What if Halo: Reach Was Free? - Xbox 360 feature - at IGN Summary - It is possible to make much more profit than selling a game if you release for free with less content than usual and rake it on on the DLC's and other addons. Sounds HAWT! O yeah IGN's got a new layout and it's beast!
a DLC business model is one of the best ways to combat piracy. But it would seem as though MS is doing a decent job cracking down on the 360 firmware exploit. It would be cool if it happened but MS knows that only a small portion of it's total market has XBL, or even people who've connected their xbox's to the internet. Final verdict: Never gonna happen.
I'd rather have some factual more realistic news about Reach than hearing some douche spewing out crap like this in order to make a name for himself.
Seriously? I don't think anyone's trying to make a name for himself here. I think someone's just a little cranky and needs to go take a nap. I'd personally rather have it full version only. I hate games where you have to buy DLC to play certain things. IDK, some games I'll accept it, but very lightly. Then again, on the business side, isn't that what free MMO's do? They give out CRAPLOADS of optionals.
If this were to happen I would be massively pissed, buying new Halo games is kind of like a tradition it would not feel the same if it were not the physical thing.
i would be sincerely pissed off. so would my friends who dont have xbl i mean, seriousl. this would suck. i would never buy a DLC ***** game.
Uh...no. They article is written obviously in complete hypotheticals, besides the fact we already know it's on disc release (Gamestop has preorders for it, you see). The idea in of itself? Maybe in the future. For now, I think I need a physical copy to be happy.
The idea in itself, like Communism, is fantastic. The problem is that DLC packs on xbox live, like everything else on there, is ridiculously overpriced. On top of the fact is that if your buying into this thing, then they are in your pocket, if you love the game, your going to have to buy it unknowing of how much money your going to invest into it. That is a flawed scheme.
^^Yes, very much.^^ If Reach was a DLC, it would take up way too much space on people's HDDs. I have 5.6 GBs left and Reach would take up maybe 4-6 GBs. There's probably no way in Hell that a full video game could ever be free.
I'm going to say that I am for free games. I understand that maps might cost extra but with self control you can get a game at a great discount, that is until the refine the process and make it so that people who have bought everything will have a slight edge that is just enough so that you need it to compete.
Actually we can avoid buying maps THAT LACK forge ability. Do you know how many people would never have had to have isolation? Or many other maps they simply do not play? ... This could force the company to avoid making CRAP ... not that bungie would...<<
If it was free, it would be sold out very quickly. All the lil' kids would get it because they are the fastest.
Just to clarify things, I was talking about the IGN editor who wrote this pointless article, not the person who created this thread. I still stand by my statement of wanting actual information instead of a "What if" fantasy.