it is very weird because i managed to recover it very easily as far as i can tell is all they did was buy 10,000 MS points spent it all on arcade games and i think 1 or 2 add ons leaving me with 100ms witch i had to start with ofcouse i imeadiatly changed the email address + pass changed my old linked email pass what im left thinking is: is there anything more i can do to stop it happening again? and did they use my credit cards that were on my account?, but dose the info even transfer? thanks and also i can DL the arcade games that he brought interesting...No?
You have you account back so that's a good thing. If you worried about them using the cards already on there the only real way to find out it to check the card statement when it comes through or an online account if you have one. If it has then you'll have to take action to deal Credit Card Fraud. Apart from that there's little else you can do. My best advice would be to remove any card details from you account, which can be done on I do it just to be safe and its better to imput them and remove every time rather then something like this happening and losing money.
im already thinking that but does the Credit card info tranfer too? thats what im worried about, it isnt even my credit card thats why
If you can download the items he bought on your xbox, the items were bought on your xbox and your xbox only. You werent hacked, your friend or family has probally bought them. Its for security & money they dont allow others to download stuff off your account onto their xbox. Its to stop hackers and cheapskates like me Id ring them up and explain what happened.
if you were using your parents credit card tell them right away or else they will be super pissed when they get there bill
I don't think this is true, it certainly isn't for DLC. I've recovered my account on a friends xbox before and redownloaded paid for DLC. It doesn't download it automatically when you recover, but if you go to the item on the marketplace there is a tick where the price should be and you can redownload. As I said, I know that this is true for DLC from experience, I'd think it'd be the same for all marketplace content. OP, I'd say that they probably did use your card if you had details entered. You can view associated credit cards on, indicating that the details are stored on a central server and linked to the account, meaning that they would have been able to use your payment method to buy that stuff. I don't see why they would have bought it if not, who would hack an account and then not only spend their own money on it, but enter their own card details on it as well? Agreed, definitely the best course of action, also, as said by others, if it's a parent's card then it's best off to approach them now about it. It's not gonna be a fun conversation, but it'll be much more fun than the inevitable conversation when they get the bill if you don't tell them. I think he's worried about money being spent on the associated account using the xbox, not the details being stolen and used for other purposes.
Identity theft. If you have a credit card on that account, tell the owner of the card to go to the bank and cancel it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may find yourself up to your eyes in debt. They could buy a car, boat, house, etc. all with that info they stole from you.
thanks guys, and yea its not my parents but my sisters, she understands more about computers so twas ok and yea cards have been canceld* and im gunna ring up microsoft up tomo see if they can do anything (i bet they cant, but you gotta keeps your hopes up) all in all im pissed off
Ring your bank/credit card company first. They are the ones that you have to deal with in the hope of getting any money back after you card has been used by another person unauthorised.