Remixing the pre-DLC halo 3 weaponsets

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Knight Kninja, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    I redid Guardian a while a go, and it worked extremely well and was praised by many. Unfortunately that was on my old hard drive and i dont know anyone who still has it, but I will try to recreate what i did and see how it goes
    #21 CzIz, Dec 6, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  2. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    ok sweet... how bout everyone forge what you can and we will get together on a set date and all play the maps.. anyone got a good date? christmas break i know would be nice for lots of people... but then theres trips..
  3. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I don't have Gold right now so I can't test my Isolation map. If someone would be willing to test it for me, I'd put it on my fileshare for you guys once I finish it.
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Most people don't leave for Christmas break trips until a few days before christmas. Maybe sometime as soon as the break starts.

    By the way, Sandtrap is begging for weapons set remix. With the default setup, lasers are far too overpowering. Any suggestions?
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i think that if the banshee was removed, it would be justified to remove the lasers...

    instead... maybe a sniper to each side and something different at the snipe spawn?
  6. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    What about a laser at the sniper spawn?
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Take what you learned from Stand off and apply it to Sandtrap personally. The flag objectives should be moved. Flags on the elephants would be nice...and making the score plot on a base section.

    I'm tossing idea's out here. Maybe banshee conflict as appose to one over all in the map.

    Tweaking spawns would be nice since we can all agree the spawns are flakey. (92 Placed on map)

    Maybe add objects and move-able objects to the Left path way opposite of the phantom to look like Marines had a base blown away or objects ditched. The map has the potential to have aesthetics added as well gameplay.

    -rockets placement is fine but, Missile pods and vehicles don't mix very well. Maybe adding more cars and suggesting more vehicular gameplay can make the map feel more blood gluchish.

    I'm tossing ideas to who ever is going to pick up Sandtrap needs to pick what they want to do and focus on it.

    Shared to XF i'll share info .. as needed.
    #27 G043R, Dec 6, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  8. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    yeah i think it kind of needs more vehicles... when you spawn on that map, you are often taken down by either a vehicle or a mob of opposing teammates. vehicles would let you get away/stay safer
  9. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    As for the Valhalla idea. It is unfortunate there is no available Gauss Hog to place as a neutral power item. But maybe place one neutral banshee at the current antenna in place of the mongoose that is there. Also have a laser at each base (spawn where sniper usually spawns). But put all three of them (both laser and the Banshee)on long respawn and not spawn at start (180 on Banshee and either 120 or 150 on the lasers)

    I like the idea of a ghost at each base so replace the Hogs with ghosts. Keep the mongooses at the bases but maybe one on each ramp rather then next to each other.

    Also put a neutral hog by the pelican place it somewhere that it would be safe from either base as to avoid it being destroyed as soon as the enemy gets in, maybe actually underneath the Pelican or next to the boulder where the regen spawns.
    Because there are already 2 laser remove the laser at top mid. Maybe replace with a rocket (low ammo)

    Less ammo for snipers at bases but a shorter respawn time and move them to the back where the Banshee is on default, or on top wear the missile pods were.

    I do like the idea of having a powerup in the caves camo would probably play well but OS would probably be better because it would help combat the vehicles. on the map.

    Maybe a few other small weapon tweaks and some spawn tweaks. I might get on this after my finals are over with or if I need a break from writing a paper later this week.
    I am hesitant about the neutral banshee but the lasers at each base should be able to counter it as long as teams are smart and don't use it all on the other vehicles/ enemies on foot
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    shoot.. i was posting something earlier but my internet cut out on me.. now i kinda forget what i was gonna say..

    but one thing about the neutral banshee.. i was agreeing with it somehow, it could be kind of dangerous to have.. i mean what can take out a banshee when the splasers are gone?

    OH and other thing, i didn't replace the warthog with the ghost, i kept both. in fact, a well maneuvered warthog could pretty easily take out a banshee. they could be helpful
  11. nixaguy

    nixaguy Forerunner
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    I have a feeling that many pre-dlc maps could become more popular if they played, if not better, differently, it would add more ways to play, and more gametypes could be played on it. For example, i dont remember ever playing one bomb on high ground in matchmaking, however if the setup was changed, it would bring a new aspect to that map. I think that an idea like this should be implemented, that is if people are willing to spend their time making the maps.
  12. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    some maps that i simply cannot stand playing include Epitaph and Isolation. those two maps desperately need to be fixed... i am focusing all my thoughts on trying to fix at least one..

    Epitaph, i think, plays terribly (in team doubles, mind - that is the only gametype i usually play on this map) because it consists of one team sitting at the Invis/Sniper/shotgun/bubble shield spawn and- wait... those 4 power weapon/forces all congregated together?! yes. there is the problem.

    You also see this at times on guardian. OS and sniper are in the Snipe tower and the other team's only defense is grabbing invis or getting a grav hammer/shotgun.

    back to Epitaph.. this map is too focused on one side. besides the fact that the map itself isnt well designed for team play IMO, the power weapons need to be lessened and spread out. Epilogue started to do this, but didnt go far enough so as to totally eliminate poorly flowing maps.
  13. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Very true about the well maneuvered warthog. But I have successfully taken down Banshees with the SMGs at the base with kill the pilot leaving the Banshee intact for me to rain down some terror. also I usually just use the plasma pistol to take out the banshee when it come in on its attack.
    I usually don't find Banshees to big to big of a problem most of the time I get pissed when we get force down into the base and the warthog just circle it
  14. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I play tested Rats Nest... seem like people enjoyed the change. Pictures should be up in 24 hours. I'm still needing to make it so the flag isn't always taken threw the center every time. I'm in the debate to blocking off bridge in the center or making it so that the upper floor of bridge is dangerous AKA fusion coil? Something like Fusion coils on Snowbound.
  15. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    I reckon the use of teleporters on valhalla could be interesting. I don't mean from the bases to the middle like on blood gulch/coag but some short distance teleporters down the sides, both across the map horizontally and length ways.

    I also think there should be cover added to the turret/antennae side of the map, as this side is far to open.
  16. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Alright I'm about to suggest we go more in-depth in how we change this. We are allowed to post blogs about the maps we are working on. I'm going to Link here on what I'm going to do for Rats Nest as well Standoff. The reason why I want to have Blogs is so that I can link it here. As well to the fact that if I posted my entire Map post here we would have to quote to keep up.

    Not to derail this thread ... lets cointinue to talk about generally here, but if someone is actually picking up a map. Let them show directly what they are working on. Keep in touch here so that we can pick good test/play dates.
  17. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    good idea go43r.. is yours in your blog right now?

    i actually created a blog last week to keep track of what i am doing... its a wordpress blog:
    Forging the Future
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Nope but it will be up around 9pm tonight. Making dinner tonight for the family and preparing a full write up. Keep you posted.

  19. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Definantly fantastic ideas. I especially like the "One bomb on High Ground" idea. The map is practically designed for it.

    Also, don't do teleporters on valhalla. It's way too small, and they would just send you into a conflict. I was also considering a new 'Valhalla Heavy' layout, with a neutral tank instead of banshee. I don't know about any other vehicles/weapons though.
  20. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i would help but cannot stand heavies gametype because i simply cannot get balance to work out when there are so many large vehicles.. that is the one thing i will stay away from.

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