Looks better and better each update you make ! Good job for the moment ! If you need help for testing or placing weapon and respawn !
Thank you very much for the comment and the offer, id be glad to let you test but I think 2 people forging on the map is enough atm, I may call in someone to help me with the theory of it but not to actually make the spawns. Weapon layout ive already got in my head and iv'e got MLG Guardian to look at ;p Send me a PM with your MLG rank, or if its low but you are very good at MLG explain why you are ;p Otherwise I will put you in the regular players testing where I most likely will be.
I havent updated the thread since your last visit? Also, elbow is fine. Notice: updating thread tommorow
^ need some help with your grammar, bro. It's lookin' pretty hot. Be sure to invite me to your tests.
S3 seems quite big, it will be a very powerful spot. I would suggest you to make the place more similar to Lockout sniper tower, this way the ramp that leads to S3 wouldn't be so inclined and the higher spot would be smaller.
Init lol ;p Thanks for the input, I was originally thinking to have it like that but theres physically not enough room in the area to do that with the budget I have im afraid.. Thanks for the advice tough. Ill update a bit later on if I remember or have a chance
I said I will when I get a chance if I didnt yesterday night. Tonight I do have some time. i wont update the images but ill let you know my progress. Theres no need for a picture because iv'e basicly just rebuilt the ramp up to s3 and the gap that was there I just continued as the ramp instead of adding a straight block across so there is less effect on gameplay as normal guardian round that area Ill update OP with the progress but I wont bother putting an image as of yet.
It actually looks quite good s3, I may change it if it doesnt look well or doesnt have posotivity in the testing. I should have enough budget at this rate but it's the OLN I will most likely hit.
Okay sure, ill check through the thread when the map is ready and get a list of everyone. I've been online, you've just been talking to that **** head -.- I haven't worked on the map if that's what you mean. The map will be finished just not as soon as I or anyone else thought. I've lost a lot of my drive for forging the map but if I regain that I will put a lot more effort into the map. Shame really. ;/