The Monday Thread (Open only on Mondays)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, Sep 11, 2008.

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  1. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    woke up. Was sick. Sick again. and again. And again. Then came here.

    Got the winter bug that's going around my town at the moment.


    anyone else ill?
  2. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    1.) if you add a 0 to the end of your selection index of your PSAT score, you get your approximate SAT score.
    2.) College Board calls it Harvard College. Dont ask me.
    3.) Likely true. I heard this one kid got 3 C's and still got an invite :p
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Darn... I got my PSAT scores back, and got an 1800... :/ Although, seeing as I didn't try and was half-asleep, and have am only a sophmore, I think I have time to improve lol.

    I also have absolutely nothing happening in my life right now... just counting down the days til Hanukkah this weekend! XD
  4. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    it got a 190 for my selection index sophomore year and a 194 this year. C'mon, you can do better.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    It was noon here when you said that... -_-

    Today SUCKED! I had 4 tests/quizzes because apparently teachers think its a great idea to make kids study over the weekend when science fair is due in a week.

    The only good class was English. I had a drawing war with my friend =)
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I know! It's not my fault... I just didn't really care. Although if it's anything to note, my whole grade got around 1200's, and I was one of a handful to actually do well... the highest score I think was a 2300 or so.
  7. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    (Im from Ohio)
  8. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I got a 214. Too bad because I was only commended by NMSQT and didn't go on to be a Finalist. (Ended up getting 2210 on real SAT)
    Collegeboard is retarded. Just wait till you're applying to colleges and you'll see how dumb their site is.
  9. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    On friday me and a friend decided to drive down to Virginia Beach kind of impulsively. We owed $400 to our dealer so we decided we might as well pay him. We were a little bummed because we had no weed for the 4-5hour trip, but when we got to the car, we found around 2 bowl packs worth of nugs. We were pretty psyched, we turn on the ipod and chill. We had a great road trip down to the beach and on the way there I was texting a friend, I convinced him to come back up to my University.

    On the way there we stop by a gas station that happened to sell bongs, pipes and such. My friend buys a small metal pipe that unscrews. It's very cool, it conserves so much weed. Further along we stop at another gas station that also happened to sell these things. This one has hookahs though, and we call up one friend at school and asks if he wants to throw in for a hookah. He tells us he has one at his house in Virginia Beach with shisha and coals. So we decided not to buy one.

    Eventually we arrive at the beach and first get to the friend with the hookah's house. His younger brother left the hookah and stuff on the porch in a plastic box. Everyone was asleep and it was dark so the whole transaction was sketch. We left quickly :p

    So we first arrive at our dealers house. Lemme describe the setting now, here is this old 40-50ish redneck guy who doesn't smoke selling us ounces of chron. We go to his house and him and his friend and his friend's two sons are there. We walk into the house and they are listening to reggae and drinking beers. They offer us some and only I take one because I'm not driving. We chill there for a bit talking about marriage, girlfriends, and hookers. My friend goes in to the back with the dealer to pay the $400 and get another ounce fronted (and he takes ****ing forever), and now I'm stuck in the living room with a drunk guy and two drunk sons. The dad goes off to get something and the younger son (17) follows. The older son (23ish?) talks about how good the beer is, I agree. He then asks if me and my friend want to buy rolls. I thought he was talking about mdma (ecstasy) but I wasn't sure so I told him I don't really know what that is. He says don't worry about it then.

