Assassins Creed(like none youve seen before)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by winendine69, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    This may be a little long but trust me it goes by fast and is worth it, this gametype and map that i have created is litterally just like assassins creed believe me, it starts out basic but then i will explain everything towards the end and give the reasons why this is just like assassins creed and i believe that you will agree with me thanks =]

    ok well someone here on forgehub posted their version of assassins creed and i thought that i should share my version with you. this gets into depth of my actually gametype for it but i wont be relesing it till my map is done, so here we go.

    this is going to start of basic but trust me it gets better. It will be 2 sided VIP. one of the VIP's will be the assassin and the other will be the pope, dont worry the assassin and pope dont have the same traits ill explain how in a moment. the other players on the assassins team are theifs and the other players on the popes team are guards. here are their traits:

    basic player traits:
    they will be pretty strong with a high damage resistance, they will start with swords and deal a normal amount of damage. they will move at normal speed but have a higher gravity. lastly they have a radar but only goes a little ways.

    Now for the VIPs:
    they will be invincible(trust me they need to be) and no sheilds. they will deal out normal damage and have a plasma pistol only. they will move at normal speeds and have a normal gravity. VIPs also cant pick up weapons. o yea and also they have no waypoint, well allies only that is. lastly they have a normal radar.

    now i know what your thinking, well this sounds pretty stupid as of right now more than likely, but let me finish explaining this =].

    so as of right now the assassin and the pope have the same traits because they are both the VIPs. this is altered in a very easy way...

    Custom power up (i know it seems stupid to do this but i works and is the best thing for this gametype for so many reasons which i will explain):
    the custom power up turns the VIP into the assassin. and trust me only 1 person will be the assassin and it wont be a rush to grab the custom power up i have a way to make it that only the VIP will be the assassin which ill explain when i talk about the map for those of you who would like to read about the map.

    the custom powerup lasts for 90 seconds. gives the player a very low damage resistance and sheilds(not invincible anymore) lets the player pick up weapons gives them poor camo lets them move at 110% speed and gives them a lower gravity (lets them jump higher than others) and right infront of the custom power up will be a sword for the assassin to use. so this is all still pretty basic now ill get into what makes this gametype.

    The VIP proximity traits:
    these are the most important part of the game. first of all it changes any players color that is around the VIP to the VIP's color. so for example a guard is normally blue, changes him to white when around the VIP. this doesnt seem important but its one of the biggest things for this game which ill explain very soon why that is.

    next is that it gives the players near them a larger radar, agian ill explain soon why this is important.

    Also it gives the players around them unlimited ammo and an even higher damage resistance.

    Now for the reasons why:

    the color changing is very important for both teams. ok first for the assassin this is the most important for him. this is becuase he has no other way of really telling where the pope is. this color changing helps him because lets say he is out looking for the pope and he sees a guard that blue he knows the pope is prolly not around him but sees a player that is white he knows that he is around him. now to pick out who the pope is, he must look at the weapons, the pope would be the only one with a plasma pistol. its important for the popes team as well becuase if there is a blue theif then chances are there is a flank coming for the pope but if there is a white theif the assassin is near.

    next up is getting a better radar when around the VIP. this works for theifs so they can get a better feel for where the guards are and where to set up and it works for the guards so that they can also get a better feel for where the assassin is/the theifs.

    next up is pretty important and makes the game feel like assassins creed. becuase they get a higher damage resistance when the theifs and guards get into a fight the duel between them will last longer giving the assassin a chance to assassinate the pope becuase if the assassin were to go in without the guards being distracted then the guards would kill the assassin very easily.

    now as for the custom power up only lasting 90 seconds. this is where teamwork comes into play. right next to the custom power up there would be a invisiblity that only spawns once this would allow the VIP (before hes an assassin) to go around and see what the other teams strategy is (eavesdrop on them like you do in the game) then come back and let your team know what the plan is to attack. if you wish not to do that then just grab the custom powerup as the VIP make yourself into an assassin and go. But once you pick up that custompower up it never spawns back and its like you excepting the mission becuase once you do that you have 90 seconds to assassinate the pope and you must assassinate him becuase if you dont and you get into a 1 on 1 fight with the pope as the assassin you will lose.

    so this is basically just like a mission in assassins creed. execpt the mission and you have a time limit in which you must complete the given challenge. in this case assassinate the pope.

    I will make other gametypes as well to go with the maps that i make for this that include other things as well that are very good as well.

    so thats the main summary of the gametype now for those of you interested about things for the map this is what it will include:

    a city loosely based off of parts of florence from the game assassins creed 2, towers and bulidings that you can acctually climb(not just jump on ledges but jump onto walls and grab the walls and scall them with no ledges at all, you really are climbing a wall.) towers that included leeps of faithes (not just jumping off of a buliding just stand in one spot press a button and off you go into the leap of faith), haybarrles that you can jump into or preform leaps of faith into where noone can see you but you can see them and kill them through the hay barrle with noone knowing. all this along with much more will be in the map =].

