Remixing the pre-DLC halo 3 weaponsets

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Knight Kninja, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I'm already trying to fix up Isolation, I've somewhat been talking about it with Gopher. Thus far I've moved rockets to the shotgun spawn, removed the shotgun, removed the sniper removed the ghost, and put an invis on the lower level under the sniper spawn. I'm going to try using more short-medium ranged weapons as the focus of gameplay. Gopher got me thing about how to use some of the scenery items on the map, and I'm trying to work out ideas on how to use some of them.

    Also, I'm working on a Valhalla based map that will support 2-6 players. All the spawns and weapons are in the middle area between the two bases. You can get to the bases still, but there's no point. There's absolutely no long range weapons on the map. As of right now the weapon load out consists of... 1 Plasma Pistol, 1 Trip Mine, 2 Spikers, 2 Firebombs, 2 SMGs, 4 Frags. There's also 1 Invis that spawns at the beginning of the round, in the middle of the map, that never respawns. In it's place spawns an Overshield for the remainder of the game. The map focuses heavily on have close quarters weapons on an area with long sight lines. Any input would be appreciated.
  2. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    thats really cool with the whole invis switching to OS... you could do that with weapons too!

    thats a really interesting concept though.. IMO i would prefer longer ranges :/ but idk its really up to you
  3. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    BR's to Ar's... SMG"s to Pistols so many combos with that ... like I would love to see that done in games like infection..

    STAY FOCUSED... sorry guys that was myself yelling at myself.

    I'll be posting my blog soon.
  4. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Well the problem with longer ranges is that someone could grab a sniper and run to a base. They be practically uncontested. Plus, IMO, seeing your opponents before you can attack them adds more strategy to your attacks. I'm not even sure about BRs, because it could just degrade into shooting across the map. I guess I'll see how it plays. As for the powerups changing... I made it that way because the starting spawns are positioned so each team sees the invis at the start so they both rush it. It's setup so each team should reach the powerup at approximately the same time. The only reason it's an invis instead of an overshield the whole time is so that one team doesn't get up too many kills on the other team right from the start. Because of the invincibility from when you first get an oversheild the team that grabs it would win the starting fight with ease. If it's an invis it offers something for the team to rush towards, but it doesn't affect the opening battle.
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    yeah i totally get what you mean
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    very nice go43r.

    changes made i dont think i can judge till i getta play it. we really all need to get together for this.
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Hey I saw this thread and I though that it would be great to mix up the pre-DLC maps a bit to give them some new hawtness.
    Anyway I was thinking of designing a heavy-like variant of the pit, but then saw that Knight Kninja had already started designing something like this.

    What I reckon you should do is start a list of all the maps and who is changing/editing/mixing up these maps. That we can see what has been done and hasn't been done because I would really like to be part of this.

    Also I think the stock Foundry map is in need of a serious overhall.

    EDIT: Any suggestion on Narrows and Cold Storage?
    #48 Spicy Forges, Dec 9, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2009
  9. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    How about this?

    and i'm pretty sure theres another one around that is a symmetrical version of default foundry
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    you should make a Pit variant as well.. that way we have two separate ideas that can be combined to create an even better one.

    as for narrows, i've gone onto that map in forge SO many times and just can't figure out what to do. it plays great for TS besides maybe spawn trapping.. maybe if an FFA variant was made?

    as for CS... i agree that something should be done, but i'm not totally sure as to what.. one of my problems is the open-ness of bottom mid... but then again the point is to create room-based warfare, and bottom mid does this.
  11. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Wow, I really like what you guys are doing here. I've always wanted something like this to be done and now it is :). If you guys ever need any extra testers I would be gald to help. And I agree with Crypto, a list definitely need to be made of who is revamping what map, and what they are doing to make it better. Maybe put it in the OP?

    And as for Epitaph, I remember a loooong time ago someone had posted and epitaph map which had a different weapon setup than the original. It played EXTREMELY well, like I never knew Epitaph had the potential, but the balanced weapon setup that was implemented worked perfectly. I'll see if I can find it in the maps section, and if anyone knows which map I am talking about, let us know!

    A suggestion for Narrows: have team based spawns on their own respective side, like Bungie originally had it when H3 was released. Since they updated it to where both teams spawn on both sides (neutral spawns), I believe the gameplay was ruined. But, who knows, I am probably completely wrong on this xD
  12. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    mmk if you can't find the epitaph map.. can you remember anything on it and where?

    as for a list of who is doing what, i guess i can do that. but it would be soooo nice if there was a whole forum that was ACTIVE for us to work on. alas, for now that is not so.
  13. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    MLG was the reason that this changed. They could pick off spawns by taking the highest point of the bridge looking over to the enemy team and DESTROY. Look at the Early PRO vids they will show them shooting from that point to spawn killing people on narrows. Now this comes to an interesting point IS Narrows fun with a sniper? Would it be better to mess with the map settings to see new elements?