    Then the 17 year old son comes back and says some bitches are coming to stay for a bit. A little later two decent looking high school chicks walk in. They sit down and open one apple cider beer and we chat a bit. All the drunk guys are kinda ugly (typical redneck you know) so the chicks instantly flirt with me. One kept smiling and joking with me, and eventually offers me her beer. I drank it. My friend comes back from "talking" with the dealer. For some reason a flying squirrel was on his back. The two bitches and I go to see what the **** that was about. Apparently he owns a $800 flying squirrel. When the chicks saw my friend I over heard one saying "You didn't say there where two here." The two chicks get the squirrel and put it on one of their shoulders. One of the girls kind of freaks out and gets close to my arm and holds my hand. She kind of dragged me back into the room to chill with her again. She notices a hickey from my girlfriend on my neck and asks "what's that?" I say "A hickey, heh" and she responses "where did you get that from" with a cute smile. Not really sure where to go with this I just say "I dunno" and return the same sort of smile. She did some sort of flirty thing after, I was already feeling the beer now.

    My friend finally finishes, and walks into he living room with his old bong that the dealer was keeping. He asks if I'm ready and I say sure, so we say goodbye to all. When we walk outside to the car, I tell him what he missed about the bitches and he agreed that they were all over us. We then decide if we should stay and get our dicks sucked but we were on schedule so we left. (My friend that we are going to pick up would be able to leave his house past 11:00, it was 10:20ish)

    Before we go there, we stop by one of my friends house and visit his dad. He was in the back shed playing wii and smoking weed. His dad is a veteran stoner, and we wanted show him our new crack pipe. He liked it and we talked a bit. We talk about how everyone says it will snow at our university on Saturday. Eventually we leave around 10:40 because we have to pick up my friend.

    We get to my friends house, he told his parents I was staying the weekend and that he would come back at 5. We tell him about his cockblockyness and he apologies. We go to wawa, get gas, drinks, then move back onto the highway. We instantly test out my friend's bong that he got from the dealer, it was good. Stoned out of our minds, we head back to Uni. It's now 12:00.

    Saturday coming up next.
    #769 Fbu, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  10. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I got got invited to something similar but for leadership instead.
  11. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    DAMN. wow. You did better than anyone at my school :p

    however i do know someone who got a perfect SAT score.
  12. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    The road trip is kind of a blur, we were very stoned. Fortunately because it is so late at night, there is no traffic and it only takes like 2-3hours to get back. All the people waiting for us have been taking jello shots, and when we got back we tell them to head to our dorm.

    One of our friends is very rich, and recently received a Lexus. We convinced him to drive it our while we all smoke marijuana. Before leaving me and my vb friend take some shots of vodka. Now the group consists of six people: Me, my friend, my vb friend, my girlfriend, the rich friend, and the hookah friend. We couldn't all fit in the car so my girlfriend laid on top of me and vb and hookah friend in the backseat.

    We head out to our favourite road to smoke on, it's basically a big track that we circle. It's in a unpopular part of town because it's kind of in the country/forestish. It has a lot of curves and it's dark, as my hookah friend puts it, "it's the best road in America." We then start packing the pieces, which we had a lot of. Two bongs, two bowls (pipes), and a chillum. I end up just doing bong rips honestly as the bowls and chillum were getting too much for me being so stoned.

    Now I was surprised my girlfriend was there because she doesn't smoke, and she usually doesn't like coming along. But she was telling me how much she liked being with me, and she wanted to be with me. :3 She was a little drunk from the vodka and jello shooters, so when my friend asked if she would smoke tonight she said "maybe" with a cute smile. I was passed the bong and I took a hit, and they said to let her hit it. I looked at her and asked if she seriously wanted to do it, I didn't want to force her into anything she didn't want. We took a bit in deciding and I kept passing the other pieces on, holding on to the bong. She said she wanted to and I wanted to make sure she really wanted to. She said she wanted to. I milked the bong to get a nice hit, and told her how to take it. (She already knows how to hit a hookah better than I can, so I told her it was like that) She takes the whole thing, it was sooo cute :3 I pass the bong on and we kiss and such.

