WELCOME TO NEW MOMBASA TRAVELER. This is a slayer game inspired by the city New Mombasa in ODST The game type: ODST >> Spawns, (a.k.a. hot drops) you initially from the sky down to the city << (You respawn on the ground to prevent cheap kills from drops.) >> Forces your color to be black << >> Your shields now represent your stamina and they recharge half as fast, however you can grab some OPTICAN (see below) to restore it instantly << >> Your weaker than spartans << Download links below pictures. DOWNLOAD MAP: NEW MOMBASA DOWNLOAD GAME TYPE: ODST DOWNLOAD NEW ASSET VERSION: ASSET: NEW MOMBASA
OK my friend not gona lie. This looks dam amazing, the aesthetic detail is exquisite to say the least. It's seems like a very bad ass ODST map, mb even Asset if you made it to play that game type. This has got to be by far the most detailed remake/inspired ODST map i have seen. Keep up the good work mate it's a dl from me. I'll do a little forge through tommorow and get back at ya, right now im a little to messed up to even play xbox haha.
KEEP IT CLEAN!!! I'm actually rather impressed by your map. Both with the Image add to how the Superintendent imposed your map to another level. If I didn't noticed I would have first though your map was just mainly an Aesthetic map. IF you could give more of a gamplay picture it would help your Dowload, but do not worry. KEEP RIGHT... I'm downloading your map, it is late tonight and I'll play a game most likely tomorrow after noon, the gametype should be explained a bit more. Is it a slayer competitive because most Competitive maps are based on 4v4 regular map setting. If you need to move your map I would suggest you move it to mini- games if that is what your posting. As I bring it up again you made a map I been desiring to make, Assassin, You made my excited... Hope to see more information come around on your over all forge aspects. DO YOUR PART TO KEEP NEW MOMBASA CLEAN!!!...
dude you can make an asset gametipe here just spawn a hornet and put a vip point up in the sky and make brute respawns if you do this it would be so awesome!!!!!!
Wow great job for the main tower and the sluppy case . Thats amazing and very aestetics . You did a really good job for make this map but maybe the effect could disturb the gameplay . maybe ..... I give you a download and a 5/5 .
Looks quite amazing... the radio tower thing in particular is very fun to look at. I will download and look around, it looks great... Also, if you could make it into Asset, that would be neat as well
Aesthetically, great. The FX really makes it feel like night, and good work on the tether, too. Weapons cache and optican are pretty good, but outside of that, how much of the rest of the map is there to fight in? Are there more buildings or tunnels? I'll download it, but I'll have to check later. From what I can see though, 7/10.
Ooooohhh Looks like an awsome map! Nice use of gold pillars i like the forging alex is right if you wanted to you could make a sick asset map out of this!
Haha, that awesome, download for sure. I can't wait to test it. Now, a list of weapons would be very good.
I played your map as as a 2 person ffa. Nice map, first of all. I liked all of the buildings, and me and my adversary ended up using every one. I did enjoy spawning from the ceiling, but it doesn't work. The problem was that once someone died, the person who killed them was easily kill able, because they had been damaged. And if they went for the Custom Power up, they would die even quicker, because that's where the person they just killed reappears. A solution to this would be to have the starting spawns be drop in spawns, but then place normal respawn points around the map. Plus, I think this would utilize the space you've created a little bit more; even with two people, it was hard to make it from building to building without being attacked. That being said, there may have been slightly too much open space. It wasn't usually a problem, but when I got the sniper rifle, even my mediocre sniping skills were enough to get a couple of kills (another reason the spawning should be different). Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts, I enjoyed playing on your map, thanks.
Dude this map is soooo cool and i agree the idea of alextrer it would be so niice if you do a asset map will this!! continue to do forge like that man chow
looks great! and alot like new mombasa! also looks like a great place for infection cuse it looks kind scary. 5/5 ps mabey u should also make a version of CTF for this map
Wow, this is fantastic! I could see some sort of objective gametype tailered for this map. I think the health packs are a really cool idea as well. And that tower is very pretty... =)
After downloading I've seen that it is in fact a very good map, but I have to complain about something: there is a corner that is just TOO empty. You could definitely make a structure there, would make the map way better AND I think if you do that, the map could be featured.
It's a good map, but it didn't really remind me of New Mombasa. Try to make it more general to fit the various aspects of the city, as in Halo 3: ODST.
how did it not? and the budget is maxed and i cant use a glitched budget because then the FX can't be applied, its easy to criticize when you have no idea of how to make it better :/