Spoiler Why did Price launch the EMP at the U.S? Was he trying to end the war before nuclear holocaust? What was he trying to achieve by diminishing the U.S's ability to fight back?
Spoiler Price launched a ICBM Missle at the US's East Coast. He rigged the timer to go off in orbit, to act as an EMP. He knew that there was a major war going on there, and the Russians do have alot better vehicles, in my opinion. With the EMP, The choppers would fall from the sky, etc etc etc.
Spoiler Im not really sure, but i presumed that he thought or knew it would benefit the Americans and hurt the ruskies. I guess since the U.S. was already getting somewhat defeated in D.C, but they were on their own soil. The Russians now had no way to communicate with the leaders back in Russia, or get more troops in or out. So the U.S. soldiers were able to kill any remaining scattered groups of Russians.
Spoiler All Russian and American electrical equipment went offline when this happened, while American electrical equipment outside of the Nuke's electrical interference range could be brought in to kill the remaining Russian soldiers. Also, to clear things up, it was not an EMP. The ICBM missile was a nuclear missile targeted at the US the entire time, but Price rigged it to explode in the upper layers of the atmosphere, knowing that the explosion would cause electrical interference.
Spoiler A bit off topic, but isnt that what an EMP is? A high altitude nuclear explosion that creates electromagnetic radiation. Like Starfish Prime? Not saying youre wrong, i was just unsure.
not necessarily Spoiler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_pulse Spoiler "good" - so badass LOCKED.