
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pyro, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I have an idea for a map which I will fully explain but not tell where it will be built so as not to have the idea stolen (obviously its not skybubble). The focus of the map will be a giant bridge across which the teams fight.
    Idea 1
    Just the bridge with a large number of vehicles and possibly two banshees to mix things up, possibly heavy and possibly UNSC vs. Covenant This would also play like heavy conquest for territories
    Idea 2
    This would be asset (see the thread for more info on the gametype). The ODST would have to bring the asset across the bridge to where the covenant would be to either a VIP destination or to pick up a vehicle to reach the destination. The other idea would be to have ODSTs hold out at their base being attacked by Covenant, until a hornet spawns to escape with the asset.

    Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I have not begun forgeing.
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    sounds like a nice idea but a bridge has been done many times before. i actually have a friend who is working on something similar to what you said.
    If you can make the bridge original and stand out I give you the thumbs to go and make it.
  3. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    I read this thread about half an hour ago and didnt really get what u were trying to say (im very tired).. I just decided to look back at it now and i think i understand what ur getting at.. The 2 idea's are quite nice, especially number 2 (for idea 1 im not sure about how vehicles in conquest would go, but it would be good to see a conquest map that isnt based in tunnels). For idea 2, the bridge must offer something to the gameplay to make it really worthwhile and it needs to make it difficult, competitive and fun for both teams. As Crypto said, a bridge is nothing new and you really need to make it unique and stand out.
  4. HaloIlove

    HaloIlove Ancient
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    i have to agree with Crypto. I do have one idea;
    Pallets. Make a part of the bridge destructible. Say, the top part. Then have a lower level (Looks at narrows!) in which only infantry can cross.
  5. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    The first idea has essentially be done multiple times, so i would suggest Idea 2. It is sort of hard to see what you are talking about but wither idea in 2 would most likely work. I also like HaloILove's idea about a destructible bridge because that has never been done before and will add a little twist to the gameplay.
  6. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    hehe i did it once but decided not release the map due to problems with object limits but oh well..

    I agree that idea 2 is the better idea and i do think u should use destructible bridges as long as you get it to work well.
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I am not sure people are clear on the idea. This will not be like narrows in any way. The bridge will be open, skinnier, have only one level, no railings, and be much longer. Sadly the destructable bridge idea has been done many times before, although I may still use it.
  8. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Wow, December must be bridge month on FH.

    As a guy who tried a long bridge idea, I will give you the advice that others gave me.


    Put in a lot or else the tanks and any air vehicles are going to have too much of a dominating factor.
  9. shinanagins

    shinanagins Ancient
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    Well... Now i have to make a bridge too! I was already thinking of a bridge type of Asset map, so i would suggest that option. I suggest you use small vehicles though, because it wouldnt be all that fun if the odst's had a tank, but imagine a small fleet of mongoose's (Spelling Error?) dodging the covenant on a long narrow bridge. ...*Jumps into forge*
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This gives me a great idea...
    If we can get a moderator or loyal to host the best map might be featured. Otherwise I will host. Build a bridge, on any map, for any gametype, due date possibly new years day.

    If a moderator would endorse this that would be great; I might start a full thread tomorrow.
  11. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Cool! A contest? Works for me (yes, I'm just saying that because my map is about 60% done).
  12. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    So your idea for a map is a long, skinny open, bridge without rails? That could be done in less than 5 minutes. If you are interlocking, maybe 15 tops.

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