Toroidal - Symmetrical CTF/TS

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Stevo, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, so after a few tests done and various feedback... I've created a new version (1.4) This has quite a few dramatic changes that will be listed along with supporting a few other gametypes as well as a few extra fixes. This HAS NOT yet been tested, so this is why it is not a v2.0.

    However, with there being so many changes, I cant just rule off this map as finished without the extras being tested. I've also received a few other recommendations for helping the map which might be acted upon.

    Those of you who have played this map, will probably notice the changes straight away. Hopefully, you'll be the ones to test the map again to see if it's improved gameplay or not.

    Gametypes Added NEW!
    • Assault
    • King of the Hill
    • Oddball

    Extra Changes NEW!
    • Only vehicles that remain are four normal Warthogs
    • Cover removed from Fuel Rod wall.
    • Cover added at Active Camoflage
    • Cover added in pit areas
    • Cover extended at Block Angles and Made accessible for vehicles (Basically made it into a ramp so the cover was greater but it doesnt effect vehicular movement as much)
    • Power Drains relocated

    What I'm still considering changing
    • Changing Fuel Rod Gun to a Spartan Laser.

    Please message me if you would like to help test.

    Old Version stuff
    OVERVIEW - Ignore the teleporter, thats only so i could get in the skybox ;)

    ACTIONSHOTS - Few pictures of the tests done earlier today
    (Lol Biggin' myself up here - I HaZ ReCoN)

    Blue Base

    Blue Garage

    A View of Blue Base

    Blue Fin

    Blue Wall

    Centre Piece

    Camo Spawn

    Rocket Spawn

    Grav Hammer

    Red Base View

    #1 Stevo, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The walls make this unlike most sandbox maps. You really need to make more ramps up to the wall, some entirely broken sections, and some that are only half the height. You already waste so many objects on the walls, so why not make them a more playable part of the map.
  3. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map overview looks great but i think you need more cover for a better gameplay . But good job for the overview and still forge good map .
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So far the walls are used a lot. I was going to put up a video from my fileshare of a full game being played to show you all how well it does actually play. The walls have limited ramps up because they are walls, walls are designed to prevent things passing through or over them to the other side. Adding in ramps everywhere and broken points makes the actual wall itself pointless (thanks for the ideas though.. i was thinking of one extra ramp, but so far gameplay says no)

    If your still unsure of how well it works.. would you join the test on saturday? it'll be at 15:00 GMT or 10:00 EST i think...

    Again, i'd have to say no.. The cover option is what makes this work so well. I think if id introduce a sniper rifle to it, i would need more cover. But this map plays like Sandbox AND Blood Gulch. The Sandbox part, is where you can see you enemies but dont have the weapons to kill them without wasting ammo. The Blood Gulch part is the fact vehicles need the space to maneuvre properly and pose a decent enough threat, otherwise they wouldnt be needed, and the wall wouldnt be needed, which would just create another boring 2 base sandbox map.

    But thanks to both of you two and your input. Im hoping you'll both join me in testing?
  5. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm... The wall may cause problems, I suggest making ramps on the outside all around, or just removing the wall. People could camp on the outside.
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ahhh i get what you mean now about camping outside the walls.. the walls are scalable from all sections on the outside because theyre sunk into the dunes.. there are only a few sections that cant be climed up on the outside, but its only a 3 second walk to the nearest scalable part.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not bad so far. I would recommend more cover and making the walls a usable part of the game (I know its been mentioned already). You have just used so many objects on the wall that it kind of becomes a waste.
    Keep up the good work.
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    hmm... nobody seems to be getting this...

    it doesnt need more cover. you can ask any of the following people:

    they've all played this, and none of them mentioned in game the map needs more cover. As i listed above, all the people mentioned in testing was asking for ONE other ramp, they wanted a sniper (but i dont think it would work) and i thought above removing the gauss warthogs... Thats ALL the negative points in testing.

    If no one whos played the map complained there was a lack of cover, why put more cover in? its like fixing something that isnt broken.

    Sorry for moaning, but it seems people aren't even considering this map plays NOTHING like any other sandbox map. Pyro6666 mentioned in the first post this is unlike any other Sandbox map. The walls ARE cover, as well as a pathway and a divider.

    If it helps, i'll add a download link.. you can all download it, and play your own slayer games and multiflag games. and if you all still think it requires cover.. then ill look into it. So far, cover hasnt been mentioned, and it wont be changed.
    #8 Stevo, Nov 30, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2009
  9. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    I actually like this design a lot and it also kinda reminds me of a map im making (2 bases and a wall, pretty simple idea but dw it is going to be a lot different to this.)

