What about switches? Technically, these count. They aren't in constant motion. High Ground gate Last Resort gate Orbital gate Longshore Bridge Control Standoff gate Also another non controllable object is the training brute and jackal slides on The Pit. The jackals move across the top of the building and the brutes move up and down in corridors. These are not controllable and move when you get close.
Well, you have to be near them, not looking at them. It still isn't controllable because you cannot stop them from moving when you get near them. Im pretty sure the jackal slide just moves randomly.
Wow ive never noticed isolations ground changing color. And the closest thing i can think of is the stream on vallhalla... Kinda i mean it moves dead people and weapons. Oh yes i got one!!! The towers on valhalla shoot beams. yessss im so happy i thought of that
But that's irrelevant. I'm pretty sure you can't be killed by the beam towers in Halo 3. In Halo 1, you could.
The towers can kill you, im sure of it. I have a distinct memory of myfriend sniping from upthir and getting killed by the beam.
not unless something else was there too. The shot from the tower moves stuff but doesn't cause death.
I'm sorry, but the shot itself does definitely kill. I've played dozens of BTB games where I've accidentally stayed above the area where the beam shoots up. Still, it's not really moveable uncontrollable scenery. I think Bungie considered this when designing Halo 3's maps for Matchmaking play.
agreed, i think they wanted things to not be so random, even though it was so much more fun that way! As for everything we have mentioned in the thread so far.. these are all just excuses. Nothing was like the Train or Ascension's turntable.
I don't think that Halo 3's engine is made to support that kind of stuff just like Halo 2 not being able to support Xbox Live co-op campaign... or Bungie is too lazy to do that kind of stuff on Halo 3 maps anymore. Maybe we'll see some more awesomeness in Halo: Reach. Only time will tell... O.O