    Well thats just about it so please let me know what you think and if i should continue on with it, i basically gave away the gametype so please dont steal it, its right here written by me so dont try to take it please. Anyways thank you for reading and agian let me know whatever you think of this. Thanks
    #1 winendine69, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    right... just so you know, intergrating game strategies from one game to another, doesnt work. Games are made as they are to perform as they are, they arent made to be simulated in a different game. Its what makes games different, and its what makes games worth buying.

    also, your map design is impossible. At no point in halo can you "climb" a wall. At no point in halo can you just press "jump" button and not just jump but do a leap of faith. Everytime you press the jump button... you WILL jump.
    You also wont be able to create the haystacks...

    Other than that, the gametype seems ok. It would get boring very quick though.. It reminds me a lot like blend o matic.. fun at first, but not worth it after you've played it once.

    One more thing, i'd change the custom power up time to 3 minutes... 90 seconds is too short to formulate a plot and put it into action without fail in a halo game. Think Team Slayer, the majority of games havnt got more than 20 kills in 3 minutes, the first 30 seconds tends to be kill free, so your basically leaving 1 minute to find someone where you dont know where they are (who is also invincible) and kill them.
  3. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    believe me i have found ways to climb the walls it is very simple actually, you can press one button and preform a leap of faith i promise that, and yes i will be able to create haystacks agian i promise all of this and if you dont believe me then you may invite me to a game and ill show you all of the ideas, but this gametype is supposed to play like assassins creed not be assassins creed and you do have time to formulate a plot like i said before there will be an invisiblity so the vip may go and take whoever he wants to eavesdrop on the other team and see what they are up to then come back take the custompower up becoming the assassin and from there you have 90 seconds to exacute your plan that you developed. as far as boring goes the map wont be to small and will have lots in it, im planing on also making a few other gametypes to go with this as well but there will be much to do and can make differnt plans almost each time, you prolly will have to make a new plan eachtime so i dont believe it will get boring fast. but thank you anyways and agian id be more than glad to show you the systems that i have developed for climbing walls, preforming leaps of faiths and making haybarrels.
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    hmm your "leap of faith" is obviously different to mine.. In the game assassins creed a leap of faith is literally plummeting headfirst towards the ground and landing in a haystack.. In H3 you cant dive headfirst... so thats what that fails on.. Also, there arent any objects in forge that simulate a haystack.. Pallets would be the closest thing, but hiding amongst them would just be weird...

    I personally just dont think this would work.. alot like **** zombies and left for dead style games created on h3.. theyre just not for halo 3.

    The problem with the invisibility is, once you get one person who gets bored.. all it takes is for them to run into the powerups first, and the whole round is messed up. Not to mention people will want to be the assassin naturally because of the extra perks.. theyll automatically dislike the game if they arent the vip at all.. (think trash compactor, its boring unless your the zombie launching things)
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Yeah Thats Me. Devil95. First off, I thought about VIP. Then I thought how would that work out. It didnt go well. Many Players joined after the game started. Once that happened 2 or more guys were the Assassain. What I would like to know is why are you competing with me. You can just get an Idea from someone and make the same concept. Okay, I got an Idea. How about I make 1 map of assassain's Creed then you added yours then we throw our maps into a map pack. That way no one has to decide devils is better or winendline's is better. Combine forces.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I hope you do realize that he thought about this almost I believe like a week ago, right?
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I hope you realize that I though about something just like Asset about 4 months after I got Halo 3!
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    What does this have to do with anything? You implied that 16ExplodinCars is making this map to compete with your Assassins Creed map, and Im saying that he thought of it almost a week ago meaning he was in no way trying to compete with you at the time nor is he trying to compete with you now.
  9. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    in no way was i trying to compete with you, i just thought id say that someone else which is you also had an assassins creed idea so that people didnt just right away said that i stole this idea from you and also i thought that it would be nice to give credit where credit is due but yes id make a map pack with you and as for people being bored i dont believe they would because there are many things that im going to do with the map and stuff that i just cant explain and will make it much more interesting believe me it wont be boring, i went with this idea becuase it was unique ive never seen anyone pull off before what im trying here so i thought id try and i think ive done it, but i guess im just going to have to wait till gameplay comes around but thank you for your comments agian
  10. Viet Honor

    Viet Honor Ancient
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    He has already explained that he has devised a way to make where only the VIP gets the CP.
  11. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    yes i have and if anyone is intrested in seeing the ways i plan on making this please send me a message and ill be more than glad to show, and if anyone has any other ideas let me know thanks.
  12. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Someone somewhere along some line said that left 4 dead style maps didn't work.
    In my opinion, if you could turn off assassinations, left 4 dead maps would work very nicely. sigh... of all the customization options, the gravity, the speed, damage... they couldn't put in an option to turn off assassinations.
  13. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    ya i know that sucks but still like i said i have managed a few ways to make this gameplay very fun =]
  14. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I hope you realise someone had made a game of assasins creed around 6-7 months ago :) Stop flaming people and let them get on with stuff. Just because you also thought of the idea, doesnt mean you HAZ COPYRIGHTZ to the idea, its a game, GET OVER IT. Also, you may have thought of a simmilar game to asset, but no one gives a ****, you didnt make it.


