Devil95's Asset Map Pack Hello, Forgehub. Today we look at My Asset Map Pack. In This Map Pack, There are 3 maps and 2 Different types of gameplay. Hold Out and Escort. One of My Maps has already released. However, the next to in the series won't release until Christmas 2009. Testing is already start for one of them. I'll update the last one once its finished. Well lets not waste time shall we. (UPDATE!) Mobassa Bridge and Frosty Caves will be a Standalone Map! ONI Hillside and Restricted will be the only 2 maps in this Map Pack! I'm still forging on Mobassa Bridge. If Mobassa Bridge is done by Christmas It will be entered into the map pack. IF ITS POSSIABLE! ONI Hillside This Map was post back in November and was a New Intense Feel in Asset. I decided to make the Map Pack After this map. After it huge success. Description: The Covenent wanted something. We didn't know what. Now we know, But the covenent are after it. Send in the ODST's. [bungievid]101501837[/bungievid] Youtube Video: (Thanks to Meltyourtv) YouTube- Halo 3 | Asset: ONI Hillside Restricted This is one of the New maps added into the map pack. Based off of it original map ONI Hillside, this brings new gameplay and New Heights In Asset. Releases Christmas 2009. Description: After Alpha Base 45 was captured by the Covenent. The Asset Crash Landed on to a New Base located west of the Alpha Base. [bungievid]102115840[/bungievid] Mobassa Bridge After playing Rifte Gifle's New Type of mode in Asset (Escort), I came up with a New Idea. The Beta worked really good. However, I am still redoing this project due to many glitches. Releases Christmas 2009. No Video Yet! This will be my last Asset Map Pack. Hope you guys enjoy an I'll see you Christmas Morning.
Ok.. i just read a post saying you are getting tired of map previews. And than not less than five minuites later, i see one from you. and second, did you get permission from Rifte Gifle to create your own pack. It is kinda his gametype. But the mpas look pretty good, not the best, but they look nice.
Yes, I know. But Recon Speller is shown off like 20 maps in like 4 days. I only posted this one to post all my videos for my map pack. Since the last time I tried doing that. I got a warning. Yes, I already asked Rifte Gifle. Why else would I post an Asset Map Pack without premission from the creator. I Still have one more map, This is going to be the best.
So what if it's his gametype? Plenty of people have made Tremor n Mouse map packs, Conquest map packs, racing map packs, Clue map packs, OVERBOARD map packs, and the like, without permission from the gametype creator(s). There's no rule saying one needs permission for something like that. Anyway, I've just recently started picking up on this new gametype. Can't wait to see these maps.
Yes i know... but i just wasnt sure since Gifle himself is making a mpa pack and most peoples asset maps are part of it... I wasnt sure If he cared if you skipped out on his map pack for his own... Im not trying to be a ****, i really do like these maps, they're forged nicely, i havent played on them yet, but they look really nice...i was just simply wondering if Gifle cared that these arent going to be in his map pack
Yeah, Thanks for the comment. Also you can go to the testers guild to see the Beta Test. Sign-up and you'll be able to get to see the maps early.
There are like 6 or 7 maps in the map pack, only 2 more need to be released. It's actually a good thing people make map packs, as it only creates more publicity for asset.
Hey Guys I just updated to inform you guys. Rifte Gifle what are you talking about 2 more maps. you released like 6. What More?