The Lost Circuit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by laxman91, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    The Lost Circuit

    What are you getting out of a track like this?
    If you're looking for a tourney map that will separate the good racers from the bad, here it is. The map consists of sharp turns, and tests your speed control ability. It has no assists, making you in control of everything.

    What is it best for?
    I personally believe it is superb for tournament racing and demo racing.

    Why is the track forged like this?
    You may notice that the forging of this map is not that great, but this is my intention. The "primitive" forging of this track is supposed to fit the theme of an ancient track (and a little bit of my laziness). Also, it is meant to be a little rough, slightly making it harder to race.

    My view on the track
    For those who know me (probably not much on this site), this is probably not what you expect of me. I built this track a while back for fun. But, as miscellaneous as it was, I later found out is what great for normal racing and demo racing. Anyways, I decided to post it, and I hope you all will find it to be fun like I did, despite its basic forging.​


    #1 laxman91, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  2. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
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    wow love this idea! most people are going for the sky bubble these days. Your map is pretty flawless. One comment that isnt that big a deal, u should maybe merge more objects together, particularity the floor on the second level. All in all though great map my friend.
  3. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    even though its basic forging .. this is kinda refreshing , finally a diff. kind of race track. usually everybodys looks the same and its made in the sky bubble on sandbox. and they all have the same basic look. i actaully cant wait to race on it ill get back to u on gameplay.. great job 5/5 for me...i love the curve with the red and blue columns awesome
    #3 twisted gaming1111, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  4. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    That double downhill ramp thing actually looks really fun and this whole map just gave off such a different vibe than the skybubble maps. Although those are really appealing to the eye, they are all the same these days and this is refreshing. You can probably merge the bloacks on the track but it probably doesn't make a huge difference, it might just look better. Nice track!
  5. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Ancient

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    Looks amazing. Good to see somthing in the crypt. I'm not into racetracks but will deffo give this a go.
  6. Blaski45

    Blaski45 Ancient
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    Finally a good racing map that isn't just giant turns! When i think of a racing map mini game, i can only think of Super Mario Carts 64. And all the maps on SMC64 are not giant hills and turns. They are mostly straight, fun maps. I really like to see when my next turn is coming up and your map nails it. I'm gonna have to say this is one of my favorite racing just because it brings back memories! 9.5/10!
  7. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Looks pretty good for basic forging techniques. The only thing I would Suggest is to make a cheat-proof finish line by laying teleporter sender nodes along a smaller destination so that you cannot walk through to get a point and place grav lifts to prevent people from staying on the destination.
  8. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    No criticism, this'll make me look bad but...

    First off, if the last pic is the VIP destination then it is obviously cheatable. Honor rule? I like the style of the map, seems pretty square though. Even though it isn't as good as curves, it adds a little challenge by having it like like. And finally I don't suggest using ramps as...well...ramps. It is a rough transition and it slows you down a bit.

    Don't get me wrong, it is a good map, it just needs to be modified to be cheat proof and smooth.

    Edit:^Beat me too it. Why does everyone seem to beat me to things like this.^
    #8 Ac3Snip3r, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  9. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I ran a few laps, and I really love this track. It's refreshing to see something different. The track looks and feels like Wario's Stadium from Mario Kart 64. Were you going for that?

    Only a couple of issues. Your merging could use some cleaning up, but it's not that big a deal. What is a big deal is that the goal point is cheatable. Put in some grav lifts or a lip of some type to prevent vehicles from getting in backwards, and teleporters to prevent people from getting in backwards. Once you do that, you've got an exellent track.
  10. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    I'm really glad you guys are seeing it the way I see it. I can almost completely agree with what all of you say. I could make it un-cheatable, and I could fix up some merging, as I know I can make clean maps. Perhaps I will spruce it up a bit for a version 2 when I am up to it. I appreciate the comments, thank you!
  11. xVespherx

    xVespherx Ancient

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    Yeah, most people go for the Skybubble nowadays. But its nice to have a change!

    And I really don't care about not having any advanced forging, as long as it doesn't look like you spent 30 seconds on it. But this map looks really smooth, with a great track layout! I like the ascetics you put up on the walls too, they really add to the map! I give you a 4/5.
  12. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    I tried to make a track like this once but it was like a year and a half ago when i sucked at forging. Needless to say you did it much better. The wAy you did the track it kinda feels like a forunner-mariocart race track. My only suggestion is doing a little re-forging to get rid of some of the "lazyness" unless you feel that it adds to the feeling of the track.
  13. Dont Vote Palin

    Dont Vote Palin Ancient

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    Haha, I hated Warrior's Stadium! I always placed last on that track for some reason....
  14. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Ancient
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    Dude yes this is awesome DL for me
  15. brakessk8

    brakessk8 Ancient
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    This is the best racetrack i have seen in the crypt! On rare occasions you see them in the crypt looks great! going to download it now!
  16. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    Thanks a lot everyone! I'm really glad you guys like it, and I'm very surprised with the amount of attention this map is getting. I never expected people to like this map this much. Thanks for the comments and downloads!
  17. saml1997

    saml1997 Ancient
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    the only thing i can suggest is merging the double boxes together to make the map ultra smooth and instead of using ramps use double boxes ghost merged into the ground. other than that, looks great, ima put it on my transfers.
  18. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I really like your map. I havent seen very many race maps that look good in the crypt before, so for that, this is great a definite dl.

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