Ghost Town Disclaimer: Not in anyway like the new map Download: Pictures: A Clocktower looks over the town. This rubble used to be the best medical facility west of the capital. The Gates are closed to keep out a visious enemy Once it housed the most important man in the city, now its a safe house. From the tower you can see the whole battlefield These Reactors may leak radiation, but they are needed for their massive power A raid on the plant caused the reactors to go Vandals busted into this shed long ago More to come! The Rundown: After a radiation leak at the Delta Nuclear Power plant in the city, its citizens were evacuated, and a large structure was built over the town to prevent radiation. Spartans left inside the contaiment structure started to divide themselves, prompting a civil war inside in the sealed off town. Weapons: 2 Battle Rifles 1 Sniper Rifle 3 Regenerators 1 Bubble Sheild 1 Shotgun 1 Magnum 1 Trip Mine 1 Power Drainer Areas: Clocktower - This old tower used to tell the time for the city, but now is a sniper point for any Spartan daring enough to face the fire fight and climb to the top. The Basement under the tower contains relics from before the leak Hospital - This building suffered major structural damage after the fuel in the generators exploded. Now all that is left is the remains of the structure, and a medical device. The Mayors House - Once the best housing in the city, its been plunged into the war. A BR is hidden on the roof, along with a regenerator in one of the small attics. Nuclear Plant - Built to supply the cities around it, this power plant suffered a radiation leak after spent fuel was released into the enviroment. The reactors still run today in order to keep the lights on around the plant. The waste is stored in one building, the new fuel rods in the other. City Center - Once a hub of acivity for the town, its the center of the conflict. An old shed still stands in the plaza, but its door has been bashed in to retrieve anything of value from it. Gametype Information: Ghost Town is able to be used with all game types. A special feature of the power plant is that the main gate open in Symetrical Gametypes, and closes in Asymetrical and allows access to the gate house. I personally find Oddball, SWAT, and Mad Dash to be some of the best gametypes on this map, with the others pretty fun as well. Please report any bugs with game types to me over XBL. Information: Ghost Town v3.2 Creator: Delta Team Curt, Delta Team Jake Gametypes: All Balance: Asymetrical Testimonials: None Currently
I will get them up as soon as i can, i cant get on right now so i will most likely upload them tommorow around 3 eastern time : ( Just thought i would put the thread up so i dont forget to tommorow : P
yes, most people are already disrespecting this map because of your lack of pictures next time just wait an extra day till you get pics
Ok I'm beginning to see a trend here. SO SO SO many people aren't putting pics with there maps. Most know they should bc they put pics coming soon. Honestly I take that as just pure laziness and inconsideration of the forgers here at forgehub. I don't mean to be stingy, but hundreds of maps come through here, so if there are no pics think of who will download them. Sorry but no one. Please remember pics next time.
agreed... 100% i understand that some people are new to forgehub but some people should get the point when they see other people say "embed your pics" and "you need pics".
the map itself looks good but the fourth pic makes it look a little empty.btw that clocktower looks very neat and well done. 4/5. gj.