Remixing the pre-DLC halo 3 weaponsets

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Knight Kninja, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Yup, thats what im wondering.. if you could change up the weapon/vehicle sets for matchmaking play, what would you want?

    a topic about this came up in the Optimatch forums on a couple days ago, and ive gotten into the project.

    So my question: What would you like to see if Bungie did a change-up and added a second version of every pre-DLC (possible heroic) map? Rockets on guardian? Warthog on high ground?

    I have already done some work with "Ground Hog" (a high ground variant with a warthog), and "Pitted" (The Pit with a ghost)... obviously i have balanced it. but i wanted to get some ideas from FH.

    EDIT: Here is a list of what is being done by who. Remember, just because someone is working on a map doesnt mean that you can't create a layout. we will eventually play them all together and see what works.

    Knight Kninja
    High Ground
    The Pit

    Rats Nest


    Krazy Kumquat
    Valhalla (small, probably not MM because of long-range weapon/hiding deficits)


    Vallhalla - Contributions

    Crypto nv
    The Pit (Grandstand)
    Cold Storage (?)
    #1 Knight Kninja, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2009
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I'm interested... I been talking to a friend of mine or remaking Rats Nest to play Multi flag better.... invite me to play tests or let me see how I can offer direct ideas. I would love this to be done. It would refresh matchmaking a ton... and bring me back to halo 3 MM.
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    exactly! we need something fresh to draw everyone back...

    but go43r... heres the thing - theres lots of people who want to participate but we don't have a place to colaborate or exchange ideas/work together or anything.. any ideas on that?
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Errr... custom parties comes to mind. As well have each person work on an individual map. ... Then say those 8 people continually party up on the weekend to play test and fix those to work. That seems the best way. Forces individuals to be creative but gives a party of feed back. As well gives people the opertunitiy to improve and to see improvement week to week or how ever often it will be.
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    hmm good point.. cept i am short on time and am rarely able to get on live at a designated time

    play-testing would be nice though...

    anyways, anyone have any ideas for maps?
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Maybe you could modify boundless/snowbound and set it up with different wepon sets and a new vehicle. I liked the original version with the ghost, so maybe make it more balenced with the ghost than before? If you want, I can give that idea a try, I have loadsa time on my hands.
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    go for it! im actually free tonight so im messing around with valhalla but i loved the ghost then too.. made the map worth playing ;)
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Ok. I can't get on tonight. Van you be on tommorow? Maybe we can bounce some ideas back and forth or something.
  9. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    Ghosts on valhalla with a gauss hog by the pelican plays well, still two geese, an extra sniper up by the radio antennae, and a laser at each base with a pod in the middle. And keep the banshees, but not to spawn at start, and a shorter timer. My ideas for Valhalla. They are lolz. The fight for the hog is always fun, and it's hilarious when a laser kid sits at his base and lasers the hog as soon as people get in it. Just keep the lasers at 180, they would be over powering other wise.
  10. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Would you suggest dropping the Missile pods as well then?
  11. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    hmm... the spartan laser seems so powerful though.. with one at each base AND a sniper at each base?
  12. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
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    yeah that would be tight
  13. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    so basically..

    Sniper@ 120 sec. spawn
    Ghost @ 150 (maybe 120?) sec. spawn
    Splaser @ 180 sec spawn
    warthog @ 150
    banshee @ 180 sec. (maybe 150?) spawn, not spawning at start..

    Sniper at radio tower @ 150
    gauss warthog at pelican @ 180
    Missile pod at top mid with one extra clip as opposed to 0, @ 180 sec. spawn

    idk.. seems like too many power weapons...

    what if you dropped the radio tower sniper and had gauss at radio tower, missile pod at pelican?

    oh and put sniper up on top of the base where the missile pod normally spawns and splaser at sniper spawn.. and add some respawn points below the base. this would help to prevent one team being locked down.

    lets colaborate our ideas... what do you guys think of that?

    oh, and i was thinking about dropping the banshee, but i feel like that would make the splasers overpowered.. then i would end up putting the missile pods back at the bases and leave a spartan laser at center to counter the gauss...

    even though that wouldnt be changing much, i could see that working pretty well.. i can't stand the banshees dominating the map

    EDIT: ok wtf.. there isnt even a gauss hog on Valhalla...

    i ended up making a kind of "valhalla light"
    #13 Knight Kninja, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  14. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Anyways, this idea really intrigues me. No gauss, eh? You could replace it with a different power weapon. Obviously not a laser, don't want to conform to the original. Not to mention, I find 2 lasers on sandtrap to be pretty over-powering. Maybe the laser could be moved to the pelican, and a neutral banshee at the antennae? And with a neutral banshee, maybe each team could have 1 warthog and 1 chopper... I think I'm just rambling at this point, but give every idea a chance.

