Halo 3 Weapons Chart (Fill 'er Up!)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Okage4, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    I was thinking about that, but I decided that the Brute Shot wasn't powerful enough to be in the same class as the Rocket Launcher or Fuel Rod...well, that, and I was curious to see what sort of weapons that people could come up with for the Covenant grenade launcher :happy:

    Anyway, congratulations Rorak, as long as it can't pick up other players, your Grav-gun has made it onto the chart.
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    all the way...


    Name: Grinder
    Type: One-man
    Description: It is similar to the batman bike but instead the wheels are tank-tread like and can cut up anything. It would have dual turret guns but would only cause half as much power as a normal turret.

    Name: Bouncer Grenade
    Type: Grenade+
    Description: It looks similar to a plasma grenade but has a more purple shade of colour and has bulges sticking out all around it. On detonation it explodes and releases a spray of smaller, plasma grenade like spheres. These spheres have sticking abilities but do not kill in one hit. The initial detonation does not kill in one hit either.

    Also the initial grenade does not have sticking capabilities but acts in similar fashion to a plasma grenade (throw, hits a wall and plops).
    #22 Spicy Forges, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Woot. Although, rethinking it, a grav-gun is a little too sophisticated for the brutes. Perhaps it should be for the human oddities instead, but I suppose either way it works.

    As for that covenant grenade launcher, I'll give it a go. I've got nothing better to do right now. :p

    Name: Plasma Boomer
    Type: Grenade Launcher
    Class: Covenant

    Descrition: The Plasma Boomer, often used by elites and occasionally grunts, is a large, glowing weapon similar to the fuel rod-cannon, although it's color is purple rather than green. With regular sheilds and health, the weapon will kill an opponent in five direct hits.

    Like the Brute Shot, the bullets explode upon impact and have a wide range of damage. Unlike them however, the bullets do not fall if shot from a long distance and travel faster. They aren't as accurate either.

    One clip is equal to 8 shots, and the weapon can carry up to 3 clips, including the one that is loaded into the gun.

    Well there's my idea. Mostly a rip from the fuel rod cannon and the brute shot, but I'd imagine that is wht it would be if bungie put it in halo.
  4. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    name:power fists
    Desciption:robotic gloves that you can wear too squeeze the **** out of your opponent.has no lung or slash damage but will win a melea fight all the time
  5. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Weapon or Vehicle?:
    Name: Slugger
    Creator: Brute
    Type: Sniper
    Description: The clip looks like the clips used for the Mauler but it holds six rounds instead of five. Each shot is a hot slug that leaves behind a charcoal/dark gray and orange trail much like the Human Sniper but a little bit puffier. The flash would be orange-yellow and purple, much like the flash on the Mauler. It fires one round at a time, but it can fire two shots in rapid succession like the Beam Rifle. The overheat from the two shots would be shorter than the Beam Rifle's and would look more like a release on gas next to the players hand which would make them pull their hand back for a couple seconds before they would be able to fire again. The reload time would be slightly faster than that of the Human Sniper, but not by a lot. The blade on the butt of the rifle is obviously used for melee attacks. The swing would be a lot like the melee attack on the Human Sniper, but be a bit more fluid of an upward slashing motion like that of the Bruteshot. The "Slugger" would be a sniper rifle that is a combination of sorts between the Beam Rifle and the Human Sniper.


    You know, it would be a good idea to link the posts of the user created weapons from the chart. Instead of saying "See page 2" you could say "Click here for more info". It would save people a lot of time when looking for the weapon descriptions.
    #25 Krazy Kumquat, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  6. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ah, forgive me, I haven't been on the computer in a while, I forgot all about permalinking. Thanks for reminding me.

    And also, congratulations Krazy Kumquat, the Slugger has made it onto the list for the Brute Sniper Rifle category
  7. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool stuff, I may try and think of more weapons later on.
  8. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    lemme have a go at this...

    Weapon or Vehicle?:
    Name: Emissary
    Creator: Covenant
    Type: Super Weapon
    Description: The Emissary is very similar to the Spartan Laser, in that it requires a charge. Unlike the Laser's 4 second charge, though, the Emissary requires 7 seconds to charge up. As soon the charge is complete, a radio transmission is heard coming from a Brute or Elite.

