other suggestions would be great. I still need to change around more weapons and objects to make it less like The Pit.

    Also are we going to show these maps to Bungie once they have all been completed to see if they will implement them into the play lists. If they approve and put them in how awesome would that be!
  12. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Yes, I'm going with Desolation.

    As for the Construct article...

    “In my opinion, players always want to stay high on a map because it simply provides the best view and works with Halo’s lower aiming camera. When playing Prisoner in Halo: Combat Evolved, I always loved quickly moving to the upper levels so that I could see what was going on beneath and not worry about fools jumping down on me.

    With Construct we tried to make the lifts fast, so that players on the upper levels had to worry about all three entries in addition to the ramps. However, they also had to worry about the Banshee. With its disappearance, the upper floor became very dominant.

    If we redid the layout of the map, maybe we would place the majority of weapons on the first two levels and make players earn their perch on level three. But we would definitely need to play it a ton to see what worked.”
    -Carney, Construct Designer

    Why can't we change up the weapons and make a Banshee work on this map? Put the power weapons on the bottom, with the best place to be on the top. I'm sure it would be possible to make a Banshee fun to play on Construct. You just have to mix up the weapons and adjust to make it work.

    I'm definitely taking up Construct. I'll probably make two versions, one with a Banshee and one without.
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    ok one thing I have found with construct and a banshee is that there are no boundaries around the map. There is simply a kill zone which when reached you just die.
    This would be bad for a banshee flying around because if they just simply try to fly away and hide they could end touching a kill zone and falling to their death.

    Another major problem is the start of the kill zone (vertically) is as high as the sword/purple lift central room. This extends across the whole map and past the gold lift at the back.

    In my opninion they would not be very good.
  14. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Meh, still gonna try.
  15. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Crypto, im glad your taking up a Pit variant as well.. it will be nice to see how everything works out during play-testing.

    and i think that Construct will definetly be the hardest map to get right, so we all gotta pitch in ideas.. im gonna try a variant without the banshee...

    *btw in the construct deconstructed post or whatever i think i saw something about the Hornet being better for the map than the banshee..? maybe try that

    ok guys so im just wondering.. how's everyone's maps doing? i really wanna get everyone together for a play-test.. even if we only get about four or five people from here we can get other friends from online
    #75 Knight Kninja, Dec 12, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  16. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Im probably like 70% done on Grandstand. I just need and add and change a few more weapons, plus add some more objects for cover/design.

    Also when we finish these maps are we gonna submit them to Bungie or post them in map pack on Forgehub.
  17. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I feel play testing should be ... an over all must. Extensive testing... I do not want to summit this to bungie. I would love for them to consider this as something that they could use.
  18. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    wait you just contradicted yourself unless i read it wrong..

    you don't want to submit it to bungie but you want them to consider it as something that they could use?

    what do you mean? like play test extensively so that they can be ready right?
  19. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Well, he doesn't want them to be submitted to bungie as maps, but he wants bungie to be able to look at them and see some things they did wrong and improve on them for reach. Am I right GO43R.

    I'm up with helping out with construct. I have a few ideas for that in case nobody else does.
  20. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Quite so... sorta. See when you type a message quickly because your GF planned a night with you... you rush HORRIBLY rush in typing FH messages.

    This is one of them... and how i SHOULD have said it.

    Adding to my point we need to make this as official as possible. Bungie took the best of the best to make these maps and to respecting them is a must. Think of this as both a love note as well a question of what the community can do to improve best. If we come off cocky we lose our entire hopes of this coming to light.

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