Yeah I agree to some respect, but I understand why bungie had to do what they did. I think the sandbox items are textured differently (which is why you get that crazy strobe light effect when you're rendering a lot at a time), so they're all really low weight textures, which is why you can have a ton of items. I do wish they'd given us better colors to work with but hey it's better than nothing. Although I still wish we had something with pit-esc items. That would be amazing.
So many of the pre-DLC maps would have so much potential if they had immovable objects. AKA Valhalla, high-ground, Sandtrap... pretty much all of them. I would love to see not a map pack, but an update or a content map pack to give a bigger list of items to forge. And who voted for Heretic? That's the worst map for forging. And thx to the one other person who voted for longshore.