^ Click to download ^ Finally, the first map of the Judgment Map Pack is released! To all of those to whom it may concern, I'll explain why the release of this took so long. And the first map to be released is the first map that was announced, Drilling Bay, the most tested and most anticipated map of the map pack. You'll have to download the map to see for yourself. It plays great and looks great. Keep in mind that everything on this map was forged BEFORE the release of ghost merging. It would've been a whole lot easier if I'd known about it then... -_-' Now, here are some pictures of the map in action: Watch your back.... Power poots, go! Don't go it alone, soldier. Teamwork! An assasination waiting to happen. It's all about how you hold out. Although the final testing group didn't make it here... if you do survive 2 1/2 minutes on the map, the final area opens up. Note: No ghost merging involved. Once you make it here, you have open access to the Random Weapon Box! *happy face* And, well... that's pretty much it. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Download Drilling Bay here. Download the official Judgment game varient here. Again, I'm really sorry about the incredibly late release. But, be on the look out for two things: The Judgment Guide and more maps. Enjoy the map guys! Expect more to come soon!
ahh well i will as soon as i can dont oyu worry. but it was too late last night to do it and u know i dont play on weekdays. haha me=fail. first thing friday though.
Wow, just wow! Its about time god. I thought I had to wait till next year. This i found the best out of all the maps you tested. F**king Finally. Totally downloading!
Hey MasterDebayter Good Job On the Map I Remmber Playing this with u and others XP amazing map though
Comment FAIL!!!! Lol! I like that the fact that you did this on neither sandbox or foundry. Your concept and layout looks a little too complex, Can i has overview pic plz? Your interlocking and ghost merging looks flawless and I hope that this map shines a light into some forging minds to make more Judgement maps. I hope to see more maps from you... Maybe one on Avalanche? Anyways good job!
i like the way this map flows, one critique is that their should be some more nades. no one likes being without nades for half a match.
The first picture is an overview. But the map is all inside so even the unedited version does you no good in looking for layout No ghost merging was used on this map, but thank you though. Has and have. I will be releasing some more maps after they're probably tweeked and fixed up. Be on the lookout for the other maps too. It used to have nades... but it made things bad... let's just say that... -_-
This is a great map, cant wait for the others, although i have to say out of the ones i played this was my favorite. Its a shame i never survied to see the final area, i will have to download and check it out!
Definetely my favorite judgement map, I love how the game feels on Blackout and it makes the experience feels more real than other judgement maps. Congrats on the job well done.
Well all I can say is that this map looks great! Surely I will DL this so I'll get back on you with the gameplay =D
No i mean a overview of the layout because this is rather confusing to me. All I see in the first pic is your logo and and outside view picture. Oh then I guess I missed that part because I was too busy DLing this.
Oh, now I know what you're saying. Yeah... I can explain it to you... but I can't really show it in a picture. Basically, the map is a linear pathway. It starts in the room with the basket ball hoop. The sword room is blocked off below and BR tower is seperated by a window. You move into the mid level room below BR tower, and then the map winds down the ramp into the bottom story of BR tower. From there, it takes the ramp into sword room. The final area spawns later into the game where the big gap in the back of sword room normally is. That's pretty much how the layout works. I can't really give you a picture showing it though... at least not effectively.
Wow i remember playing this too. I didnt know that you never put it up. but still great map, one of my favorites of all time. its a pretty hard one but its damn fun.(uber ninja attacks from above r win)
ok ok PLEASE who ever posts maps stop using the i did this before ghost merging was out card . I know u want to get more downloads.. but we all know u used it or went back to make it look better and u ghost merged .. we get it ok but map is awesome and u have my dl ..4- 5 for me great map.. ill get bak to ya more after i play on it .... Also remember this do we say bungie you suck just because they use a kick ass pc program to make maps . NO so we dont care if u ghost merge its still takes tallent to get it straight so please stop it people again stop using the i did this before ghost merging was out card.....................even if u did who really cares .. and a friend of mine was doing ghost merging 8 months ago by the way............
Dude your a rookie, you dont know half the things forgehub does. Debayter has been makin maps since you just found out you had a *****. Honestly, lieing, cheating, Ghost Merging who cares if you do anything to make your map good, just as long as you get many downloads and make people go WOW, AWESOME SAUCE and COOL! Dude bullsh*t you knew how to ghostmerge 8 months ago. Now your saying" you can't say you didnt ghost merge on this map but I knew how to 8 months ago.
Are you fricken serious. Ok im a friend of Debayters, and i played this ALOT before he released it. and i happen to know for a fact, that the map has not changed even the slightest since ghost merging has come out. and he says this because i could have made this map in a couple hours now with ghost merging. but he did it the hard way, and i feel bad for him because this probably wont get as much attention as it would've before ghost merging. but its still a kick ass map that all people should DL because its the perfect infection gametype. and i say this mostly because first of all he paid attention to every detail in the gametype to create the materpiece known as judgment. and second, no lunging!!!!!!!!. this map is an accomplishment, by far the greatest map ever on blackout, and one of the funnest infection experiences ive ever had the pleasure to play on.
Well said, brother. Anyway, I'll put it simple: This is one of the best maps ever made. I'm serious. I don't think this map has a single flaw to it. MD, you tweaked this map to perfection in such a way that it's nearly impossible not to enjoy it. I also think Judgment is THE BEST Infection gametype ever. Also, it's simply amazing that you were able to pull this off before ghost-merging. There's no way on earth I could give this map a rating short of 10/10 - it's a perfect map. The map pack's off to a kick-ass start. C'mon guys, LET"S DO THIS!