    @Steve - Unfortunatley some gametypes based on other games dont play well but this is a minigame and it DOES play well, when honour rules are in play.

    I honestley cannot think of a method of fixing this unless the assassin runs faster than the guards. The guards will see who killed the assassin if everyone is clumped together and chase him before hes even turned into assassin and kill him as soon as he does. I think strategicly placed teleporters around the map, combined with faster running for assassin and a slightly higher jump will conquer this problem. The teleporters will be in easy to access places for the assassin and just high enough for him to reach but the guards not to, they would lead to a random spots around the map. Another idea would be to have assassin able to get into vehicles and have a **** zombies type contraption were assassin can get through windows.

    Good luck with the idea & if theres any more COPYRIGHTZ CLAIMZ, I will report you for being an idiot :)
  15. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    Ok so for the 1st part this doesnt really have any honor rules becuase of the way the map is set up and yes the assassin is able to run and jump higher and faster the whole gametype is written out but i dont blame those woho dont remember what they read or if they didnt at all cuz it is long lol. but yes there are vechiles in the map for the assassin to use as well to get to places or in bulidings and lastly lol at the reporting for being an idiot, i agree lol =]
  16. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I think I can tell what the gametype is going to be like. The pope is just going to stand in a corner and never be assassinated, while the assassin just screws around the map because he has lighter gravity. Everyone else is going to get bored, and leave.

    Honestly, I think the game isn't going to go very well, but it's worth a try.
  17. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Cool C&C Bro! :squirrel_rant:
    &@ Wine, Honestly, I couldnt be bothered reading it, it was too long -.- Maybe do a gametype summary so people like me can actually tell whats going on lmao.

    I hope when you say vehicles you dont mean so the assassin can just drive round, thats ridiculously stupid, I just meant like the **** zombie window contraption. Also, does the V.I.P have one life? AKA one assassin per round or is it whoever kills him becomes assassin? Because if its the one per round I think a spawn room with low ammo pistol and a few opther low ammo weapons would be good, to maybe simmulate bow and arrows etc, then after he was out of ammo he would have to go assasinate, unless ammo caches are around the map ;p
  18. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    First, you a f**king retard. He said "ok well someone here on forgehub posted their version of assassins creed". I post my version of Assassain's Creed in the forge discussion 20 mins before he did. I think he mean't me. But not sure. I know other people have done this how else did we decide to do this. "if theres any more COPYRIGHTZ CLAIMZ, I will report you for being an idiot" Dude claim down, Honestly! The Last Version I saw of Assassain's Creed really did suck. However, I was fun for awhile. Your gonna report me I dont give a duck's ass. Honestly this site gets really stupid if people start stalking you about reports. God, I even get scared posting maps and forums from guys that hate your balls. Saying your gonna report someone because you miss understanded that person. It's retarded. Exploding Cars you can have this idea. Somehow Im sorta worried that someone's is gonna report me. Besides me and Melt are making an Asset Map Pack. Jumping System What?
    #18 Devil95, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  19. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    First off, the words 'your'. Secondly, I wasn't refering to your gametype, do some research, when I said 6-7 months ago, I literally meant 6-7 MONTHS AGO, it wasnt spycode for 20 MINUTES AGO, a map with and assassins creed gametype had already been made, whether or not it was called assassins creed was a different matter but whenever someone went who wants to play assassins creed, you knew what they meant :) Thirdly, I am calm I just dont like idiots like you flaming for no apparent reason. Fourthly (Is that even a word? I hope it is ive got about 2 more points to go), yeah the version you played was probally made by a 7 year old that saw his brother playing the actual game and decided he would make it. Fithly, im glad you dont give a "ducks ass" (The sayings rats ass btw) because you called me a ****ing retard ;) And last of all, it's people like me that drive people away like you from forums when they act like idiots for no reason, I hope you werent refering to the mods as stalkers? I dont think they see it that way :) Im glad youve given exploding COPYRIGHTZ because I think he will do a damn site better than you would ever do, hes already shown he knows what he is doing, you posted like a 3 line thread.
    I hope you dont take any of this in offense, I just like to make people look like idiots if they insult me :)
  20. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    This ends now or I perm infract.

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