Okay guys so I have started another project which I hope to have done by Christmas so this one will have to be put on the back-burner until after Christmas. I did however do a little more work yesterday and will update the OP with new screens next time I get on Live NOTE: THIS PREVIEW IS JUST A BASIC IDEA. THIS IS NOT A FINAL VERSION AND INTERLOCKING WAS NOT USED TO CREATE THIS VISION OF A FUTURE MAP So the other day I was playing some Team Fortress 2 on my favorite map 2fort. That's when I decided that I was going to make some a map inspired by 2fort. Ultimately I would love to make a gametype using the class system used in TF2 but for now just a map will have to do. I began to build just a basic idea of what I wanted late last night because I couldn't sleep and was was avoiding starting a final. Everything I have is just a rough idea so far and (almost) nothing is interlocked I just wanted to start it envision the map. For those of you who don't know 2fort it is a symmetrical map made for capture the flag. Screenshots are in the spoiler Spoiler So far I've only started the bridge(Only have floor and roof of it until I decide how I'm going to make the sides The start of the sewer going into the water retention basin And the top sniper platform/window Overview of the little bit I've done so far There most likely won't be any updates in the next week and a half as it is finals season but over winter break I should be able to get a lot more done
Yes two symmetrical bases. If you've ever played Team Fortress 2 it will be as similar to that as I can make it but I have a feeling that I will only be able to replicate the front of the bases and have to come up with a new layout for the flags. I doubt that will happen because this is just a rough idea as of right now. But after finals I'll see how much I can get through. XBL would make a great Christmas gift idea if people are still asking you though
I tried something like this before, and even mine was not detailed, and not interlocked, to do a quick run though, and I couldn't find a way to use all my resources in the right way to actually make 2fort. It's a giant map! Good luck though.
Yeah the more I work on it I realize how challenging this will be. I Don't think I will be able to make the basement where the Intelligence (flag) is kept so I will likely have to make something different there.