City of Zombies

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by FrieMore, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to the city. Here you will find an assortment of fun attractions, resteraunts, soccer plexes, and tourable facilities. We enjoy your stay here and are always happy to see visitors. And any rumors about Undead "zombies" walking the streets eating peoples brains are completely not true. Well ok maybe they are. But our city has a military supply zone where trained armed forces troops will fend off said zombies. Its ok dont let the fact that undead brain feasting decaying zombies walk the streets scare you from visiting. And besides whats the chances of you even running into one of these zombi- (TRANSMISSION ENDED) Retrieving transmission data..... File Terminated

    Key Locations
    Military supply zone--Upon the outbreak of the infection, the goverment decided to set up a military outpost. This was done to help quarantine the non/infected from the undead. Needless to say they were overun by a massive horde of flesh eaters. But its rumored that some of the military's weaponry hasnt been scavenged out yet. But then again its just a rumor.

    Storage zone 02--The storage zone for all exports and imports of food and other products from inside and outside the city. Survivors used to come here all the time when ever food resources were low. But now uh days this area has mainly been scavenged out by desperate survivors and greedy drifters.

    Trash dump-- No one really bothers with this place. And for an understandable reason to. But some weary survivors say that they have found old pistols and ammo in its deep creveces. Its probably just trash but if youre persistent enough and search hard you might find maybe, a handgun or two?

    City center--This is where the majority of buildings and attractions are in the city. Their is always a few friendly non/infected faces willing to help. But the deep complex alley ways of the cities might be the death of you. So its best to find a nice building and pile up as much heavy objects in front of the door as you can.

    A survivor fends of a hungry flesh eater

    A survivor holds out on a rooftop

    A survivor makes a dash to a safe building

    While cornered in a toll booth a human uses his last mags.



    Human(Survivor)gameplay: The humans objective is simply to survive. Humans need to gather weapons and ammo because their magnums wont hold forever. Humans are strongly encouraged to work together and barricade buildings.

    Health:100(no shields) Damage:110 Speed:100 Starter:Magnum Grav:150

    Zombie(infected)gameplay:The Zombie objective is to infect humans and increase their undead army. Zombies need to infect as many humans as possible and swarm the city. Zombies are strongly encouraged to attack in large groups and break down barricades.

    Health:300(no shields) Damage:100 Speed:110 Starter:Claw(Sword) *no pickup Grav:150


    Tips to surviving

    1:Find weapons in buildings and other nooks and crannys.

    2:Barricade buildings by pushing objects in front of doors.

    3:Aim for head it works.

    4:Use the buddy system. Only leave the building youre in with a friend.

    5:Climb on top of buildings. On the roof zombies will have a hard time getting you. (* take note that roofs have multiple access way

    Tips to infecting
    1.Ambush humans while they are in the streets of the city.

    2.When humans barricade a building get multiple zombies to bash it open.

    3.Your head is the your most vulnerable part. Of course if you get point blanked in the body by a shotgun or unloaded on by an SMG you will still die. Just not nearly as quick.

    4.Corner humans in intersections and buildings when they arent prepared.

    5.Press A and RT to lunge up at humans on rooftops.

    Weapons of the City

    1.Police 10mm handgun-
    A basic sidearm for any weary survivor.Its a good midrange weapon. However at long and close ranges its basically useless.

    2.SWAT CQC SMG caseless-
    A small low caliber SMG. Good for close ranges. Blazing away full auto is the best way to kill a zombie with this. You might find yourself back pedaling alot with this weapon.

    3.Military Carbine 223. -
    Fires NATO rounds and is a headshot machine. Complete with a one zoom scope and 3burst mode its the ultimate zombie slayer.

    4.Police pump action shotgun-
    Very useful weapon at close range. Fires a spray of shots. Its great for defending buildings Its a single loader so reloading takes time.

    1.Military 50. cal sniper-
    A high cal. semi auto sniper weapon. Does great amounts of damage when shot in the body. Produces an instant kill when shot in the head. Also comes with a 2 level zoom military grade scope.

    2.Mighty Mouse mini shotty-
    A smaller cylinder loading version of the typical pump action. It loads in cylinders, providing easier and quicker reloads. It isnt as powerful as the pump but can be dual wielded to provide more ammo and more damage.

    3.Homemade Fire grenades-
    Made out of old MRE grape juice canisters, the fire bomb is an improvised weapon. When thrown into a crowd of zombies the flame can spread and set more undead ablaze. However zombies dont feel pain. So the firebomb takes awhile to completely burn a zombie to death.



    Tips to infecting
    1.Ambush humans while they are in the streets of the city.

    2.When humans barricade a building get multiple zombies to bash it open.

    3.Your head is the your most vulnerable part. Of course if you get point blanked in the body by a shotgun or unloaded on by an SMG you will still die. Just not nearly as quick.

    4.Corner humans in intersections and buildings when they arent prepared.

    5.Press A and RT to lunge up at humans on rooftops.
    #1 FrieMore, Dec 6, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  2. x BirDThEWorD x

    x BirDThEWorD x Ancient

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    This looks like another Ghostbuster map, but still cool.

  3. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice job, I like the post-apocalyptic feel to the map, and the descriptions for the different areas on the map. A lot better than infection maps where they just place weapons and structures around without really giving an explanation for it. Seems like a pretty good map. Will DL and try out later =)
  4. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    This looks like a perfect map for Ghostbusters! I thnik you should put the Ghostbusters gametype up as well, because its perfect for it!
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Funny, the garbage dump is my favorite part of this because it actually looks like a garbage dump. You said there were pistols or handguns in there, you should've buried a power weapon in there just to make it more worhwhile to go over there
  6. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. Im liking the positive feed back. I realize this is a good ghostbusters map. My friends and I also tried predator on this map and it was pretty fun. However the best gametype is definetly the one thats posted. I recently lowered zombies health to 300 and gave them 110 speed. The climax of all action in the game is when there is only 2 humans left. Thats when things get hectic

    Yeah youre right. Digging around in there is only worth while to get some ammo. You might also notice there is a fusion coil that you can shoot to spread out the trash.
  7. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    oh... that's what it was. I thought one of my idiot teammates was trying to kill me with a grenade.

    dammit, I hate it when I don't catch spelling mistakes in my posts.

    anyway, we had ghostbusters marathon and I threw this map into the mix. It was a little awkward at first cos of spawns and I don't really like ghostbusters to begin with but it was rather enjoyable.

    p.s. I like how your back story resembles Borderland's zombie island
    #7 Organite, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  8. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i dont really enjoy ghostbusters either but it wasnt specified for Moon jumping invisible humans and slow humans
  9. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Ancient

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    friemore the map looks pretty nice. you've got great posting skills, too lol. I love the humorous background and the entire weapon arsenal description. "mighty mouse" lol. The map looks cool and the "freeroaming the city" concept is a great idea. I'll dl and check it out later.

    ps. there had better not be too many BRs... er... Military Carbine 223. cause with no shields it's gotta be pretty beast
  10. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is only 1 fully loaded BR and its hidden. There is only two more and they both only have one extra mag. No worries. And by the way the gameplay on this map is crazy!!

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