    Now we just continue talking/joking and hitting the pieces. One of the bongs gets clogged so me and my vb friend try to clear it. He tries first but ends up coughing because there was so much smoke in the chamber. Then I try, I suck in forever and finally just pull out the thing. It was molten lava hot and I burnt my two fingers throwing the male piece on the floor. I try to clear it, but then I just release a huge rip. I notice that the bong its still very full of smoke, so I clear the rest and get another big rip. My vb friend then takes it and starts trying to clear. He milks it forever, pulls the male piece out, and clears all the smoke. Then he released a blanket of smoke on us, everyone turn around and just said "damn." We all agreed it was the biggest bong rip we have ever seen.

    Now we've been cruising for awhile, it was probably the highest I have ever been. Let me give you a bit of history real quick. My first friend always drives, and he is really the only one that is good at it while high. (I'm decent but I'd rather him do it) Tonight though, the lexus friend was driving, he didn't want anyone to drive his lexus. Now we arrived at a intersection where you could only turn left or right. We here him say "is that a road" and then we realize that he is just about to drive into the grassy part next to the turn.

    We go into the grass and all of us are saying "what the ****?" My first friend just says "[Name] get the **** out of the drivers seat." The lexus friend gets out and sits, and my friend gets into the drivers seat. He tries to accelerate but we were stuck. Me, hookah friend, and vb friend, get out and start pushing, and we get it out. We immediately jump in and get the **** out of there.

    We head back to campus, and we are already chill now that my friend is back to driving. Hookah friend leaves to go to sleep because it is around 5:00 maybe 6:00 in the morning. We go back to my friend's dorm to get the hookah and some adderalls which we bring down to the bottom of the dorm. We set it up and smoke it for a bit. It's already getting bright outside. We chill there for awhile, having fun talking about everything.

    Eventually it's around 8 so we decide to sleep. Lexus friend leaves for his dorm. My friend and vb friend sleep at his dorm, and me and my gf sleep in my dorm. We set the alarm for 10:20. 2ish hours of sleep sucks. We wake up and go to eat because we have been waiting for stuff to open. Over these two hours, the entire campus was covered in 6inches of snow, and it was still snowing hard.

    Me, my gf, and my vb friend grab a sub to eat. It was om nom delicious. I then order another for my friend who decided he would sleep in the car instead of at the dorm.

    Since he drove down and up last time, it's my turn to drive. Unfortunately for me, there is now 6in of snow, and I've only had 2 hours of sleep. I pop another adderrall and we go to the car. It was covered in snow, we had to defrost forever.

    I'll summarize the drive quickly. It sucked.

    Because I sped a lot and passed almost no traffic, we got to vb around 3:30ish so that my vb friend would be there early. My girlfriend is asleep in the back and my friend is chilling in the front. I'm dead tired at vb. We go to wawa, get drinks, gas, then tacobell for food, then time to drive all the way back. I smoke a bit to make the trip not terribly mundane.

    This time we stop by my friend's girlfriend's university to pick her up. We were all going to go to my friends older brothers house to drink. When we got to her university, my friend offered to drive because I was so dead. I remember then getting into the back and laying down with my girlfriend to sleep, then suddenly we were back at my university dropping off my girlfriend at her dorm (The brother said four people was too much). I said bye, then went back to sleep. I went to sleep again and then I was suddenly at the brother's house.

    His brother is a very fun guy. First his wife made us some delicious spaghetti, then she went to bed. We kind of chilled for a bit, then he made us some drinks. This was around 12:00.

    Sunday coming soon, if it doesn't the rest will come in the PPC
    #772 Fbu, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  13. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Lol nice stories. Keep 'em up. And damn you take one hell of alot of drugs...
  14. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    beats the hell outta my weekend, i basically sat in my mancave and played MW2.
  15. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I'm waiting for the part where someone dies, Fbu.
  16. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    lol you just gave me memories of the movie 'The Hangover'.
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Don't go. That's a waste of money. And the whole NYL thing, I got straight C's, D's, and F's in Sophmore year and was still invited. It's a joke.

    I got a 1580. I guess i'm not the brightest.

    Nah son, i'm waiting for the part where cops pull over, he does something awesome to avoid cops searching his car, and he milks bong again when cops drive away.

