Well, for those people who remember my last thread about my health complications, here is another one to add! My girlfriend said she was, "sick". And not thinking it was that bad, we did work. What do i get from it? A severe case a Swine Flu. ****ing awsum bro. I can't swallow, i can barely talk, my throat is on fire, I can barely breathe, Stuffy nose, ache's around the whole body, and all the other lovely stuff that comes with being sick. So far I've missed this whole week of school, and already have an assload of **** to make up. Any home remedies you want to throw at me? I want to get better soon NOW. It sucks ass, I'm basically on lockdown. Im highly contagious and cant do ****. Post home remedies to help me feel better here. VvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVvVv
I would go to the doctor and get a prescription cough syrup, because they can modify it to take care of all of your symptoms. I broke my fever by taking 4 Tyenol at once and just keep hydrated.
Will do. Im accutally leaving for the doctor here in around 20 minutes, lets see what he says :x Ill jump right on that, lol. Thanks gais.
Drink lots of water and have alot of raw ginger, onion and garlic. I'm serious about those last three. Crazy acidity burns the sickness out of you.
Whenever i'm sick I pop some aspirin, heat up the tub with some steamin hot water, and smoke weed to relieve the symptoms. I would not recommend weed for Swine Flu. Because I believe H1N1 works primarily at the lungs, so smoking anything is out of the question. Edibles/vaporizing. But besides weed, that's usually what I do. OH right, apply Vicks VapoRub EVERYWHERE.
I had the flu a few weeks ago, and couldn't swallow or chew ANYTHING without severe pain. Drink an ass load of liquids, preferably warm tea with honey. Take a lot of hot showers, too.
Get ready to get some Tamiflu from your doctor! Well that's what he gave me when I had a few months ago. And my recommendation is to sleep as much as possible, drink fluids every few minutes, and kick your immune system back into shape!
If you some people know me well here on FH, you know i smoke; Cigarettes and Herb. I had a Cigarette yest, HOLE EE ****. Worst experience ever, could barely breathe. I actually have vicks right next to me btw, lol. Thanks for the ideas guys, ill try putting some of them to work tonight.
BAD HUNTAR! But seriously, Condoms: And a Bubble. Plastic Bubble. But now, Seriously serious: Hot bath, Perscription Drugs, and just sleep.
Haha, i'v had Swine Flu for about 6-8 weeks now, although the first 3 were very bad and i missed 3 straight weeks of college. Here's some tips i learned in my time. - You can sweat out a cold pretty well, but asprin or other medication do a better job by bringing the temperature of your forhead down, which is the major culprit. - Hot drinks are very good for a sore throat, and lemon is a godsend. Drink lemon tea/coffee or just lemon in almost boiling water. Eating chocolate or other things that melt in your mouth may feel good at the time, but they build up mucus which will just lead to a longer sore throat. It's best to stay to proper fluids like water, and only eat things which you can swallow without leaving much residue in your mouth. - Garlic / Aloe Vera? Are rumoured to be really good for a sore throat, although i'd stick to the above. - Conserving energy is a good way to fight it off in a week or two, so you need to eat lots of food and drink and sit around doing **** all.
Another thing I haven't seen anybody mention yet, is for aches, use IcyHot or some kind of biofreeze gel. Especially for headaches. It feels great, and I'm not quite sure why.
Man.. Vape, and then watch House. You'll be cured in no time. But seriously, you'll just feel amazing. Purely ****ing amazing. I mean, I love watching House, don't get me wrong. But watching House while 'enhanced' makes the show seem like a gift to your senses. Do it. Oh! ..and get well soon. Love ya' bro!
My tips : Fluids Sleep Hot Tea W/Honey Anything not stupid that's mentioned above. Yogurt has great stuff that help for sore throats/canker sores, preferably Yoplait (IMO). If I can think of anything to help I'll say so here. Off-Topic : Matty's Custom Title makes me want to listen to Blink 182's - All the Small Thing's.
Slept a good 12 hours last night, used vicks. Used a condom bro, don't trip. I'm not that stupid I <3 you. The lemon juice is a god send. I mix freezing water wit hit and it makes my throat feel amazing, thanks good sir <3 Haven't heard Icyhot mentioned yet, I will be sure to try it tonight. Already got the vape runnin'. House as well, but tonight, series finale of Monk. Love you <2 Hot tea + Honey + Whiskey + Lemon Juice = Best home cure. Definitely recommend this to people. So, i went to the doctors today. Said I should start feeling better in a couple days, the cough and the sore throat will stay for a bit longer tho, kinda sucks. On my way to a fast recovery, thanks guys <3
Jimbo is right, watching House seems to make you feel smart/methodical, you'll stop feeling like crap. (maybe) *turn down to low volume* Eat a shitload of yougurt. (melikes strawberry) Sleep. A lot. If you get a headache, sleep that motherfucker off! Mashed potatoes with lemon gravy!!!!!! Strangely, I have had swine flu twice, but I have never lost my appetite. Drink some ginger ale, and if not ginger ale, water or iced lemon tea. Or hot lemon tea, whatever. Really Hot bath, not just warm, almost uncomfortably hot. Tho I prefer showers. Thats all I have.