    After the charge is complete, nothing immediately happens. However, 3 seconds later, an enormous beam (similar to the Prophet of Regret's leader power from Halo Wars) comes from an unseen Covenant Cruiser above, accompanied by the proper thunderous noise. The radius is slightly bigger than a Scorpion tank.

    If the Emissary is simply pointed at the ground, an immoveable object, or some other sort of geometry, the beam will fire around that area. However, if at the end of the charge, the Emissary is pointed at a player or vehicle, the beam will fire upon it, even if the player/vehicle moves away from the original position.

    The beam lasts for approximately 15 seconds, and is an instant kill in the middle for anything and everything that goes within, even the team that fired it. There is a wide area of splash damage that starts off weak from far away that gets progressively stronger the closer one gets to the beam. It also gives off a weaker Flare-like vision hamper.

    The Emissary and it's splash damage does NOT penetrate through map geometry, moveable, or immoveable objects, so even if it's fired on the inside of a base, it won't come through the ceiling, and you can simply take cover behind a crate or something if it's fired near you and you'll come out unharmed. Also, Bubble Shield > Emissary, which would be a very cool moment, indeed =]

    The Emissary is battery-powered and can only fire twice. It can't fire the second round until the first beam has completely dissipated.
    Some trivia: those dark purple symbols spell out
    D E
    A D
    in the Covenant language. I thought it'd be a nice touch =/

    and yes, it is a sort of Gears of War Hammer of Dawn rip-off...but I thought it'd be a nice little addition...people are still welcome to add additions to the Covenant Super Weapon category.
    #28 Okage4, Dec 6, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  9. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Forerunner

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    Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: Needler Rifle
    Creator: Covenant
    Type: Standard Rifles
    Description: The Needler Rifle is an exceptionaly strong version of an assualt rifle.
    Although the needles lose a bit of thier power, they recieve a large ammo bonus.
    The Needler Rifle can hold 28 needles/clip with about as many holdable spare clips as the assualt rifle.
    It looks sort of like a covenant carbine, but with the distinctive needler look.
    Its body if completely fluid on the bottom, but its top has a large humb at back for the ammunitions, and a small straighter hump at the front that is sort of the "barrel".
  10. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    isnt that like the "leaked" photo from halo:reach.
  11. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Forerunner

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    Is what like the photo from Halo: Reach?
    I'd like to see some leaked photo's. I like leaked photo's.
  12. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    I present to you the Grifball


    (Ok please notice that on the side of the bomb it says Andy, for RvB fans you know who Andy is. He's the talking bomb. I just noticed that right now. LOL)

    So the Grifball is designed as a sneak attack weapon, simply leave the bomb with in your enemies reach and when he/she picks it up said enemy will turn into Grif and become incredibly incompetent and probably come end up killing their teammates with the bomb.
  13. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    there's only two images in this entire thread: Krazy Kumquat's Slugger and my Emissary pictures. As far as I know, both of us hand-drew them ourselves. Sorry, no leaked photos =/
  14. iDieAgaain

    iDieAgaain Forerunner

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    I could get pics if I had a hard drive. But I don't, sorry.
  15. SOGtheman838

    SOGtheman838 Ancient
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    Human juggernaut vehicle is The ELEAPHANTTTT
  16. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The elephant isn't a juggarnaut vehicle. It's way too small, and underpowered. If anything, it needs a class of it's own. Like "Large Land Transport".
    Although, that giant ship on top of sandtrap, what's it called again? That might be considered a juggarnaut vehicle.
  17. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    Yeah, the Elephant is really much of a Juggernaut, it's just a portable base thing...

    And that ship is A. WAAAAAAAAY too powerful to be a Juggernaut class, and B. Can't even drive it!
  18. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    You know, Bungie actually put the tags for a gravity rifle into Halo 1 but never got around to completing it.

    Edit: That's at least what it was called, but I think it was actually supposed to be a Covenant sniper rifle.
    #38 RaVNzCRoFT, Dec 8, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009
  19. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    you need fighter air, like the Albatross, the Longsword and Frigate. Also if you do halo 1 the bumblebee. Also if halo wars then do the other vehicles in that
  20. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    I'll start adding extra categories after a majority of the original chart has been completed. To speed up the progress, why don't you...oh, I dunno, actually add an addition to the chart?

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