    I particularly think your idea of the surrounding wall is great and it sounds like it will work well in stopping people straying far away and ruining the flow of the game so congrats on that idea. I disagree with people saying hes used many objects already on the wall so he might as well intergrate it into the gameplay more. This is NOT the point of the wall as far as I understand. It is simply a method for giving incentive for players to stay closer to the main section of the map which just so happens to provide different gameplay options. I think it is a brilliant idea as this means he doesn't leave it open for people to go right up onto the dunes and get an advantage with BR's or snipers but nor does he have to build a full scale wall to keep the players in the boundaries completely

    good luck with the rest of the map
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks Comis,

    Im not sure if i've mentioned this before but the whole idea of the wall is to be a seperator.

    What the wall Seperates:
    • The wall seperates the "Sandbox" from the dunes. Players who go on the dunes will be challenged more frequently by players on the walls.
    • The walls are the centre point of gameplay for footsoldiers. Respawn points and areas follow the walls, it is rare when there isnt a single person on the wall at all times.
    • The walls sperate vehicles from people and it prevents vehicles from circling the map. The vehicles are somewhat (not completely) trapped inside the Toroidal wall. This makes them easier targets, as their routes are more predictable which slightly evens the odds in vehicular - foot soldier combat.
    • The walls seperate direct lines of sight whilst providing cover and opportunity to get into the enemies base.
    What the open area provides:
    • Clean driving space where not many objects restrict movement.
    • Plenty of power weapons and power ups to get if its worth the risk.
    • Distant views of enemy movement, these enemies arent always in range but this sometimes can help with team strategy

    Thats just so everyone can understand what this map is about and what it can achieve.
  11. redearth

    redearth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I REALLY want to test this. GT... Just look on my profile. Why does everyone post their gamertag if your profile automatically shows it to your left?

    Anyway I'm really looking forward towards this map. I LOVE vehicles, and this is my kind of map! Even if I don't get to test it, I can guarentee a dl.
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks Redearth :)

    I have a test thread running, so i need to get as many people as possible. A 6v6 would be nice :)

    I've added your name to the testers list if thats ok?

    Test Thread
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ill keep it short (on phone). Gameplay is fun on flag, its the strongest gametype for the map. Players run along wall behind cover and sometimes pluck up courage to do a straight flag run across middle. Vehicles add a whole new craziness to the flag gametype. 1 suggestion, block off outside of wall access to vehicles
  14. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ok cheers ben... was that something you thought was too easy during testing?
  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    2 flag caps in like a minute with warthog on outside is way too easy. It was harder to kill them then
  16. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    aye fair point, ill intergrate some blocks in the garage ramps on v1.2 then.

    Might get rid of overshield if budgets low, either that or FRG.
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    gauss warthogs biggest problem is elevation angle when shooting and driving. On a flat surface such as you have in the middle here, the gauss warthog will only have to deal with one angle making it overpowering. The short sightlines here might counter this, but this problem is generally only avoidable by building bumps the warthog is forced to drive over.
  18. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know what you mean, but ideally i want it to be a smooth drive for the warthog (like on standard sandbox) so the vehicle gets used more. I personally think the reason why people dont use the warthogs on sandbox is because they arent evenly matched.. With 2 missle pods and 2 rocket launchers with spare clips means the warthog has to dodge a total of 8 rockets and 16 missles to survive. Which isnt going to happen really. So the warthog passengers need to get at least 2 kills in a small amount of time before using it is worth it, which with the location of those weapons also isnt very likely.

    In my map, ive tried to leave the misslepods in the base (incase players are pinned in by vehicles) and have the rockets off to one side so the vehicles are relatively safe for a small period of time. but the presence of these weapons make it harder for the vehicles to remain useable.

    I did think about bumps originally, it really was lack of budget that stopped me, but after driving around, i think bumps would have made driving too unsmooth for an easy drive.

    Just so you know i had a big specification for the map to fill, and ive considered a lot of it whilst building it...

    Are there any other points you'd like addressing?
  19. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks really cool and unique so far. I'm pretty happy as long as I get to drive so I guess Ill help test. Gamertag: The Psycho Duck
  20. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man, if you look in the TRC test guild, ive made a thread in there for an arranged test date.. If you can make the time and day, just post in there saying your up for it.

    On another note, Had a small test earlier with 3 other people. The map isnt designed for 2v2, but it wasnt bad.

    We Tested:
    • Sniper Rifle = FAIL
    • Fuel Rod Cannon = PASS
    • Warthog Blockers = PASS
    • Warthog Change = PASS

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