What the hell is going on with Living Dead?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PatchworkZombie, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    To be blunt, it's painfully boring. For humans and Zombies, though mostly Zombies. In Speed Demons it's just simply impossible for the Zombies. Plus the humans have a bad time because there is no challenge present. In Save one Bullet it is too much of a challenge because you have to be connection host to kill one zombies. Brains is the best and that's still bad. I get absolutely no satisfaction from killing someone with a magnum.

    Well there's my rant what are you're opinions?
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's infection.
    Tell me, when was the last time you went into infection in mm and EVERYONE enjoyed the game?
  3. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    If my post had said: "Damn Infection is terrible only some of the people in the game enjoy it" That comment would make perfect sense. But it doesn't, does it?
    #3 PatchworkZombie, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    1. It makes perfect sense. Not everyone thinks it's boring.
    2. It's my opinion. You asked for it, and you never said on what.
  5. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    Man, Bungie are digging themselve into one hell of a hole with...... everything to be honest.
    1) Recon. No, just no.
    2) Double EXP Weekends. Infection fails. RANKED GRIFBALL For God's sake.
    3) Opening up all playlist (except DLC specific playlists)
  6. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    There are some infection gametypes that play really well I don't get why they aren't in Living Dead instead of the gametypes in there nowthat mostly consist of camping in a corner until the round is over

    I completely agree

    Matchmaking is becoming very boring.
    Most of the people I usually play with have MW2 now which I don't have. and that is all they play. It is not fun to go into matchmaking by yourself at all anymore.

    It isn't just living dead which I find to be the worst double EXP though, Bungie needs to start integrating more community created content into MM. And not just poorly thrown together maps but gametypes that play well. Like Conquest or even Asset would be interesting for one weekend a month. Or rather than rocket race why not have a Raceway/Battle tracks double EXP.
    #6 Imnickjames13, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  7. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    same with bungie favs.Some maps are just bullshit and theres a guy who always appears there with a shitty screenshoth or map example:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details what the ****?
  8. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Matchmaking being boring is why I forge.

    It's always Slayer and CTF, and occasionaly Assault, rarely Territories, almost never Oddball and KOTH...

    And the lack of community made maps. It makes me want to scream.

    Living Dead's OK, in my opinion. But there SERIOUSLY needs to be more community maps and gametypes in it. I can name all of the gametypes in living dead right now:
    Save One Bullet
    Creeping Death
    CreepingRockets (which is crap anyway)

    It just makes me get so bored.
  9. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Personally, I think the whole point of recon was to give those who earnt it fame, which, it did to some degree.

    Anyway back on topic, I do have to agree living dead does seem quite ****ed up, the only map I like is that haunted manor shiz on foundry, not because it can be camped easily, but because to me it's the only map in living dead that doesnt look like everything was placed randomly just to take up some of the budget. The gametypes, well tbh I only hate one of them, and I can't remember its name but it involves invisible zombies that seem to be invincible!
  10. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    now THAT would be cool. i'd personally rather play rifte's asset in the prepare to drop DBL exp rather than ****ing asset escort -.-

    How does **** like that get into matchmaking anyways? the rat's nest map variant for MM asset escort is a complete joke.

    I would like to see newer community maps like schism of light and what not to be entered in the infection playlist.. these older ones like tha mansion in the skybubble are imo just getting old.

    Creeping deatrh i think. it was invis zombies w/ grav hammers. lol... easier to be a zombie than a human for once but yeah it's pretty stupd.
    #10 SpamRabbit, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  11. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
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    I thought the same thing when I saw that screenshot...

    I personally am still enjoying living dead, but it simply must be updated with some of the better zombie maps out there. There are too many good infection maps for bungie to have an excuse. Admittedly, there still need to be non-sandbox and foundry maps in the playlist, other wise I want to stab my eyes out after seeing so much sand.

    No doubt about it, living dead needs an update.
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Bungie doesn't pick the screenshots that go up on Favorites. They select a group (Forgehub, Forge Cafe, Major League Driving, etc...) and they pick it. Unfortunately, the leaders of those groups picked those shots.