    And Adderoll? FIENDING!

    But seriously, a metal pipe? I would buy one because it's cool and all how i'll never have to have a "oh **** i dropped my bowl OH JESUS **** ITS SHATTERED MY MARIJUANA IS SPILLED WITH GLASS SHARDS" calamity, but they get hot way quick and theres always that funny taste. How much? And how the **** do you manage to not spill any water while driving around. I have trouble trying to steer, apply gas, light the bowl and keep my eyes on the road. I can't imagine having to worry about spilling disgusting fowl smelling bong water all over my lap. I remember one time when I was Christening my Bubbler (Swirly McCurlz is her name, she's a lovely one, did I post pics?) and I was trying to light it and steer with my legs and I spelled putrid bong water all over me. :'( Bad vibes.

    Mad props to you Fbu. I salute you good sir.
    #777 Vinny, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  18. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Wow Fbu, that's what I call blunt cruisin.
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    On contraire to popular belief, if there is no blunt it's unfortunately not called an "L-Ride" or "Blunt Cruisin"

    I know, I know, it's a bit hard to understand. :p

    But they should have, would have been way easier. Fellow L-Riders unite. Can we get some blunt appreciation up in this here Monday thread?
    #779 Vinny, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  20. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Cool story, bro. ;) I await Sunday.

    You kinda have inspired me to tell about my weekend. It wasn't the best, but it was pretty cool.


    There was literally nothing going on on that night. After school, my friend came over so that we could just chill. He owns MW2 so that's basically all we had to do. That and walk around outside. But it was pretty cold. It snowed which is pretty unusual.

    Boring day...


    My parents decided to spend the night In Baton Rouge, the capitol of Louisiana. It was a few hours away. It was then decided that I would go to my friend's house (the one from before).

    I brought my xbox, because his is dead. However, his power cable did not work with my box. So we stayed outside the remainder of the day. Our other friend came over for a bit, and then he left. It started to get dark. My friend decided to fix his xbox by taking it apart. This included looking up videos on youtube, getting tools, and an hour or so of taking it apart. Needless to say, I got really bored.

    The friend that came over earlier and another friend want to come, but my friends claim it's too many people. Thus, much frustration takes place. After a while, my friends decided to just come chill. Then they were ready to leave. I said "**** friend1's house," grabbed my xbox and left.

    This where the fun begins. Remember that I was supposed to spend the night at my friend's house. I cannot sleep at either of my friends houses that am I currently with due to their parents. I construct my lie.

    We go to my house to pick up some stuff. Then we decide Taco Bell is our next destination. After eating, we wait for these two girls to meet us. They try to persuade one of my friends to go with them, and finally he agrees. I decide to go with them.

    The two of us get in the car with the two girls. It was one of the girl's grandma's car. However, the grandma smokes. Thus allowing anyone in the car to smoke. Inside of the car is not much, but there is, most notably, a bottle of Bacardi. Our destination is a friend of their's house. We get there, and there are about 10 others there.

    It starts off slow and boring to me. I barely know anyone. Then the fun starts to pick up. A guy shows us his new truck. There is his ice-chest. People start taking beer. He said "There is one rule to drinking my beer." Then he said in a pleading tone, "Drink it all." I felt obligated.

    As everyone is on their way to being drunk, it suddenly became fun. My friend climbed a tree which caused the spilling of the guy's last beer, those two girls made out with each other, I saved them by catching their shared, falling chair, and I made a lot of friends. Those were some of the cool things that happened. Pretty fun time.

    My friend had to be back home, so the girls and we got back in the car. They dropped me off at my house. It was around 3am. I went to sleep.


    My mom calls. I explain why I am home. Lie accomplished. I wake up later around 3. This day kind of sucked. lol


    -took an agonizing test
    -took notes
    -took notes
    -read spanish
    -watch Monty Python

    School sucked, but mondays always share the weekend stories.
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