    For Epitaph does the map you make comment to support 1 flag ...sniper variant because I knew that guy...?
  14. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    does Narrows play well with a sniper? or is it fun? interesting concept...

    i really like it because of long lines of sight, as well as lots of cover....

    but your making me think now... how would it play without? what would replace it?
  15. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    Ah, i guess that makes sense...BUT, good point does narrows really need snipers? To me, having team base spawns is well worth sacraficing the snipers. The main reason I liked narrows in the beginning (not anymore) was because of the team base spawns, and I would give up snipers to have that gameplay style back. The question is, do we try to replace the sniper? And with what? Or just take out that power weapon completely and focus more on dual-wieldables or BRs...

    I'm not quite sure. It's probably the same one you're thinking of, but I would just have to go back and see the pics to remember it. But I definately recall there being a sniper on this version. I will do a search tomorrow as I'm sure it's pretty far down the list and I'm about to fall asleep...
  16. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I can't think of anything for epitaph just yet.

    We can keep the sniper but I'm looking into creative ... Teleporter solutions. You'll love it. You love it so much I'm stalling into telling you.. making you seep with desire. ... Ok Teleporters' proved an effective tool in blocking both LOS as well bullet in game. We could simply Save and quit a Telly in the way so that you would have to jump wiggle or move to get a good shot at those spawns. It is a price tag trick but it is something only the PreDLC would ever be able to pay for or need.

    :) hee hee agree it was cleaver?

    Only other idea I can think of for Narrows is mess with Mauler... I hate them in the places they are at in every map .... Narrow is a very good built map even to default so out of the sniper/spawn fix you really have to be digging into that map closely to improve upon it. Weapon variations would be nice to see. Maybe pull up the trick Vahalla is trying with Camo at start and Over-shield for the rest of the game. You could set it so that the sides are opposite at start and end flipped. (only for objective games would i suggest this setting.) You should keep Symmetric setting for both to do the same thing for multi objective games. (ex OV - CA on the left and CA-OV on right. for one flag) (and Multi flag both CA -OV).
    #56 G043R, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  17. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    was that first paragraph of yours talking about epitaph g034r?

    oh, and i went on my xbox today and tweaked my guardian variant and my valhalla variant slightly.. this is what i have, please give me any suggestions/problems you have with it. if you want me to explain why i have done something, i have a reason for it, just ask.

    Paladin - Remix of Guardian
    Second Bubble shield @ Shotgun - 60sec.
    Beam Rifle (just changed from sniper)@ bottom gold - 150
    Invis @ bottom of S tower's mauler ramp... basically almost by old snipe spawn - 180
    OS @ invis - 180
    Rockets (0 spare clips)@ S3 (MLG snipe spawn) - 120
    Carbine @ Blue lift, BR @ green lift - 30 sec.

    Ground Hog - Remix of High Ground
    Warthog@ bottom ghost - 150sec
    Grav hammer @ invis - 120
    Snipe@splaser - 120 sec. (was 90 but with 2 snipes, seemed overpowering)
    Plasma cannon @ machine gun turret - 90
    Invis @ OS - 180

    Pitted - Remix of The Pit
    Ghost@ MLG OS spawn - 150sec
    One plasma pistol instead of one spiker @ dual spikers on plat. - 45sec.
    OS @ sword - 180 sec (should i change to 150 to match ghost?)

    Valkyrie - Remix of Valhalla
    Ghost@ wraith spawn - 120 (change to 150?)
    Brute shot @ banshee spawn - 45sec
    Rockets (1 clip) @ splaser - 150 sec
    Powerups in cave (Invis on waterfall side, OS on Ocean side) - 180 sec
    Missile pod upped to 150 sec.
    Bubble shield @ regen - 60 sec.
    Thinking about maybe placing a chopper at the radio antennae? with spawn at start: no?

    Once again, please tell me what to change, questions and suggestions im open for
  18. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    ok Im going to go ahead and make a heavy variant of The Pit. A few ideas for this are listed below:
    - Central ghost under bridge (the one that leads to the sword room)
    - Replace rockets with Splaser
    - Make the upper areas accessible (possibly even move starting points, flag points and bomb points up there)

    I'll have to have a look and see what else I can change aswell.

    Also Im thinking of naming this map "Grandstand". Other suggestions would be good.
    #58 Spicy Forges, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  19. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I saw you guys talking about a remixed Epitaph... I know thesilencebroken made one, and it played pretty well compared to the original. It's actually set on Epilogue (no shield doors) if I remember correctly. He also made a version of Last Resort where he changed the weapon sets so they were like Zanzibar's.

    Links to both of them...
    Zanzibar(Last Resort) Amnesty(Epitaph)

    I also need help naming my Isolation map, but I want to try an keep the basic feeling of the name. Knight, you seem pretty good at that, do you think you could help me out? I've got a few of my own, but I wanna see what you come up with.

    I just remembered, LIGHTSOUT made a variant of Snowbound. He blocked off the tunnels and changed up the weapons. I'm not sure how it played, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention.



    I saw no one's said anything about Construct yet. I'd be willing to think about the mixing the map up a bit. Personally, I think It has a lot of potential but is ruined by campy weapons and an overpowering upper ring.
    #59 Krazy Kumquat, Dec 10, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  20. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    Aislar (French for "to isolate")

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