hi this is my first main map pots in the forums.. ok this is zimbob way anchint duck hunt EDIT: ok for the info althow when you down load this map it may say dark cloud but xbox has not switched my name to gencide yet for some odd reason: game type: the zombie spawns with a sniper its impossable for he humens to escape becuse the have 200% gravity witch makes them FAT NOTE: on start every one is 300% speed and invonrable for (3 sca) meaning no spawn kills right off the start NOTE i will be updateing this map to make it look better "spell check any 1 XD?" dec: newly found mini game in deep sand it looks to be a type of duck hunt ? object: the humens have to run around trying not to get shot by the zombie thay start with 200 speed last man gets 300 zombie does insta kill there are 2 bubble shilds (90 sca) 1 flar (60) 2 depolyable shields (30) 2 regens (45) NOTE THIS WILL NOT HELP YOU > just to trick you or you make your owngame type IMAGES over view of map spawn for zombie! LINK'S GAME: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=102369064 MAP: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=102367829
This looks pretty good, but does the Zombie get a sniper? If it was just an Assault Rifle, it'd be too easy for the Zombie, and too hard for the Ducks. If you wanna make it extra hard, give the Zombie a Spartan Laser, those are hard to get kills with at 300% speed. Looking at everything else, the forging looks excellent, and maybe you could make the map look fancier if you have a bunch of left over supplies. Make sure the Ducks can't get out of the map either.
What do you mean looks like one? Is this your map because on the file download it says it's made by MSG Genecide and you are MSG Dark Cloud. Obviously it's one of your friends if anything but have him join and talk about the map so he can give more information about it then you did. Maybe I'm wrong and this is your map though.
I'm thinking of it as a duckhunt canvas.. Love the sniper cage, but there's not really anything else to go by..
no its not made by my frind its by me my name is MSG Gencide X there something wroung with xbox if you add me and invite me to a party you will see gencide in the party but darkcloud on your list it the descripten of the map what it you see when you download it under the name