Uncontrollable map objects? Halo 2 was filled with them. They came on the map, and no matter what you did, you couldn't stop them. The result was that you had to fight around them. Examples: Terminal: The train Ivory Tower: The elevator Colossus and Elongation: The conveyor belts and crates/fusion cores Waterworks: The thumper Ascension: The moving triple towers And those are just the ones I can think of. Now, I've been racking my brain, but Halo 3 doesn't have anything like this on any maps (if it does, please remind me!). The closest I've come is the ground on Isolation, but that doesn't effect gameplay.
good point... i really liked those.. cause stuff like the train was intense! closest i can think of is sandbox/sandtrap's boundaries but they don't come close
Unstoppable force meets immovable object! i think the built in stuff would win.. what happens if you put teleporters/weapon holders in front of last resort's wheel?
I looked at a list of all the Halo 2 and Halo 3 multiplayer maps. I think you got all of them from Halo 2, ultsf. As far as Halo 3 goes, I agree with the wheel on Last Resort. There's also a conveyor belt-type thing underneath Narrows, but I'm not even sure if you move while standing on it and it's obviously not part of the playable level.
It doesnt move, if you jump on it in game, after a few seconds it kills you, and what about isolations ground?
The ground changes color over time nixaguy. Give me a second... Assembly moves!... above you... Nope. Just the wheel in Last Resort. I'd really like to see some.
Wait for it, wait for it... The flood tentacles in cold storage move! And they're in the play area! You fight around em! Does that count enough? Also the snowbound turret turn and stuff. And the water on valhalla moves (sarcasm) Yeah there isn't much stuff that actually affects gameplay that moves in halo 3 though to be honest, not even in campaign.
You could even make some sort of an argument for the wobbly sword platform on Midship, which they replaced in Halo 3.
Its funny but I totally forgot that we had Midship in Halo 3 because I barely played the Mythic maps. I think Halo is over for me until Reach. You could count the platform in Epithet
Of course! It wobbles and... Wobbles when people jump on it, just like epitaphs platform! So if midships platform counts, you have to include epitaph too. (Obviously I'm not being very serious, but nonetheless that is a point)
See, I thought about the boundary stuff in Snowbound, Sandtrap, and Sandbox, but those are game play effecting. They are just to keep you in the map. As for man-cannons and grav lifts, I didn't list them because, like teleporters they don't hinder at all. I was referring to objects that you physically have to work around. Example (for those who never played Halo 2): The train on terminal would come at random intervals and both ways. You had little to no warning, and if you were caught on the tracks... SPLAT!
th47 stuff 1sn'7 M1G!!11 Seriously though I do miss those kind of things. I feel like when they were making Halo 3 that they were trying to hard to make it "pro". But yeah I loved Terminal and Colossus. Yeah not to mention they put the sword right above it to lure you onto the tracks, talk about risk vs reward!
This might be a little different, but what about ladders from the Halo 1 multiplayer? I loved those. Edit: Blue beam towers from Halo 1 multiplayer. Those killed you.