    Well, another one of my original thoughts was to add power-ups in each of the caves closest to the bases. 1 overshield per cave would make for an interesting change of pace.

    Let me know what else people can come up with.
  15. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    the overshields would be nice..

    as for the banshee idea, i almost did this, but as i was placing the banshee i thought through a typical beginning of the game:

    One man grabs sniper, two go to warthog, but the majority all take the big lift and go to the center. basically.. big fight, about a 1/3 chance one person snags the banshee early and takes to the skies. from there it is about a 50/50 for the laser.

    what happens when one team gets the laser and the banshee? well to start, since the banshee is top mid, each team would probably have used their missile pod on the warthogs unless they were smart and conserved (lets face it when does that happen?), so one team ends up with an anti-vehicle (also anti-personnel) weapon, and a flying carnage reaper.

    IMO that would turn out bad... one team always seems to dominate with the banshee, making it totally unsafe to be on foot or even in a vehicle.

    but i do like your OS idea.. that might work, especially for a light version.
  16. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I will help you with plesure ! If you want sure !
  17. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I had though of the OS idea before too. It would make it a little more like Coagulation if you did something like that. IMO it would be good because it gives people on foot a little more to work with, plus it spreads out player movement a little bit more.

    Right now I'm actually trying to rework the weapon set on Isolation. When you look at Isolation's layout it actually looks a little bit like Beaver/Battle Creek. The version I'm setting up right now is very similar to their layouts. I'm going to take out the Ghost, and possibly the Mongooses. I'm putting a Sniper at each base, and I may replace the Bruteshots with Needlers. I'm still working on it, but it shouldn't be too hard to finish off. The only problem is I don't have Gold right now so it'll be hard to get testing done.
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I have Standoff and Rats Nest ready for Play Tests... Give me a date and we will play.


    • Blocked sections to ... avoid longer standoff.
    • Removed rockets on sides added hammers.
    • Cover on Defenders side to match Attackers Silo Side for cover.
    • Moved Warthog into created cover.
    • Reduced Mauler/Shotty ammo
    • Left SPARTAN Lazer as is... but hammer should kill vehicles as well.
    • Tweaked Spawns
    $100 Left for changes. Light tweak except rocket... wanted to have a hammer to see how it works. The added cover should make it close BR fight but have a way of making large setups as well. Think The Halo 3 Video with First Live action Trailer.

    -Rats Nest Only changed for Symmetric play. (Multi-bomb/FLAG/slayer)

    • Blocked lower shotgun path in center of map.
    • Added ramps to Machine gun from center
    • Created an annex for spawn in base(Lifting spawns of street SPLATTERS BAD)
    • Added cover to corner bases were the safety spawns ...think turn leading to rockets. Moved trip mine to this spawn area.
    • Reduced shotgun ammo.
    The changes I made should have made objective games avoid quick captures. Forcing teams to take longer and safer paths. Center is still open but I'm seeking ways to make it avoided. Forgot budget at the moment but at least 80$. You will like my spawn change...

    I been waiting to post this idea....can you tell?
  19. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I wouldn't mind touching up smaller maps like Epitaph, Narrows, Guardian, and so on. Blackout would be fun.

    I'm no fan of Larger Maps, but elsewhere I'd be more than happy to lend my services.
  20. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Oh my gosh as i was putting the Camo and OS into the map, I was thinking to myself "Wow, this feels so much like Coagulation/Blood Gulch"

      • Standoff, i really like the idea of going for the whole live action trailer theme, sounds very nice.. i would love to see a balanced standoff.
        For Rats nest, thats great. IMO Equipment like the bubble shield really ruins the gameplay because a team can simply toss it down and make a cap because of the added shielding they get from it. But great implimentations nonetheless.

        As for a group play-test, i am sure there are so many people ready to do this.. unfortunately my mic is broken. i would participate and post my thoughts, but could not head it up, as i can't talk. i am ready to play some of my maps as well.

        aye, i have done a small guardian remake to prevent too much camping in the tower, it was really simple actually.

        Since at a more competitive level where people wait for opportunities to rush, Guardian consists of one team holding the Snipe Tower while the other team sits and waits for Invis to appear so they can get someone in. My idea was relatively simple - Remove the sniper from the snipe tower. this way, the team can't just sit there and wait for the new snipe to appear.

        anyways, i gotta finish some write-ups for my valhalla and guardian map then i shall post those, and hopefully we can get a play test in. Can anyone head it up? i would love to but for my mic problem..

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