Banner By R0FLninja If you do not know what asset is, check it out. Put your hands together for rifte gifle The creator of the gametype and guide. Below are important links for creating your asset map, All credit goes to rifte gifle. Guide Links Asset Gametype Explained Building the Maps Asset Map Master List Important LinksImportant map details THUS FAR: 4 HEV drop pods above holdout base. Thanks to rifte gifle for showing me the basics of how to make them. Map is approximately 60% complete Similar to my Sandstone Plaza and rifte gifle's Protocol. 2 more side bases will be added. SO IF THE OVERALL MAP LOOKS LOOK SMALL RIGHT NOW, IT WILL BE MUCH BIGGER IN THE FINISHED PRODUCT. Covenant spawn yet to be started. Covenant will have easy access to the holdout base, lots of spiral stairs will be added, making entry easier and less frustrating for the Covenant. The hole in the roof of the main holdout base (center of picture) houses a blown up hornet at the beggining of game.) Drop Pod system/ How it works. [bungievid]101831869[/bungievid] NOTE: GLOOMY EFFECT IS NOT ON, I GIMPED ALL THE PICTURES.
It looks as if you really put some time into this. This first base looks exceptionally good, with the landing pads and all. The only problem I see is that covenant may assault from behind the base since part of that hill is acessable. You may have already thought of this. The best thing I can think of for this would be to repeat this base along that hillside with catwalks inbetween, then build a wall along the base of the slope above the plateau, and a base above, with bridges and deployable gravlifts as the only acess points. Before I can say anything else I really need to know what general groups of vehicles and weapons you expect to use.
The design looks really interesting, cant wait till its done, if you need testers send me a friend invite.
Thanks guys, they layout was designed with both advantages and sisadvantages for both defending and attacking teams. With the covenant team in mind, i decided to make a lot of spiral staircases for the attackers to climb up, making it easier on the covenant so they dont have to worry so much about getting killed while walking up a steep hill, instead they just take the stairs. @pyro: I highly doubt that the covenant will be able to use the hill the holdout is built on to much advantage, considering they would have to sneak all the way around the base without getting killed. I dont think it'll effect gameplay much, considering the map is not made with Gunnergrunt's and Ell3ment's asset canvas, the hornet spawn time is shorter. @expectedvehiclelist: Covenant: 2 choppers, 1 ghost, 1 banshee, 1 wraith - Humans: 1 destroyed hornet, 1 hornet. Thanks again for the comments guys.
They work really well, rifte, Im surprised they actualy worked better then the first one, but you were rushing, so it doesnt count. Thx for comments.
With your vehicle list in mind, you probably do not need many heavy weapons to defend the front, however, a ghost could quickly acess the back and kill the VIP. I would suggest adding a prowler to the covenant to allow foot soldiers to be carried up. The problem is a prowler could also drop foot soldiers behind the base. The prowler would be necessary if you plan to make this a fight around the base in which case spawns could be farther away, and it would support more people. Otherwise I think this would need to be a fight inside the base because of the time it might take for covenant footsoldiers to walk all the way to the base.
Actually, the problem with prowlers is that they can be hijacked and stolen. Prowlers allow for passengers meaning that if the ODST and Vergil were able to successfully steal the prowler, they could simply drive around a bit till the hornet spawned.
prowler vs. chopper not to mention the other chopper, the banshee, and the wraith think about it Also deserting the base would allow the covenant to capture it, and the floating destination would still not be reached.
ODST + Vergil = Overshields Overshields + fast vehicle with a good turret, insta splatter and rocket passenger = rape Besides; the ODST may have power weapons for the wraiths and what not, and can come back for the hornet at any time. Even if the hornet were to be stolen and destroyed it'd respawn in another 3 more minutes. R0FLninja may not even have banshee nor wraith on this map also.
Damn that base looks good. I can't wait til more pics are released, it really looks like you put a lot of effort into it.
A vid demonstrating the use of the drop pod will be up shortly. Because this drop pod is a little, diferent and more realistic than the other pods. Its really cool. [BUNGIEVID]101831869[/BUNGIEVID]
Is the grav lift necessary for landing? If so that could get annoying if you didn't throw it right and you get splattered. Anyway I like how its unfolding so far. Nice style it reminds me a lot of rifte's map. I love how everyone fell in love with the gametype too.
Agreed. Besides; with the asset gametype you will most likely not die when you drop. If the VIP dies, then there's a problem. But with 4x overshields, I think he's good. In the unlikely case that an ODST dies, nobody is penalised really and it'd be a good laugh.
If this is the vehicle list, a prowler would have quite a bit of trouble surviving until the hornet spawns. If the ODSTs hijacked other vehicles that would be just as much of a problem (virgil can still stand on a wraith) If the covenant lost a number of vehicles to the ODSTs, they would have great trouble in any case. With more vehicles, covenant would also have a greater chance of bringing down hijacked vehicles.
Its mostly for just looking and being more realistic, and I tested it out without grav lifts, 20% of the time, the ODST was injured or killed, and virgils shields were slightly damaged. But it is true to the ODST HEV pod, as the pods in H3 ODST have "parachutes" somewhat. @Given again: All you have to do is look directly down and throw it before you come too close to the ground. The entire drop lasts about 5 seconds, I would suggest throwing the grav lift down at around the 4th second. It works fine and is pretty cool. @Pyro, I didnt really get what you meant, but if you mean that I should have a prowler, the answer is NO. For the reasons rifte said. I have changed my mind about the vehicle spawns. here ya go: 2 ghosts: (1 spawns at 30 seconds, the other at 60) 1 chopper: (spawns at 45 seconds) 1 banshee spawns at 60 seconds)