    Same goes with other files.

    I think that living dead can be stupid because its normally the kind of games where one team is unsatisfied. They should try taking camping spots out. Then brainz may be a little more fun.
  13. allnamesrtakent

    allnamesrtakent Ancient
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    the problem with brains is you get pistoled from anywhere or shottied from 20 feet away. so it sucks to be a zombie.

    the problem with save one bullet is theres so much crap littering all the maps, the zombie easily escapes before you can 5 shot him, so the pistol is useless, and the shotty is 50/50

    try combining the two. give everyone 75% damage resistance so zombies are 3 shots from the pistol, the shotty is a little more reliable, and the zombies have a chance.

    play around with the maps. try spawning humans scattered around ffa style. 1 zombie vs 5 humans who spawned in a cluster is going to fail, 1 zombie vs a bunch of seperated humans, is alot fairer.
    #13 allnamesrtakent, Dec 17, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2009
  14. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    Agreed. They just throw a trip-mine and it's game over.
    #14 PatchworkZombie, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  15. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    See, if Bungie used tried and tested maps from ForgeHub, or anywhere really, instead of slopping together something themselves, then they would be more fun.
  16. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    It's not just Infection, I personally think it's just everything on matchmaking nowadays.
    They offered forge at the beginning and when people started to create really unique things they did Foundry and then Sandbox which is REALLY great to make whole MAPS itself with geometry.
    BUT WHY DID they do this?
    They don't really implement maps of anyone...
    bungie day was once and after it there are now SOME maps in matchmaking.
    But damn there are some HELL of maps out there (on our forum) and they don't even take a look.
    ATLAS is a joke too...

    And by the way, matchmaking has gotten bored to me mainly because of the stupid weaponlayout.
    All retarded wannabepros cry MLG and no we not only have a MLG playlist (which is REALLY all right) but we got 80% Slayer BR's in TS because every retard vetos all the other things.
    The BR is (one of the) best weapon(s)...allround, every distance, kills quick...
    WHY give this to everyone right from the beginning.
    There's no point in having Spikers, Magnums etc. on the map...
    You just pick up Sniper, Shotty, Rocket and Laser because they're better on long / short distance or to get Vehicles down.
    Every normal Spartan /Elite is shot with the BR and it's JUST boring when everyone haves it right from the beginning -_-*

    All right, I'm done :D
    I'll go some forging to calm down/ my ascension remake ftw :D
    #16 I Black I Eye I, Dec 25, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2009
  17. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    There used to be ranked living dead and it was much more fun a year back. Ranked infection was beast.

    Either way though, that's why we have custom games.
  18. Dewski

    Dewski Ancient
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    I think bungie should definitely try to incorporate some community made maps but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon.
    Infection as a whole is a bad playlist if you ask me, all of the little kids that like it, and if you're a human and actually want to live the whole round you need to use teamwork but all the 6-year olds aren't really the brightest bulbs out there.

    nuff' said
  19. HaloIlove

    HaloIlove Ancient
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    the thing is... bungie can't strike a balance between humans and zombies. Most of the maps let humans have fun by camping, or other maps just make it fun for zombies. They should put in Smear the Quear... its fun. "Anyone up to splatter a pink guy?"
  20. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    Bungie's so unpredictable. They feature some of Forge Hub's maps, praising them for originality, but then they implement their own crappier maps/gametypes in Matchmaking. Although, I suppose this is the kind of thing that fosters good Forgers.
    Anyway, back to ranting. If just one Bungie employee were to browse through FH's selection of maps, they may find that even some of the worse maps are better than those they create. They hardly seem to put any thought into making a 'custom' gametype. For Infection, a gametype that is often praised for its funtastic-ness and its ability to be changed to fit any good theme/idea, they simply give the players shotguns and magnums, because it's what they see in zombie movies and other zombie games, without taking into account their own game.
    Okay, I can't think of anything else to rant about. XD
    This is why we Forge.

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