These are my newest ones, Shadierliam was teaching me an effect, so I'm going to try and improve on these later. Hopefully I'll get something a little better as I work on it more. Well, as of now there aren't any download links because my bungie Pro has been out for a while and I'm completely broke. If anyone would be kind enough to lend me 800 MS points I'd love you forever, but I wouldn't be able to pay you back until after christmas when I get money.
You know that you want to teach me the "Demonic" effect, you shouldn't ignore your conscience. They are nice pictures though. =)
Woah the grassy one is really cool! Its like spartan commando, the other pic has a nice effect but bad placement and such. The bottom pic is like signature good though
Thanks, and yeah, the first one was the effect I was trying to learn so i'm going to go back and try to make it better. i had one from a better angle, but I realized that the elbow of another guy was in the corner of the shot.
showoff i only haz cuban catz.. but he's cool yo. On topic: I love Demonic, it's a new and unique effect. I might die of curiosity as to ho wyou might have taken it. I am not too fond of nature though, I think it would have looked a lot better with some sort of a light source.
I think demonic is awesome, but im pretty sure i know how u did it, and nature's pretty good, but I agree it could use some lighting.
I love them both.The first looks exactly like the red confetti thing.It is the "Fire Room" on Avalanche I believe? And the second is awsome,I like the background.But the viscor is bothering me somehow... Anyways I love the new shots Alec!