Possible maps I could remake?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BraveDave, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    Hey guys I need your help with something. Im thinking of remaking a map in halo( a non-halo map) but im out of ideas. Dig deep and see if you can remember maps from any other games you might have played like CounterStrike. So just if you can post a picture of the map you think I should remake or a link that would be great. And if its worth doing ill make it. I am a very skilled forger so unless there are size issues dont restrain from posting it. Im going somewhere for the next few days so when I get back hopefully this thread will be full of ideas :) Thanks in advance

    EDIT: lol can some one change the title of my thread. Its meant to be Possible maps I could remake?
    #1 BraveDave, Dec 4, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2009
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Never seen anyone do this so its definitly original and something that has nothing similar in halo.
    Vacant...From CoD 4
    It shouldnt be too hard since its mostly right angles, but the item limit may be problematic since most of the map is slightly above a smaller part. Evaluating the map at an earlier date, I saw no possible way around this elevation change.
  3. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I would say you should pick a game where the play is analogous to halo's. Call of Duty or Counterstrike do not transition well to halo.

    Games like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament would be best, but really there are some Halo: CE and Halo 2 maps that are just begging to be remade if you're motivated. If you're truly motivated I have a sketchup of Rat Race basically finished.

    For Quake 3: Cobalt Station would be perfect, as well as some other tourney maps.
  4. Niddo

    Niddo Ancient
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    I don't suppose you have played Metroid Prime: Hunters for the DS have you?

    A couple of the small maps in there would be remakable. But I can't even remember their names it's been such a long time. Hackers destroyed the online, so I sold it a while ago.

    If you want some different style maps to make in the Crypt of Sandbox, you could poke around Custom Robo for the Gamecube. At a minimum, they would be easy to make. No big structures, most if not all of them you can jump over. Might have to change that for Halo obviously...
  5. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I think some of the Goldeneye 007 maps would translate pretty well to Halo. Temple would be pretty sick. I'd do it myself if I had my N64 with me. Archives would be good too. Complex is just beggin to be remade, but I'd be worried about the object limit. There were also some really good maps from Agent Under Fire and Nightfire that I remember being really good. Some fond childhood memories. I can't find any pics though.

    Good luck with whatever you choose. Making a good remake is tough.
    #6 Decadence Night, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  6. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
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    Maybe a remake of the place ST-Pierre from the movie angel and demon !
  7. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    Rust off COD MW2
  8. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    2Fort from Team Fortress 2
    You maybe even make you own gametype to have a class system like in TF2
  9. saml1997

    saml1997 Ancient
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    a few maps from the computer game "crossfire". maybe "Egypt" or sumthin. its a free download.
  10. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
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    Come forge a Remake of blood gulch with me it gonna be very helpfull !
  11. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    remaking Blood Gulch is impossible. Don't even try.
  12. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    Prisoner, Hang 'em High, Damnation, Derelict. My four favorite Halo:CE maps :)
  13. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
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    Its possible noob ! You said you never try so how could you know its impossible ?
  14. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I know it's impossible because there aren't enough objects to close off the whole map, make the caves, all the hills, and the bases with any amount of accuracy. All of which are required to remake the map. I'd love to see a good Blood Gulch remake, but it will never happen.
  15. Niddo

    Niddo Ancient
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    Seriously, you'll never make a map even remotely close to Blood Gulch without flat out hacking the game. There aren't nearly enough objects. You would just end up with a half backed map on Sandbox that remotely looked like Blood Gulch, but lagged out like mad due to having so many objects on and interlocked at once.
  16. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I don't think you know how to forge as much at you make it a point to say things are impossible. We have made so many things possible ... lets take it to another level.

    Here is an example of a map ...close to remaking Blood Gulch. Not physically but gameplay wise. That is the point. Please ... it is important to do that. Valhalla was a imaginative map of bungie to remake Blood Gulch. Now it is our turn to try.... as forgers.


    I Feel it is possible but I'm lacking in a team to work through forging the map to completion. This is due to the fact for a map to be called a remake of bungie needs Serious testing and review. ...anything less would be heavily bashed and bruised.
    #17 G043R, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  17. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I believe you could do a spiritual successor of sorts. You won't ever nail a perfect remake but you can make a damn good map just by following some of their initial design inspirations.

    Just plan it well.
    #18 Vincent Torre, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  18. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I'm with Mick on this one, I've been thinking of remaking Rat Race for a while now. That gets my vote.
  19. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    you could definitely make a really good map that's inspired by Blood Gulch and mimics many of it's qualities, but as of right now, it is impossible to forge a true remake of it. You can get damn close; I've seen a couple that did, but they weren't remakes.

    and to remake a map, it needs to embody the original, both gameplay wise and physically. That's why Valhalla doesn't count.

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